Archive for the 'money' Category


Lucifer Deal?

Whom to believe is the appeal

To tell the truth, to what is real,

To go beyond just the emotional feel

There exists a conspiracy to conceal

Humanity’s meaning of purpose; a worthy steal,

Garnering a dominance of Power, beyond  any Lucifer deal?

Sentient presence growing increasing bemused:

Are their energies by Existence, being nefariously used?

Do unseen forces promote information to delude

In order to attain global power for control and abuse?

What are the chances to ever knowing a truth

When the evidence to it, would take a worthy sleuth?

Only passage of time will a reality outcome be known;

An historical accounting of what inflicted passage was sown.

Does the moral fiber of Humanity wither or be grown,

If those whose secret-agenda is increasing shown

To bridle a processive quality, not want to bemoan

Or, into the darkness of hardship be permanently thrown?

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Who Are We To Believe?


Since the 2016 election of Trump, 45th President of the United States, a component to his winning campaign is the allegation that the Iranian nuclear agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), adopted by all participating nations of the United Nations Security Council in 2015, is a poorly negotiated agreement principally for reason that it would cease to curtail Iran from re-instituting its former nuclear weapons development, deemed to have ended as earlier as 2009, in fifteen years from date of its coming into effect.

Now, several months since his inauguration, during which period saw the hiring and firing of several senior members of his cabinet, Trump has strategically or otherwise, surrounded himself with well know Neocons such as John Robert Bolton, an American politician and attorney who is now National Security Advisor of the United States as of April 9, 2018. Bolton served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations and widely known for his hawkish war posturing during the uptake to the attack on Iraq in 2003. And most recently, to replace fired Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, Trump has appointed Michael R. Pompeo, an American politician, lawyer, and former army officer to serve as the 70th United States Secretary of State. Previous to this appointment, he was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The point of this essay is to highlight the political posturing and strategies being put into the public space by the media in preparation for President Trump’s decision to the future of the JCPOA, scheduled for on or before May 12, 2018, however, it is relevant to point out, at the present moment, the Trump presidency, and his administration’s credibility, is being challenged on the following three, widely publicized fronts:

  • First, domestically, is Special counsel, Robert Mueller’s and F.B.I.’s investigations related to purported Russian interference in his election campaign and more; and, the allegations related to a sexual affair with porn-star Stormy Daniels.
  • Second is North Korea: it’s leader Kim Jung Un’s highly publicized willingness to meet with Trump to negotiate for the dismantling of its nuclear missile program, to pursue re-unification with the South for the removal of economic stifling sanctions;
  • Third is Trump’s voiced threat to withdraw from the JCPOA with Iran if it is not renegotiated, to the satisfaction of the United States.

The need for Trump to divert public attention from the Mueller and F.B.I. investigations could suggest heightened emphasis, through media channels such as FOX News and conservative pundits, on the latter two major issues challenging the Trump administration.

Recent coverage of Kim Jung Un’s crossing of the North-South Demilitarized Zone to meet with South Korea’s President Moon Jae-In, in the latter part of April, 2018, is for the short term, de-emphasizing Trump’s role for the present moment, however, the appointment of Mike Pompeo, who has public voiced his discontent, and current mistrust of the North Korean regime’s willingness to dismantle its nuclear program for a lifting of sanctions and possible re-unification, has the potential to put that effort into jeopardy.

This leaves the United States posturing leading up to the self-imposed date of May 12, 2018 for its decision on the Iran deal (JCPOA).

To date, the leaders of all consenting countries to the JCPOA, have stated their continued support for the deal, and Iran’s compliance as demanded. The only dissenter is the United States and, to that end, the forces to make its case, now being front and center.

First, there is John Bolton, National Security Advisor. To firmly establish his advice on the JCPOA, is to Google or YouTube: “John Bolton on Iran deal” to view a litany of recent interviews where he states the case on behalf of the President. Here is one recent example:

As early as July, 2017, Bolton tweeted: “Withdrawing from the Iran #NuclearDeal should be a top @realDonaldTrump administration priority.”

