Archive for the 'climate change' Category




It comes to one at the oddest of times, to glimpse to a future beyond imaginations find, but left to those whom choose not to be blind, and find it crystal clear in seeing, if inclined: 

Open door with unlocking key,

Brave to what lay before to see:

A mystical miracle, that may be?

Only for those with mind as me?

Turbulent times ahead to breathe,

Skies above clouded do agree:

The darkness within to seed,

The anxiety made to painfully bleed.

To what end is meant to prevail,

Gloom of death, or joy to wale?

Time is the virtue given to hail,

Humankind’s existence, or to curtail?

We are without doubt living in tumultuous times, the upheaval of all the norms we have become comfortable by which to co-exist; laid bare for dissemination and re-examination to their appropriateness of application, or want for a revisionist determination, regardless of impact to ruination. 

The wilful opening Pandora’s Box to Humanity’s Codex will only serve to end in disaster for the species continued co-existence on this planet already poised for environmental self-destruction stemming form confluence of cosmic, and natural cyclical phenomenon’s transgressions.    

For those whom in the end prevail will retrospectively witness the folly that brought to bare the scorched bones of what once was, and left to reconstitute in manner to obviate that which brought their struggles to bare.  

No beginning is void of an end, to yet begin again!

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They among the global population whom speak of human history as though it must be sanitized; to deny the pain history has inflicted upon humanity through the ages; naively, or purposely ignorant to Reality: without Pain, there is NO GAIN!

But more significant to this presence: those among the global community whom pacify the vocal minority body demanding this paradigm–shift, must deny this happening before an atrocity makes its way.

The ongoing delineation, dissemination  of language, particularly in Western Culture in the sphere of social-sexual-moral-gender-racial-political– etc., cultural identity is taking daily conversation down the preverbal rabbit-hole!

It should be clear to any rational observer that Humanity, increasingly affected by this growing discourse is pursuing a trajectory toward chaos, and potential civil-unrest. A development made most evident with the advent of DONALD J. TRUMP; first as presidential candidate, then exponentially when elected 48th President. He should not be deemed a cause, but more the impetus fueled by general discontent in all strata of American populace save for that of the Wealthy!

It might go down in `history’ as a matter of there being a powder-keg’s fuse, waiting to be lit; and Donald just happened to be the lit torch!

This growing crisis of disruption to social-institutional norms is unprecedented since the 20th and now, 21st century for the majority of Western Culture countries. Evidence to this being the case: the growing cry for Nationalism and Racial identity; independent State-hood; termination of global-unity/alliance agreements such as NATO, BREXIT, the dissolution of the European-Union, etc..  The demonstration cry voiced by bands of primarily, young-White members of the global community of western, allied countries.

Pervasive distrust of all the sources and medium of information communications seems to be surpassing the critical-point of no return. Skepticism virally affects any opportunity to gain consensus to that being as true versus false. Rendering remedy for solution highly questionable to attain especially given the diversity, scope, and spectrum of any topic of social discourse.

Of course this gives ample fodder to foes of allied western countries. Through false information and directed propaganda circulated on all forms of pervasive, and highly consumed social media platforms they can easily infuse themselves as accelerant to the current brush fires of discontent, with hopes they will incite violent rage of destruction. And significantly: distraction!

There is no reasonable observable conclusion to this growing condition save for that future historical accounts will ideally speak to clearly; however, in the mean time: keep eyes and ears open to the discourse in order to know when it will be appropriate to DUCK for COVER!

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Where Have I been?



It has been some time since posting to NAYKD POET, not for lack of want, but truly, finding little that is positive to inspire expression; what ever the topic, and/or, medium of communication conveyance.

This tumultuous era, as a collective: Humanity, we are now experiencing, by my armature examination, is a culmination, in fact a collision, of the facets that constitute the infra-structure of society: civil or unruly.

The basic, principle category components: Science, Religion, Politics, Finance/Economics, Nationalist Culture, Sexuality, Genetics, Technology(ies); all being, presently, challenged to their relevancy, to the individual, and as a collective. The latter being discriminated into groups, or tribes, defined by such criteria, resulting in a matrix of potential, conflicting beliefs, truths, and acceptance.

