Posts Tagged ‘politics


NATO: Itching for a Fight?

Anyone with their ear to the `grind-stone’ has to be aware something ominous is brewing.

Tensions globally are ever increasing given the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has elevated the all-present fractures between Western Allied Nations and Eastern Alliance Nations stemming from the Ukraine-Russia conflict since February 2019.

Compounding these powder-keg situations is the National elections for many of the Countries involved resulting in potential changes stemming from changes to their leadership; raising the level of uncertainty as to foreign policy decisions post these crucial elections.

These elevated risks are made visible by mounting rhetoric concerning military readiness and the need for escalated recruitment efforts including potential conscription measures pronounced by major NATO member countries, and not to the exclusion of newest applicants Sweden and Finland.

As proof to the seriousness of the situation NATO’s planned war-game ominously titled: STEADFAST DEFENDER 24 referred to as the largest planned exercise in decades.


These tensions are not being ignored by European nations and the call for readiness loud and visible to those whom wish to take notice: ”British Army veteran Robert Clark issued a stern warning for the United Kingdom and Europe in a recent column published by The Telegraph.”


At this point the question that need be asked: `On what basis is this heightened `war stance’ rhetoric founded, and which Country, or Countries is the true instigator, and to what conceivable end?

To fully comprehend the situation at this stage of the gamesmanship being played on the geopolitical stage demands a review as far back as 2004 to current day. Suffice it to say the principles players led by the United States include NATO member Nations [Sweden, Finland], Ukraine, Russia and its regional allies.

As would be obvious Russia, from the Western perspective, is deemed the `Enemy’ to be reckoned with given fear a victory with Ukraine affords Vladimir Putin opportunity to fulfill his perceived but not confirmed ambitions, to re-establish the former Soviet State Nation. Of course this could only be accomplished by a full-scale conflict with NATO member States.  Link: Ukraine War: Three ways the Conflict Could Go 2024 [].

The US defense aid package is held hostage by what President Biden rightly labeled “petty politics” in Washington. And the future of the EU’s economic aid is seemingly dependent on Hungary’s incongruous stance.

Hesitation in the West’s capitals has emboldened Putin. His recent public appearances and defiant statements demonstrate that as far as he is concerned, Russia is in this for the long haul.”

As stated above, to fully comprehend these statements it is essential to understand who is the aggressor in these matters, and to do so, some historical perspective is necessary:

To this end: the collapse of the former Soviet Union came about with the understanding by formal agreement with then Soviet leader  Mikhail Gorbachev [1985 to 1991] and President Ronald Reagan’ Administration entered into formal agreement to limit NATO expansion toward the western border of then Soviet Union, now Russia:

Link: ”Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and WoernerSlavic Studies Panel Addresses “Who Promised What to Whom on NATO Expansion?”[]

NOTE: The following POLITIFACT `fact check’ refutes the truth to such agreement having taken place as claimed by Candace Owens article on the subject:

The pursuance of Ukraine as a potential member to NATO commencing as far back as 2004, in contravention to the established, historical agreement is the source to the conflict being engaged; essentially a United States proxy war with Russia. This to be exacerbated by the addition of Sweden and Finland to the NATO roster essentially creating a lethal military front on the western border to Putin’s Russia.    

In truth, there are several vectors by which global conflict can erupt; each with their `fuse’ ready to be lit. History has proven time and again: they whom cry the loudest for peace, most often are the perpetrators to the conflict.

In the end, ultimately, there are no winners! Centuries of pain and suffering inflicted upon a global citizenry is simply due to the psychopathic ambitions of those in leadership to nations, and the mindless minions whom do their murderous biddings.

Unfortunately, what has significant potential to unfold is this time, no different!

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And What Might Be In Store?

The last decade has experienced considerable tumultuous upheaval, the pivotal moment being the election of 2016; the 45th United States Presidency of Donald J. Trump.

Arguably, the notion of `Conspiracy Theory’ in the 21st Century zeitgeist has to be the attack on the World Trade Center complex September 11, 2001(a.k.a.:9-11). To this day, just over twenty-two years later, the idea that 9-11 was the contrived plot executed by thirteen Islamic terrorists armed with just `box cutters’ is still contentious. That they were able to high-jack in broad day light, four commercial airliners and evade all high-tech security systems and the global, real-time surveillance of North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) being the fodder that fuels the hypothesis of many a conspiracy theorist.