Most recently, in a move to discredit the Iranian governments role in the original negotiations, and its current commitment to meet its obligations as detailed by the JCPOA; Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, by way of YouTube video presentation, purports to have secured physical, documentary evidence, captured by Israeli secret services, that undeniably proves Iran lied leading up to the negotiated deal, and continues to deceive participating nations on its intent to reconstitute its nuclear ambitions, if not before the end of the fifteen year limitation.

Netanyahu Presentation:

In response to Netanyahu’s video claim is Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Foreign Minister:

Iranian Foreign Minister:

What should be of concern is the statement that Trump is prone to believing what Netanyahu is making claim to by his presentation even though the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the watchdog to the advancement of nuclear development, has indicated Iran has been, and continues to be, compliant with the agreement contrary to that of the United States.

Trump in Agreement:

IAEA Report of Key Events:

So, these are the facts as best known, and as conveyed, through the various public media platforms.

What is at stake is the potential for another contrived conflagration instigated by the United States premised upon unfounded, but highly publicized, misinformation, or is it?

The point to be made by this essay is to highlight the different claims being made on this very important issue, and to suggest who might have the most to gain, or lose, by the various, outcome potentials. Certainly, Iran and its Peoples stand to lose the most in much the same way those of Iraq, Libya, and currently Syria and Yemen have lost. But, for the United States, and its supporting allies, and their citizens; may be impacted by an increase in their taxes to pay for the carnage they seem willing to support being imposed on foreign nations’ regimes that are not willing to march to the tune of western governments, or at best, maybe just to serve as a major distraction to events occurring or not, domestically.

You decide who to believe!






The Millennial Challenge: Survival of the Species?

As the title infers, the present course of humanity on the planet is destined toward destruction: self-annihilation.  Whether this unwelcome end is manifest by the disastrous effects of climate-change or, equally as bad and potential: thermal nuclear war and the nuclear winter that will ensue.

Regardless of the mechanism, to thwart such potential happening, if there is a solution to be had, it is the Millennial generation, to this current epoch, to take affirmative and permanent action to manifest it.

Inspiring such a movement is Vice documentary production titled: `The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy’ ( hosted by Jeremy Rifkin, American economic and social theorist, writer, public speaker, political adviser, and activist, who addresses an American audience of several millennial age men and women, detailing what amounts to a challenging road map to usher in a new economic system. A system presently hinting its way into the lexicon by way of such words as `block-chain’; `share-economy’; bio-system economy’; etc..

The hour and half is stark in Rifkin’s picture painted of the present state of global and earthly affairs detailed by the chronology of events initiated from the start of the 1st industrial revolution, through the second, and to where matters stand today. And the picture is not pretty nor is to where, if matters do not change dramatically, and soon, things are determined to get much worse.

What is clearly evident by way of Rifkin’s presentation; the European Union countries, led by example of Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel; and, China’s President, Xi Jinping; are leading their respective countries through revolutionary policy changes clearly established to lead them on the path to what he refers to as the `third industrial revolution’. And, simultaneously, asks: `where is the United States on this important issue?. And further, for that matter, by extension: all of North America and remaining regions of the world to address what is essentially a global problem demanding a global solution.

It is almost an imperative that those comprising the Millennial generation, supported by those of all previous generations, to watch, listen and respond to what Jeremy Rifkin details in this very informative and inspiring documentary.

In the United States, Millennials will have the opportunity to institute affirmative action by voting in the upcoming mid-term, November 2018 election to draft a new body of legislators, Senators and Congressman. Those acknowledged to be pro-active in the challenges, not solely on matters of climate-change, but too, a heightened awareness of the role smart technologies and systems of value exchange such as block-chain and crypto-currency/asset value exchange; AI infra-structure and autonomous technologies; construct of the share-economy, to ignite a new era of human r-evolution:`The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy’.