And, not unlike the trauma imposed upon global humanity during historic revolutionary changes in human development, duly categorized as the: Stone-age, Iron-age, Industrial-age, and now, the Information-age; this latter period likely to be the most daunting to lapse into a state of manageable, universal conformity.

The exponential presence, and societal relevance, of Internet communications, the portable devices making possible instant communication: text, voice, video, are contributing to a climatic change; the temper(ature) of tolerance: capably, willingly assumed, without direct imposition by a ruling-class.  When a true, scalable instance of expression, within moments of happening can culminate in violent riot, or the saving of a life, simultaneously witnessed, and responded to, by every globally connected individual, instantly.

The diversity of viewpoint, opinion, on virtually any topic of free expression, or conflation of information, has manifest a vital opportunity, but at the steep cost of credulity: who, or what, to believe to be true, honest, and factual. 

What the Information-age appears to have most successfully achieve, to date, is to expose how dangerously disruptive diverse beliefs, and allegiances, to the definable, basic component structures that form an evolving human presence on Earth can be.  And, unfortunately, with the ever expanding web of virtual influence of information technologies; matters have greater promise of unbridled upheaval and disenfranchisement.

Not a happy, nor positive projection of time to come; but, awareness to this potential, to this mind, will serve well to temper what ever storm is yet to erupt.

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ENIGMA: ‘a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand’

Trump World

Could this definition not be applied to the 45th President of the United States: Donald J. Trump?

Even long before Trump pronounced his candidacy, he was portrayed as one whose achievements in business, finance, and personal life, bellied all sense of reason, justification, and rationality in light of the norms most professionals, and the general public of all strata, have been accustomed to believe.

Since his official inauguration, he has successfully pursued the implementation of a significant portion of his electoral platform promises, be it through executive orders, to the more recent contentious matter: with the support of a Republican Congress and Senate, to nominate and approve Brat Kavanaugh as the ninth Supreme Court Judge solidifying a conservative weighted Court Bench for decades to come. All this with no seemingly clear and comprehensive plan or strategy, or so it is thought.

Again, since his official inauguration, the focus of the official, Democrat opposition in both the House, the Senate, and the broader mainstream media, with the exception of FOX News Channel, have set their ambitions to find means to impeach Trump on a variety of charges stemming from influence of Russian meddling and collusion by senior members of his 2016 campaign team; tax evasion and avoidance hallmarked by his reluctance to release his personal and business prior year tax returns; and personal sex scandal with a porn-star and other women.  Their collective goal, at minimum, being to conjure enough suspicion and negative accusation on these contentious issues, unresolved though they may be prior to the Mid-term election of November 6, 2018, will embolden Democrats, independents and non-affiliate members of the public to take back either or both, the Senate and House of Congress, to enable the pursuance of impeachment and, ideally, repealing of legislation of regulations enacted through executive orders.

Is it possible those of all stripes who have voiced their concern, and opposition, over the measures taken, to date, by the Trump Administration, domestically, and possibly more critically, on matters of foreign policy and national security, are being measurably, and strategically, mislead?

An eye-opening encounter with a talk given to a predominately white, middle to upper class, right-leaning audience of elderly, men and women by Victor Davis Hanson, the Wayne and Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a professor of classics emeritus at California State University, Fresno [], wherein he details the conditions that led to the electing of a president, unlike any of his predecessors, as is Donald J. Trump. But, possibly more importantly, the identifying and detailing of the strategy to be employed by his Administration to intentionally respond to those conditions on both the domestic and international stage.

The title to this strategy: Principled Realism.

Principled Realism is a national security paper authored by H. R. McMaster, former National Security Adviser, recently replaced by John Bolton, published in December, 2017.

The symbolism of a change to a policy that now embraces our values was richly expressed by U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart: “We will no longer have to witness the embarrassing spectacle of an American president doing the wave at a baseball game with a ruthless dictator.”