However, given the advent of the Internet, and more sophisticated platforms by which to upload, and access information in all variety of format; makes possible a deeper dive into history of not decades, but centuries to discover many such events that raise suspicion to their circumstance and outcomes. An Internet search prompted by `keywords’ reflective of the subject in question will derive a cornucopia of textual, and video responses either confirming or contradicting the `official historical record’ of the event(s) being examined.

To date, though not an exhaustive listing, the major topics of intrigue is related to a confluence of the global and national financial currency structures; historical dynastic political governance and social orders; origins of prominent Religious Orders and Institutions, and comparable topics. The pursuance of these being primarily driven by contemporary events seemingly inflicted/influence by their occurrence over the time of human history.

Unfortunately, given the desperate nature to the reporting, recording of these historical events over a significant period of time, it impedes the ability to compose a comprehensive `picture’ reflective of their important inter-relationship to derive a reasonable hypothesis to outcome. This fact further compounded by much of the information garnered labeled: ‘conspiracy theory’.

Global Humanity having just crossed the threshold to Year 2024; it being marshaled in by three prior years of social, political, and financial disorder derived from the viral pandemic and related vaccine controversy, conflict of war in Europe and Middle East, Climate Change weather phenomenon, and more, contributing to global and national instability. Understandably, such has given rise to many conspiracy theories questioning the nature of contributing influences, the known and secretive power groups, and the known and potentially contrived objectives to where it leads, and to what human cost going forward.

Paramount to these concerns; these major, and in most instances catastrophic events have catalyzed the influence of unelected, non-governmental organizations (N.G.O.’s), philanthropic foundations, and World governing Organizations under the auspicious of the United Nations (UN). The danger arising from such structured influences is their ability to subvert nationally elected governance into adopting policies and agreements to supersede constitutional edicts of their sovereign nations to the detriment and freedom of their populace.

As alluded to above; the desperate nature of historical, global events and the intervening factors: human and non-human by their presence, is to give rise to the ultimate `conspiracy theory’ as to where humanity resides, and begs for attempts to `connect the dots’ of the historical contribution/ors to what may be forthcoming in Year 2024 and hereafter.

The vectors of most known influence in the coming months of 2024 are as follows:

    Major National Elections: Russia, India, European Union, and United States [];

    Unresolved Conflicts: Ukraine (NATO) vs Russia; Israel vs Hamas (Middle East Nations) []; []

    United States vs China tensions over Taiwan Sovereignty  [];

    Continued Pandemic and Vaccine Restrictions by World Health Organization (W.H.O.) [];

    Global & National Financial Collapse & implementation of Central Bank Digital Currency [];

    Global & National implementation of Individual Digital Identification Policies [];

    Climate Change Net Zero Policies & Carbon Tax policy influence of N.G.O.’s impacting Global and National Agriculture and Farming Policies [];

    Global & National Policy “Great Reset 2030” influenced by World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) and Powerful Financial and Corporate Globalist [];

    Cyber Security: Risks of National Infrastructures being Hacked by terrorist [ and];

    Mass Human Migration and Immigration Policy affecting Border Policies [];

    Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and its dissemination into the public forum [];

    Dismantling the aura of the Global Elite through scandal of sexual impropriety []; 

and, too many more lessor conditions to list. However, the potential outcome of any one vector is subject to confluence of them all. Too, of concern and of equal importance are the `unknowns’: `BLACK SWAN’ events. 

“A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.” []

It should be noted too that each of the vectors listed are replete with their own, and in many cases several `conspiracy theory’ hypothesizing their origin story, potential outcome, and all in-between.

What follows are links to various video presentations that could fall to the category of `conspiracy theory’ addressing topics historical in origin, with potentially, contemporary involvement and/or influence:

This video speaks to historical and present political power Elites and their nefarious involvement while directing the human zeitgeist:

This video speaks to the historical and present influence of the Global Elite and Corporate Globalists through the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization “Great Reset 2030 Agenda”:

This video speaks to the historical and present influence of Secret Societies and their Covenant to control the direction of Human evolution and their power to influence its direction:

This video speaks to dismantling the aura of the Global Elites mired in sexual scandal and its impact on National and Global politics:

This video speaks to the potential influence on Humanity through advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics:

This video speaks to the potential for crisis arising from cyber hacking of national infrastructure leading to social collapse as portrayed in movie titled “Leave the World Behind” made conspiratorial due to its Executive Producer being Berrak & Michelle Obama:

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It has been a while since posting an article; however, given what is currently transpiring in the United States with respect to the impending potential of an Impeachment of President Donald Trump, and increasing potential of a Senate trial; I thought it worthy to express my opinion on what may lay ahead as the November 3rd, 2020 looms large. And, the potential implications for the rest of the free world in light of it.