In keeping with my typical voice being expressed in poetry; the following is a poem written early in 2010 acknowledging the state of matters then, that, eight years later, seems most appropriate to express in context of the revolution humanity is upon the threshold to embark:

R-evolution of Human-kind 

Only a handful of the world’s people are in the know

And what evil doings they do sow

And from it the hatred amongst all does grow

Question to be answered: What is their game?

And from it: What is the gain?

And by it: Who ultimately does the pain?

The saga of this siege has long been played

The life and blood of the masses is the price paid

When does it stop – when does it go away?

Populations of people are all getting smarter

No longer will they serve as the elite’s fodder

The uprising to come will undo this ongoing slaughter

A cataclysm will it take to break the slave chain

Only then will the people of the world take back their rightful claim

With actions taken to see it never happens again!

(Naykdpoet 2010)



To better understand and comprehend the world as we are coming to know it, the reason for what is evolving, one need look at the history to what makes it so; and this comprehensive BBC documentary is a good start to that end:


A Simple Dime

dime found

A  Simple  Dime

I seem to have a propensity for finding `money’ on the street; 99 percent of occasions it being finding a simple dime, a ten-cent coin piece; the latest of which is illustrated herewith.

The frequency, not the matter of finding `money’ but, more specifically, that it be a DIME!

A simple, singular dime!

This experience, not a new phenomenon but, one that dates back a couple of decades; the earliest being in my early 40’s.

However, it has taken until now to fully gain a true appreciation for the significance to such propensity; that being, in the finest of Buddhist teachings:

`Fate to good fortune need not be measured by the gain of (material) wealth incurred but, the wisdom teaching derived from such fate of fortune’

That, or, I’m just enough `lucky’ to find a single, simple dime at a time, on several occasions!



Last Human Standing


world divide

This poem, originally written back in 2012 in response to social and geopolitical issues occurring at that tumultuous time, upon review, seems more appropriate to the current state of world affairs with the inauguration of the 45th President Donald J. Trump. 

Unlike the fears garnered when the poem was first written; what seems poised on the horizon to erupt, due to increased nationalism not only in the United States but across Western Europe, should instill a true sense foreboding reminiscent of the pre-World War II era.

Unfortunately, humanity once again appears to fall victim to the machinations of the pathological designs of true power: 

Last Human Standing

Falling deeper into the abyss of our making
This life on Earth seems forsaken
Though remedy of solution viably in-hand
But ignored, for reasons becoming clearer to understand

Global power held by the unseen elite
Are determined to manifest humanity’s defeat
They will not rest until their destructive plan is complete
Instigated with common people fighting each other in the street

Economic collapse is their efficient tool to instigate
Knowing empty belles’ are much easier to infuriate
Whilst poised in their ivory towers left to masturbate
While goon-squad militarized police, the uprisings, mitigate

It would take a fool’s mind not to see what is happening
The civilized structure of the last hundred years is set for collapsing
Then by their design a New Order for civilization is ready for hatching
To render a commoner’s life to impoverishment by servitude, ever-lasting

These are not words to echo the cry of humanity’s impending defeat
It is a call to recognize what is about to come and its receipt
Demanding if it is to happen – common people take their stand on the street
Poised ready to fight until the last Human standing on their feet


If this poem resonates with you please explore others written in the same vain as well, several poems of a more entertaining and humorous note. Thank you.

Please feel free, too, to let me know what you think by dropping me your comments to:


The Coming War On Information


Recalling the Nazi Burning of Books

The heard phrase: `history repeats itself’ is potentially finding its relevance in this tumultuous time as the world awaits the inauguration of Donald J. Trump the 45th President of the United States.

Preceding this historical event, predicated upon the choice selection of the coming Trump Administration’s Cabinet members, professional communities are actively taking steps to preserve precious scientific information archives from perceived potential of tampering, deletion and retarding of broad accessibility. Literally, backup copies of all relevant scientific information and study in the realm of climate change especially, are being directed to foreign countries such as Canada for preservation and safe-keeping.