Idealism holds that the purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to advance American values by fomenting freedom and democracy throughout the world. The ultimate goal of Idealism is to bring about a just and peaceful world by ending tyrannies. In the idealist view, the United States should engage in humanitarian missions, military interventions, and nation building, to advance this goal. Idealists believe that U.S. foreign policy should not be determined by what is best for the United States, but by what is, morally, the right thing to do.

In contrast, Realism holds that the purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to secure America’s national interest. Realists believe that moral principles are incompatible with the protection of our national interest. Interests come before values, and U.S. foreign policy should set aside moral considerations, and focus on whatever works.”[]

Trump’s Administration strategy as detailed in McMaster’s published policy paper is neither of these two, previously held foreign policy objectives.. No longer will the United States foreign policies and/or interventions be premised, or measured, on the historic strategy of being the global watchdog and purveyor of democratic tendencies, but rather, on the practical approach to international developments focusing on their direct impact on the economic and national security interests and concerns of the American Peoples, solely.

Principled realism opens up diplomatic possibilities anchored on the intersection of our values and our interests. President Trump’s foreign policy will not be one that puts fear in the minds of oppressive regimes as some had hoped. Dictatorships offend our values, but not necessarily our national interests.[]

 So it would seem, with `eyes wide shut’, while the Democrat establishment incumbents and supporters, the liberal-leaning on-screen mainstream media and entertainment industry, and political pundits exhaust their efforts to bring down the man: Donald J. Trump; through his folly, embarrassing tweets, and public rally displays as a bombastic idiot, his Cabinet team is stealthfully implementing the doctrines, through legislative policy, of measured principled realism.

To appreciate, and possibly decide the what, where, why, and how this strategy just might have a foresight beyond most to currently understand, view this informative, video conference presentation given by Peter Zeihan, a geopolitical strategist who specializes in global energy, demographics and security in February, 2018:





The Millennial Challenge: Survival of the Species?

As the title infers, the present course of humanity on the planet is destined toward destruction: self-annihilation.  Whether this unwelcome end is manifest by the disastrous effects of climate-change or, equally as bad and potential: thermal nuclear war and the nuclear winter that will ensue.

Regardless of the mechanism, to thwart such potential happening, if there is a solution to be had, it is the Millennial generation, to this current epoch, to take affirmative and permanent action to manifest it.

Inspiring such a movement is Vice documentary production titled: `The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy’ ( hosted by Jeremy Rifkin, American economic and social theorist, writer, public speaker, political adviser, and activist, who addresses an American audience of several millennial age men and women, detailing what amounts to a challenging road map to usher in a new economic system. A system presently hinting its way into the lexicon by way of such words as `block-chain’; `share-economy’; bio-system economy’; etc..

The hour and half is stark in Rifkin’s picture painted of the present state of global and earthly affairs detailed by the chronology of events initiated from the start of the 1st industrial revolution, through the second, and to where matters stand today. And the picture is not pretty nor is to where, if matters do not change dramatically, and soon, things are determined to get much worse.

What is clearly evident by way of Rifkin’s presentation; the European Union countries, led by example of Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel; and, China’s President, Xi Jinping; are leading their respective countries through revolutionary policy changes clearly established to lead them on the path to what he refers to as the `third industrial revolution’. And, simultaneously, asks: `where is the United States on this important issue?. And further, for that matter, by extension: all of North America and remaining regions of the world to address what is essentially a global problem demanding a global solution.

It is almost an imperative that those comprising the Millennial generation, supported by those of all previous generations, to watch, listen and respond to what Jeremy Rifkin details in this very informative and inspiring documentary.

In the United States, Millennials will have the opportunity to institute affirmative action by voting in the upcoming mid-term, November 2018 election to draft a new body of legislators, Senators and Congressman. Those acknowledged to be pro-active in the challenges, not solely on matters of climate-change, but too, a heightened awareness of the role smart technologies and systems of value exchange such as block-chain and crypto-currency/asset value exchange; AI infra-structure and autonomous technologies; construct of the share-economy, to ignite a new era of human r-evolution:`The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy’.