Since the inception of this 21st millennium, the Planet has been in turmoil. The sources: too many to chronicle save to say many lives, innocent humans, have egregiously suffered, or worse: Died.

Now, at the threshold to the birth of the next, the third decade to this Century; and the Planet has moved even deeper into the darkness, proceeding down the path to conflict. The precursors to this deadly conclusion are self-evident to they who wish to observe. The rest will suffer the shock of their ignorance, as those of past epoch, have so fallen.

Like a spiral unwinding of all that came before; civil order unravels, exposing its flaws masked over by progress of that which is built, to what is coming. Where the faults to blame, whether they be a premeditation to a want outcome, or purely accident of cause to consequence, seem irrelevant. Their fate are being unleashed.

Nations, large and small, are present to this same discomfort being victim to the charted, progressing course, energized by meaning of unexpectedly, ill-defined purpose. The confusion these developments garnered allowed for the sense of national insecurity, fanned by events beyond their shores, innocent to, yet through, passive/aggressive acquiescence to what was put before them.

The fuse, to ignite the powder-keg of global discontent, has been in process of its making since the start of the 2nd decade of this century; and now, approaching its end, the conditions are set, and ready, for its explosive, energy, spark!

One by one, the gate-keepers to rational investment of reason to conditional compromise, basis of historical rise to civility’s fragile organization, are being displaced. Their message to caution expunged from station of credence by a seemingly corrupt power, fueled by ignorance beyond self-indulgence of knowing their harmful consequences.

At large, and increasingly defining the track of this current, global unwinding course, residing in North America: the United States, the leading, global power, now, since 2017, is embarking upon the process of deconstructing the foundational, pillar structures upon which its dominance, as a global force since 1950, are founded.

Crisis is at hand, driven by the wedge of differences, hammered between factions of every description, premised and promised, by the algorithm design paradigm: divide and conquer ; to defeat an impediment to reward.

The falsehood of democracy as being an equal, unequivocally shared power to the masses, is gaining its dominance of being a truth.

Engineered politics being employed to maintain a stronghold, impervious to the reaches of constitutional laws, state, or importantly: federal.

NOVEMBER 4TH ,2020 is to be an eventful, historic day: heralding in a politic with potential to forever change the face humanity on the Planet: the potential fuse to the keg!




Where Have I been?



It has been some time since posting to NAYKD POET, not for lack of want, but truly, finding little that is positive to inspire expression; what ever the topic, and/or, medium of communication conveyance.

This tumultuous era, as a collective: Humanity, we are now experiencing, by my armature examination, is a culmination, in fact a collision, of the facets that constitute the infra-structure of society: civil or unruly.

The basic, principle category components: Science, Religion, Politics, Finance/Economics, Nationalist Culture, Sexuality, Genetics, Technology(ies); all being, presently, challenged to their relevancy, to the individual, and as a collective. The latter being discriminated into groups, or tribes, defined by such criteria, resulting in a matrix of potential, conflicting beliefs, truths, and acceptance.

And, not unlike the trauma imposed upon global humanity during historic revolutionary changes in human development, duly categorized as the: Stone-age, Iron-age, Industrial-age, and now, the Information-age; this latter period likely to be the most daunting to lapse into a state of manageable, universal conformity.

The exponential presence, and societal relevance, of Internet communications, the portable devices making possible instant communication: text, voice, video, are contributing to a climatic change; the temper(ature) of tolerance: capably, willingly assumed, without direct imposition by a ruling-class.  When a true, scalable instance of expression, within moments of happening can culminate in violent riot, or the saving of a life, simultaneously witnessed, and responded to, by every globally connected individual, instantly.

The diversity of viewpoint, opinion, on virtually any topic of free expression, or conflation of information, has manifest a vital opportunity, but at the steep cost of credulity: who, or what, to believe to be true, honest, and factual. 

What the Information-age appears to have most successfully achieve, to date, is to expose how dangerously disruptive diverse beliefs, and allegiances, to the definable, basic component structures that form an evolving human presence on Earth can be.  And, unfortunately, with the ever expanding web of virtual influence of information technologies; matters have greater promise of unbridled upheaval and disenfranchisement.

Not a happy, nor positive projection of time to come; but, awareness to this potential, to this mind, will serve well to temper what ever storm is yet to erupt.