The construct of President-Elect Trump’s cabinet speaks to a denial of all claims of human industrial impact on the environment leading to an inevitable broad deregulation, if not total dissolution of agencies established to protect the environment.

Not only will Trump’s administration impact the field of science but too, education, social security, health and welfare and most importantly, immigration, are directly targeted for dramatic, draconian change given the faces to occupy key positions within his administration.

Without a doubt, the only winners, ironically, will be those whom his vocal and candid supporters of his campaign, the lower & middle working class, are against; the establishment elite. Proof to this are the conflicting statements regarding tax cuts which during his campaign suggested major benefits for lower-middle class earners [campaign tax plan] and subsequent statements post his election [tax cut expected]. It will remain to see what actually transpires but, no doubt, those who enthusiastically supported him stand to be greatly disappointed.

There is little doubt Trump’s campaign slogan: `Make America Great Again’ will unleash a tsunami of de-construction of policies and regulations that took decades of progressive administrations to establish. The Will of the People who take responsibility for putting a shrewd, win-at-any-cost individual such a Trump in the White House, have also provided him with a compliant Congress, Senate and most importantly, a Supreme Court to allow his administration to chart a course unprecedented in the history of the United States and the World, no doubt, potentially stands to be the worse for it. Only with time’s passage will it be known what fate awaits us all.
















It’s hard to find words to dispel a pervasive myth,
The insurgence of an autocracy, rhetoric hints to enlist;
Bought by furious crowds swooning in ignorance bliss;
Opposition to its malignancy, intellect, fails to exist.

Promises of a leadership empowers a corrosive way;
Mouths being muted, blinded by fortunes enticement pay;
Desperate, feuding factions lost to impede this destructive play;
Rendering History’s sufferance gains, dissolve on inauguration day.

Forward, backward, the future path direction led to follow;
Growth toward prosperity sounding more vague and hollow
Yet, anguish and disparity by force left to swallow;
Awakening a new-old world of tomorrows in darkness to wallow.

Minds given to rise-up find futile exercise to opposition
Purchasing summary execution or worse, rendition;
The obvious goal is to obliterate hope of any remedial condition;
Leadership objective: permanent and universal submission.


The `Purple Revolution’: A Third-Party Candidate?

The `Purple Revolution’: A Third-Party Candidate?

Likely having gone unnoticed by most during the November 9th concession speech given by Hillary Clinton following her defeat to Donald J. Trump, President-Elect; the strange presence of the color `Purple’.


Both Hillary and Bill, her dress lapel and his tie respectively, were noticeably adorned in the color of purple. When first noticed, the thought that there was more significance than mere coincidence or symbol of mutual support came to mind. Further, one of her aids, also on stage, too, wore a dress prominent with the color: Purple.

A Google search quickly clarified the matter:

The Clintons And Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution

` Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend.’(1)

It would seem Hillary and Bill are not planning, anytime soon, to quietly disappear from the limelight of controversy given the pillorying she, as the former Secretary of State and, them both with respect to the Clinton Foundation endured; both issues still under Congressional investigation.

The Clinton ties with the financial supporter of venture capitalist George Soros is well publicized in the public domain, however, the development of a `Purple Revolution’ is likely to take many by surprise or, has it?

The following may just be a strange coincidence or conspiratorial speculation but, it may suggest a sinister plot of mind programming is afoot and what better tool to utilize than a well established, episodal Comedy Channel program known for its satirical attack on political, social aspects of western society: South Park – Season 20 (268th Episode).

The topic stream commencing Season 20 airing September 16, 2016,(2) introduced `Member Berries’; a purple, grape-like cluster of (member) berries, each berry rhyming off a cherished past memory presumably advocating for the return of the time and event. Such events ranged from the political, social and entertainment realm. The chime of each berry being incessant, drawing the various South Park characters encountering them to indulge eating them and be overcome with the desire to return to the reminiscent past.