In keeping with my typical voice being expressed in poetry; the following is a poem written early in 2010 acknowledging the state of matters then, that, eight years later, seems most appropriate to express in context of the revolution humanity is upon the threshold to embark:

R-evolution of Human-kind 

Only a handful of the world’s people are in the know

And what evil doings they do sow

And from it the hatred amongst all does grow

Question to be answered: What is their game?

And from it: What is the gain?

And by it: Who ultimately does the pain?

The saga of this siege has long been played

The life and blood of the masses is the price paid

When does it stop – when does it go away?

Populations of people are all getting smarter

No longer will they serve as the elite’s fodder

The uprising to come will undo this ongoing slaughter

A cataclysm will it take to break the slave chain

Only then will the people of the world take back their rightful claim

With actions taken to see it never happens again!

(Naykdpoet 2010)


Future by Hollywood?



Humanity is fast approaching the second decade of this 21st century at such speed, if measured by the advancements in computer hardware and software technologies manifesting as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics at the heart of it, its beyond the speed of light.

No where is this to be more evident then that which comes from the fantastical mind-creations of  screenplay writers; directors and legions of CGI special-effects artists; editors and, ironically to a lesser degree, flesh and blood Actors.

To witness a sampling of what Hollywood has in store for 2018 and beyond; a fictional projection of a fantastical, and potentially dystopian, future world can be had here (it is a playlist of trailers of 2018 release movies).

The series of upcoming movies from award-winning directors such as Stephen Spielberg and David Cameron, and multi-million production budgets, they do not hold back on their portrayal of what the future has in store for humanity. Unfortunately today, such exposes need the drama of death and destruction, but at the heart of each screenplay, is a potential truth, one day, we may all have to face.




To better understand and comprehend the world as we are coming to know it, the reason for what is evolving, one need look at the history to what makes it so; and this comprehensive BBC documentary is a good start to that end:


Global Truth & Reconciliation: `I’m Tired of Being Lied To’


It is common awareness that a `Lie’, related to any matter of subject or condition, only serves to perpetuate more lying to protect the fact a lie has been perpetrated.

This condition eventually leads to establishing a `Secret’ to protect they who initiated the original lie. Eventually, this leads to conflict between those who become aware of the lie perpetuated versus those who protect the condition of the presence of a lie. For Nations, this generally falls under the classification of `National Security’.

Over the centuries the lies compounded upon lies has manifest to a present state where any subject pertaining to Human existence and the historical conditions from and which it has evolved to this the 21st century become subject to questioning debate.

Unfortunately, the select few who have assumed themselves to be the `rightful holders and protectors to the truth’ to the lies perpetrated over the centuries; fear for the level of anger and hostility that would ensue and foisted upon them by the Peoples of the World were, at this late date, said `truths’ be divulged.

It is with a high degree of certainty that many millions of lives have suffered and lost for the sole purpose and reason: to protect the many critical lies that comprises Human History.

But, this can no longer be tolerated.

All the Peoples of the World must finally rise up and take a stand against centuries of tyranny wrongly imposed upon them, at great cost of human suffering and debasement, by only a very few, select elite families and their political minions. Generations-old establishment that have constructively and strategically, for their own enrichment and empowerment, taken exclusive control to `Knowledge of Human Origins and Antiquity’ that are the rightful property of all Peoples. From ancient history and origins of our species to the purported interventions of `other world’ entities and all relevant matters in-between.

A global `Truth and Reconciliation’ event under the auspices of a Peoples United Nations must be demanded. A year long event where `secrets’ long held from Humanity be openly and unequivocally divulged; brought into the light of day.

`Truth and Reconciliation: A truth commission or truth and reconciliation commission is a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing by a government (or, depending on the circumstances, non-state actors also), in the hope of resolving conflict left over from the past.’

Finally, a loud and vocal revolution, here as yet to be experienced, of seismic proportions is essential to bring a final end to the conflict and suffering common humanity has long and wrongfully endured; to chart a new course allowing for it to finally evolve and prosper well into this 21st Century and beyond. Failure to do so will assuredly lead to its ultimate, unnecessary demise.