Comments Welcomed:




Since the inception of this 21st millennium, the Planet has been in turmoil. The sources: too many to chronicle save to say many lives, innocent humans, have egregiously suffered, or worse: Died.

Now, at the threshold to the birth of the next, the third decade to this Century; and the Planet has moved even deeper into the darkness, proceeding down the path to conflict. The precursors to this deadly conclusion are self-evident to they who wish to observe. The rest will suffer the shock of their ignorance, as those of past epoch, have so fallen.

Like a spiral unwinding of all that came before; civil order unravels, exposing its flaws masked over by progress of that which is built, to what is coming. Where the faults to blame, whether they be a premeditation to a want outcome, or purely accident of cause to consequence, seem irrelevant. Their fate are being unleashed.

Nations, large and small, are present to this same discomfort being victim to the charted, progressing course, energized by meaning of unexpectedly, ill-defined purpose. The confusion these developments garnered allowed for the sense of national insecurity, fanned by events beyond their shores, innocent to, yet through, passive/aggressive acquiescence to what was put before them.

The fuse, to ignite the powder-keg of global discontent, has been in process of its making since the start of the 2nd decade of this century; and now, approaching its end, the conditions are set, and ready, for its explosive, energy, spark!

One by one, the gate-keepers to rational investment of reason to conditional compromise, basis of historical rise to civility’s fragile organization, are being displaced. Their message to caution expunged from station of credence by a seemingly corrupt power, fueled by ignorance beyond self-indulgence of knowing their harmful consequences.

At large, and increasingly defining the track of this current, global unwinding course, residing in North America: the United States, the leading, global power, now, since 2017, is embarking upon the process of deconstructing the foundational, pillar structures upon which its dominance, as a global force since 1950, are founded.

Crisis is at hand, driven by the wedge of differences, hammered between factions of every description, premised and promised, by the algorithm design paradigm: divide and conquer ; to defeat an impediment to reward.

The falsehood of democracy as being an equal, unequivocally shared power to the masses, is gaining its dominance of being a truth.

Engineered politics being employed to maintain a stronghold, impervious to the reaches of constitutional laws, state, or importantly: federal.

NOVEMBER SEVEN-th, 2018, will be an eventful, historic day: heralding in a politic with potential to forever change the face humanity on the Planet: the potential, lit fuse to the keg!







ENIGMA: ‘a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand’

Trump World

Could this definition not be applied to the 45th President of the United States: Donald J. Trump?

Even long before Trump pronounced his candidacy, he was portrayed as one whose achievements in business, finance, and personal life, bellied all sense of reason, justification, and rationality in light of the norms most professionals, and the general public of all strata, have been accustomed to believe.

Since his official inauguration, he has successfully pursued the implementation of a significant portion of his electoral platform promises, be it through executive orders, to the more recent contentious matter: with the support of a Republican Congress and Senate, to nominate and approve Brat Kavanaugh as the ninth Supreme Court Judge solidifying a conservative weighted Court Bench for decades to come. All this with no seemingly clear and comprehensive plan or strategy, or so it is thought.

Again, since his official inauguration, the focus of the official, Democrat opposition in both the House, the Senate, and the broader mainstream media, with the exception of FOX News Channel, have set their ambitions to find means to impeach Trump on a variety of charges stemming from influence of Russian meddling and collusion by senior members of his 2016 campaign team; tax evasion and avoidance hallmarked by his reluctance to release his personal and business prior year tax returns; and personal sex scandal with a porn-star and other women.  Their collective goal, at minimum, being to conjure enough suspicion and negative accusation on these contentious issues, unresolved though they may be prior to the Mid-term election of November 6, 2018, will embolden Democrats, independents and non-affiliate members of the public to take back either or both, the Senate and House of Congress, to enable the pursuance of impeachment and, ideally, repealing of legislation of regulations enacted through executive orders.

Is it possible those of all stripes who have voiced their concern, and opposition, over the measures taken, to date, by the Trump Administration, domestically, and possibly more critically, on matters of foreign policy and national security, are being measurably, and strategically, mislead?

An eye-opening encounter with a talk given to a predominately white, middle to upper class, right-leaning audience of elderly, men and women by Victor Davis Hanson, the Wayne and Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a professor of classics emeritus at California State University, Fresno [], wherein he details the conditions that led to the electing of a president, unlike any of his predecessors, as is Donald J. Trump. But, possibly more importantly, the identifying and detailing of the strategy to be employed by his Administration to intentionally respond to those conditions on both the domestic and international stage.