To go into full detail of the unfolding events transpiring over several sequential episodes goes beyond the scope of this essay, however, following this link to view the series to see just how ingeniously, this politically reflective satire, incorporates the unfolding events and controversy of Trump versus Clinton campaign to be the 45th President of the United States. Recall, these episodes appeared concurrent with each campaign’s progression and considering the amount of time taken to produce each episode raises the question of the source of advance awareness of the direction each campaign was to take.

Now, as it is clearly known the outcome of the election; Trump as the 45th President-Elect, the subtle pronouncement of Hillary Clinton and George Soros uniting under the banner of a Purple Revolution; were the producers of South Park, not unlike the speculation surrounding the producers of the Simpson’s series, given privy, insider knowledge in advance by globalist elite (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros, etc.) of the `how, what, when and most importantly, who of world events are pre-ordained to unfold?

In the series the persona of Donald J. Trump is taken up by the recurring role of English teacher, Mr. Garrison titled the `Douche’ running against Hillary Clinton referred throughout as the `Turd Sandwich’. It is clear that Mr. Garrison is Trump who eventually realizes he is totally unqualified to become president and attempts, with little success, to divert attention to Clinton as the more qualified candidate. In fact, not unlike `reality’ (no pun intended) the more he tries the more the electorate is swayed in his favor. The full, direct significance of the `Member Berries’ influence on the final outcome of Garrison (Trump) winning is a bit confusing in the course of the series playing, however now, with the quiet pronouncement of the `Purple Revolution’, it may be a bit more evident:

The principle allure of the Trump campaign and presumptive reason for its final success in both in the primaries and the general election was the nostalgia card reflected by its core political slogan: `Make America Great Again’. The key word: `Again’.

The infusion of the Member Berry’s spell upon the citizens of South Park by repeating incessantly past times and events when the world was perceived a better, more gentle and fun-loving time is presumably, what drives them, counter to their better judgment and pleading of Mr. Garrison (Trump), to NOT elect Clinton.

To conclude; where is the conspiracy in all of this?

As part of the greater plan knowing full well that Donald J. Trump is il-qualified to be President of the most powerful nation on the globe; the collapse of his `nostalgia’ campaign when the reality of his failings slaps the electorate in the face; there, ready, in the waiting is Hillary R. Clinton, backed by the most powerful financial and political elites, under the banner of the `Purple Revolution’ representing in their words: `Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend‘; a Third Political Party!

As a side note: For those unfamiliar with the machinations known as `The Bible-Code’ it is worthy to explore given that it confidently identified (not to be confused with predicted) Donald J. Trump as becoming the 45th President-Elect. However, it went one step further to suggest that his reign is to be short-lived and to be replaced by non-other: Hillary R. Clinton. (Link)

Here is another interesting take on the growing presence of the color Purple that magically starts to appear throughout the Media flooding the air-waves




Rememberance 2016

The following poem I wrote back in 2012 to acknowledge on this day November 11th, the fallen; those who gave of themselves in service to the freedoms we enjoy to this day, however, as much as it is said in tribute, it is meant to reflect the brutal waste of lives given to the folly of those to whom we choose to lead us; those often, whom avoid the true hardships they wittingly impose on the Peoples of their Nation. 



We hail courageous heroes of war; but for whom is the true enemy at bastion door; for each nation’s fallen soldier is a heart made sore; and to whom do the real gains amass, while the bereaved tally the deathly score?


To be of common purpose in mind; is not to be to true reasons blind; for the failings within humankind; for the atrocities inflicted upon its own kind; appeased by pageant and ceremony to remind; but in truth’s end, to repetition, it is endlessly inclined.


Spilling mental guts upon the literary floor; thousands pass but simply ignore, for their lack of interest to what may touch their shore; yet find the time to whisper ridicule and messenger to deplore; yielding incessant ignorance to reason, to endure.

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