Last Human Standing


world divide

This poem, originally written back in 2012 in response to social and geopolitical issues occurring at that tumultuous time, upon review, seems more appropriate to the current state of world affairs with the inauguration of the 45th President Donald J. Trump. 

Unlike the fears garnered when the poem was first written; what seems poised on the horizon to erupt, due to increased nationalism not only in the United States but across Western Europe, should instill a true sense foreboding reminiscent of the pre-World War II era.

Unfortunately, humanity once again appears to fall victim to the machinations of the pathological designs of true power: 

Last Human Standing

Falling deeper into the abyss of our making
This life on Earth seems forsaken
Though remedy of solution viably in-hand
But ignored, for reasons becoming clearer to understand

Global power held by the unseen elite
Are determined to manifest humanity’s defeat
They will not rest until their destructive plan is complete
Instigated with common people fighting each other in the street

Economic collapse is their efficient tool to instigate
Knowing empty belles’ are much easier to infuriate
Whilst poised in their ivory towers left to masturbate
While goon-squad militarized police, the uprisings, mitigate

It would take a fool’s mind not to see what is happening
The civilized structure of the last hundred years is set for collapsing
Then by their design a New Order for civilization is ready for hatching
To render a commoner’s life to impoverishment by servitude, ever-lasting

These are not words to echo the cry of humanity’s impending defeat
It is a call to recognize what is about to come and its receipt
Demanding if it is to happen – common people take their stand on the street
Poised ready to fight until the last Human standing on their feet


If this poem resonates with you please explore others written in the same vain as well, several poems of a more entertaining and humorous note. Thank you.

Please feel free, too, to let me know what you think by dropping me your comments to:


What A Mess


Reviewing my library of poems written over the past several years it is astonishing how they unequivocally relate to our current times. The irony, I would presume, lies in the knowledge that the poem was written reflecting upon issues of the time; 2009 to be exact, yet readily still apply to conditions unfolding today. Thus giving credence to the conclusion offered at the end of this poem. 

What A Mess

Have I finally succumb?  After years of exploring, investigating, researching, what ever you want to call it, of all things political, religious, sociological, economic, scientific, metaphysical, paranormal, etc, etc, I have come to a conclusion: WE ARE FUCKED!

Since time began humanity has been on the climatic path to a calamitous end it has long anticipated yet has been cultivated to lack the innate intelligence to fully recognize its presence when it inevitably stares them in the proverbial face.

A proliferation of differing perspectives on everything from the origins of our presence on this planet to the question of whether our reality is, in fact, REAL!  And a more pervasive confluence of idea relates to the prospects of our future, continued existence.

A distracting spectrum of opinions as to our future existence has developed incorporating ideas ranging from annihilation due to planetary bodies colliding with Earth in 2012 to global pandemics brought on by drug-resistant strains of bacteria to succumbing to dominance by interstellar beings with mind controlling powers.

Now to complicate the stress all these uncertainties are inflicting upon humanity there is the looming doom, the gloom, and foreboding of a global financial crisis to which a significant part of the industrialized world’s population has no idea of how to survive.  The cultivated dependence on a collapsing infrastructure of social safety nets and social support systems will only lead to further chaos and strife.

The advent of the Internet has spawned a myriad of rationalization of truth to causes and effect and the avocation to their solution for survival against the countless sources to the demise of humanity and modern civilization as have developed to date, only adds to the confusion and chaos that is permeating the world

The conditions are ripe for self proclaimed guru’s, prophets and other like-minded personalities to advocate their solution(s) to these real and perceived problems to rise up to take advantage of the thousands of souls that have been coddled in the delusion of being `cared for’ or the belief – faith in divinity that will conquer all man-made hardship.

Frankly, were there to exist a RESTART BUTTON that would absolve this planet of this corrupt humanity that has evolved upon it – NOW would be the time for that BIG FINGER in the sky to just PUSH IT!

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