The title to this strategy: Principled Realism.

Principled Realism is a national security paper authored by H. R. McMaster, former National Security Adviser, recently replaced by John Bolton, published in December, 2017.

The symbolism of a change to a policy that now embraces our values was richly expressed by U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart: “We will no longer have to witness the embarrassing spectacle of an American president doing the wave at a baseball game with a ruthless dictator.”


Idealism holds that the purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to advance American values by fomenting freedom and democracy throughout the world. The ultimate goal of Idealism is to bring about a just and peaceful world by ending tyrannies. In the idealist view, the United States should engage in humanitarian missions, military interventions, and nation building, to advance this goal. Idealists believe that U.S. foreign policy should not be determined by what is best for the United States, but by what is, morally, the right thing to do.

In contrast, Realism holds that the purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to secure America’s national interest. Realists believe that moral principles are incompatible with the protection of our national interest. Interests come before values, and U.S. foreign policy should set aside moral considerations, and focus on whatever works.”[]

Trump’s Administration strategy as detailed in McMaster’s published policy paper is neither of these two, previously held foreign policy objectives.. No longer will the United States foreign policies and/or interventions be premised, or measured, on the historic strategy of being the global watchdog and purveyor of democratic tendencies, but rather, on the practical approach to international developments focusing on their direct impact on the economic and national security interests and concerns of the American Peoples, solely.

Principled realism opens up diplomatic possibilities anchored on the intersection of our values and our interests. President Trump’s foreign policy will not be one that puts fear in the minds of oppressive regimes as some had hoped. Dictatorships offend our values, but not necessarily our national interests.[]

 So it would seem, with `eyes wide shut’, while the Democrat establishment incumbents and supporters, the liberal-leaning on-screen mainstream media and entertainment industry, and political pundits exhaust their efforts to bring down the man: Donald J. Trump; through his folly, embarrassing tweets, and public rally displays as a bombastic idiot, his Cabinet team is stealthfully implementing the doctrines, through legislative policy, of measured principled realism.

To appreciate, and possibly decide the what, where, why, and how this strategy just might have a foresight beyond most to currently understand, view this informative, video conference presentation given by Peter Zeihan, a geopolitical strategist who specializes in global energy, demographics and security in February, 2018:





The Tides of War?

The Oracle: the purveyor of things to come, prophecy rendered from the entrails of history’s telling.

The radical departure of Trump from his campaign rhetoric: to retreat from the historic United States’ hegemonic foreign policy, by his postings of Bolton and Pompeo, may be in anticipation of a major correction by the United States’ stock market toward the end of 2018, or early 2019, as detailed in the following report: .

History has shown; when economies are on the verge of collapse, or significant recession/depression, war becomes a viable option as a diversion for the electorate. Having two war hawks in your War Cabinet in such a period of political turmoil would be advisable. Too, with the 2018 Mid-term elections on the horizon, this would bode well to gain support for a Republican House and Senate win. Trump has two irons in the fire to option his war strategy: Iran and North Korea. Given the complexity of a North Korea war venture, Iran is the most viable target allied by Israel first, and Saudi Arabia as a viable second. Great Britain’s Teresa May would relish a major conflict to divert attention away from the BREXIT fiasco and Angela Merkel, and France’s Macron have their own problems that seek a way out and opportunity to prolong their political careers (said cynically).

So all that said: the future may not be as bright as we may want it, get ready!


Free Speech and Religious Liberty

Trump Administration’s Executive Order: `President Trump Signs the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty‘ .

An Essay written in 2005 anticipated the potential negative outcome for many Americans given the growing, vocal presence of the Conservative Religious Right within the politic of the day.

The premise for the original essay is the offering of an open invitation to move to Canada, to those Americans who were becoming increasingly concerned for the positioning of the political and socially conservative, right-wing, evangelical religious movement to influence the White House and ultimately, the Supreme Court, to amend Constitutional laws in favor of their Bible-driven beliefs.

It would seem that day has finally materialized some twelve years later under the Trump-Pence Administration.

The original essay:

`IN GOD THEY TRUST – NBC with TOM BROKAW  (2005-10-23)

If you are a non-believer that is Christian, gay, democrat or liberal in your views and lastly, AMERICAN, Canada has a lot of vacant land available for occupancy whenever you are ready. And from what I saw and heard on this program, though a brief expose of what is gong on in the good old’ US, I would be looking to pack up and move real soon..

The infusion of evangelical religious fervour and the insidious means they employ to establish their faith amongst the many and subsequently the political pressure this puts on the State, the judicial system, it is cause for not only Americans but also, the rest of the world to be concerned.

The evangelical, conservative Christian movement is organized and determined to put their mark on the majority of America in order to shape the future direction of that country. Their coy manner of insisting that they do not have a political agenda, that they do not impose their theology on others is a ruse. They know what their objectives are and precisely how they expect to achieve those goals. And with their ally in the Oval Office – they are on the road to achieve those goals. With the Congress and eventually the Supreme Court weighted in their favour – the implication of this movement will outlive this administration. It is fearful to see and hear American citizens negating any sense of reason or judgement in exercising their right to vote. Regardless of the political aspirations or abilities of a political candidate be they for the presidency, congress or any other arm of the federal government, as long as that individual holds to their same right wing (though they would not label themselves as such), moral Christian values – that is where their vote will be directed. George W Bush is living proof of that commitment

The fear for the balance of Americans in success of this movement is how it translates to the rest of the world’s religious communities the most obvious of these being the Islamic faith who view the events in the United States as a furtherance of the Christian dominance of the world – at their expense. In addition, as has been brutally illustrated to date, they will sacrifice themselves to prevent this from happening.

The rift these events create within the social fabric of American society will have the affect of undermining the united front that up until the unfolding of these events can only serve the enemies of the US – what is the old adage – United we conquer – divided we fall.

Thank you CANADA!’

The invitation from this Canadian still stands!



Global Truth & Reconciliation: `I’m Tired of Being Lied To’


It is common awareness that a `Lie’, related to any matter of subject or condition, only serves to perpetuate more lying to protect the fact a lie has been perpetrated.

This condition eventually leads to establishing a `Secret’ to protect they who initiated the original lie. Eventually, this leads to conflict between those who become aware of the lie perpetuated versus those who protect the condition of the presence of a lie. For Nations, this generally falls under the classification of `National Security’.

Over the centuries the lies compounded upon lies has manifest to a present state where any subject pertaining to Human existence and the historical conditions from and which it has evolved to this the 21st century become subject to questioning debate.

Unfortunately, the select few who have assumed themselves to be the `rightful holders and protectors to the truth’ to the lies perpetrated over the centuries; fear for the level of anger and hostility that would ensue and foisted upon them by the Peoples of the World were, at this late date, said `truths’ be divulged.

It is with a high degree of certainty that many millions of lives have suffered and lost for the sole purpose and reason: to protect the many critical lies that comprises Human History.

But, this can no longer be tolerated.

All the Peoples of the World must finally rise up and take a stand against centuries of tyranny wrongly imposed upon them, at great cost of human suffering and debasement, by only a very few, select elite families and their political minions. Generations-old establishment that have constructively and strategically, for their own enrichment and empowerment, taken exclusive control to `Knowledge of Human Origins and Antiquity’ that are the rightful property of all Peoples. From ancient history and origins of our species to the purported interventions of `other world’ entities and all relevant matters in-between.

A global `Truth and Reconciliation’ event under the auspices of a Peoples United Nations must be demanded. A year long event where `secrets’ long held from Humanity be openly and unequivocally divulged; brought into the light of day.

`Truth and Reconciliation: A truth commission or truth and reconciliation commission is a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing by a government (or, depending on the circumstances, non-state actors also), in the hope of resolving conflict left over from the past.’

Finally, a loud and vocal revolution, here as yet to be experienced, of seismic proportions is essential to bring a final end to the conflict and suffering common humanity has long and wrongfully endured; to chart a new course allowing for it to finally evolve and prosper well into this 21st Century and beyond. Failure to do so will assuredly lead to its ultimate, unnecessary demise.


Demanding of Goodness


world divide

Deeper into evil’s darkness as the world recedes;
Disregarding how much its populations are made to bleed;
Inspired by ill-gotten wisdom of those who purport to lead;
Demanding the loud outcry of opposition’s struggle plead.

The forces of evil have found their needed start
By national leaders chosen with deceitful, evil heart
Set to tear all that has been made good, apart;
Demanding remedy capable to outwit, to outsmart.

The future for humankind seems increasingly bleak,
Incarceration of those who attempt to outwardly speak,
Militarized police beating down demonstrations in the streets;
Demanding the full goodness of all humanity for this enemy to defeat.

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