Archive for September, 2016


Alfa Romeo Veloce Spider



Alfa Romeo Veloce Spider

A– audaciously present
L– lovably luxurious
F– fervently real
A– aspiring joy

R– romance inciting
O– overt beauty
M– menacingly real
E– eclipsing transcendence
O– octane fuelled

V– vindicating presence
E – exquisite form
L– laudable performance
O– omnipresent
C – charismatic personality
E– enviable ownership

S– sensation stimulating
P– performance enduring
I– inspiring endurance
D–discernable styling
E–engineering marvel
R–rigorously enduring


Inspired Word


inspired-words  Inspired, the working mind delves into the complexities of cerebrally motivated patterns of expression, to incite a complexity of algorithmic, conjunctive thought’s creation seemingly, mysteriously, expunged from the invisible, yet promisingly real, ethereal cosmological energy; consciousness, presiding over the universal, organic presence: Humanity, disseminated and presented as `Word’.


True Captains


A thunderous boom echoed from a cloudless sky
Summoning the shrill of an unknown baby’s cry
Sending a shiver of fear hard to deny
With wonderment of question: `Why?’

Soon the streets filled with curious minds
Looking upward and outward for telling signs
But none were visible or made blind
Leaving an answer to the question hard to find.

Those of pious belief fell in prayer to their knees,
Atheists and the agnostic took to cowering under trees
Finding no reason to solution, source of fear to relieve;
Taking this sign as an ominous warning, one to be believed.

Next, the sunlight of day became hauntingly dark,
The blackness of night full, consuming, stark;
Artificial light failed to counter its sudden, complete embark,
Confirming to all, this strangeness is not to be deemed a lark.

Ancient prophecy has long spoken of such a coming event
Taken by most to be of an old zealot’s religious invent;
Poised as reason for all sinners toward a godly entity, to repent,
To gain a promise of such calamity, to wishfully prevent.

Intellectual voices of science took strides to explain
The Earth is passing through its Galaxy’s cosmic plane;
A natural, phenomenal cycle that occurs time and again
Ensuring reason toward humanity’s ails is not the source to blame.

Three days, three nights the darkness full did cause
Thousands to wait in fear, confused by whose `laws’
To believe to be this earthly calamity’s true cause
But, what is certain; Humanity is given good reason to pause.

On the fourth day sunlight once again made for a blue sky,
The cry of relief echoing loud, fervently far and wide;
From this, it became evidently clear and impossible to deny,
Earth, a cosmic vessel, is given for all humanity, on which to fly.

No longer encumbered by divisive, omnipresent rules of religious fear,
Humankind realizes they are the true Captains to this earthly ship to steer
Through the voidness of cosmic space knowing the path to be made clear
Is through intellect of mind and, love for each other, to hold most dear.



Encountering on YouTube, a video titled: IMPORTANT: Save the Day  wherein several A-list celebrities amongst a few commoners, profess the vital importance of registering and eventually voting come November 8, 2016.  As would be expected several took to commenting on the said video with a wide range of response from the rational to the downright stupid.
I posted (see at the end of the comment stream below) what may arguably be considered a rationally objective view of the current state of the electoral process, the limited and potentially negative results regardless of which candidate wins then, subsequent to this posting, I reviewed the comments that had preceded my own.
Having done so I couldn’t help but reflect (see at the end of the comment stream below) on the general verbal mire that ensued and not necessarily directed toward the video content but, against fellow commenters.
My point via this posting is the fact that my comments received neither `a like, dislike`, nor even a supporting or abusive comment. Whilst, as illustrated here (see below), are the comments that followed my own (timeline), with as you will see, several likes, dislikes, and comments either way.
So, I don’t know why this is but, a want to draw the distinction to whatever conclusion you may yourself draw.
Good Luck to all who live in the United States, I do not envy though do fear for your and the rest of the World’s future post-November 8, 2016.
Top comments that followed my comments found at the end of the thread:
They are part of the establishment. Fuck em, I’mma vote for Trump.
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Cường Gylms

Watching Trump supporters freaking out in the comment section is hilarious

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Treo Zucic

+Nintendo Productions Gaming No, they are losing their shit. Just look at how many Trump supporters in the comments that are so outraged that they are going to boycott every actor that appeared in this video. Their skin is thin.


I’m from UK but I wish I was in US as I just want to vote Trump ❤️

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I genuinely laughed about that Clarence XD


Fuck off with this bullshit, I’d rather drink piss than vote for crooked Hillary. How the hell she isn’t already in person is beyond me and it speaks to the insane level of corruption in this country. Fuck Hillary and all of her special interests.

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Del Mathews

so are all of you unaware of the other candidates or that the electoral college will vote whoever they want regardless of your vote?


Trump is the opportunity of a lifetime as far as presidential candidates go. He is honest, hardworking and will do a great job for the people of the USA. #Trump2016 #MAGA

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Tablature Butler

+The JSB – Who cares what you believe? – your hero steals from THOUSANDS of honest workers, contractors, vendors and investors, steals from charity, brags about corrupting public officials, and has no idea how a bill becomes law. Your opinion is worthless…


+Tablature Butler So you voted for Comrade Sanders, peon?

하지 분쇄하는 야만인

LOL. (((They))) have deleted all my comments. Scared?

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Sara Denko

>Being scared of kikes. You’re not scared, are you goy?


Boycotting the next iron man to come out..,

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Christopher Storvik

rot in hell fascist. They don’t want your money.


wonder how many Americans wish they could vote obama in for a third term
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Joel P

Who else will never think the same about these celebritys?

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+Sneakos Oh look how smart this cunt is. He called us simpletons oooooh. Shut your cock sucker up cuck.

Matt Stone

@Paul Funion: What is this?? A reasonable comment on youtube?? Get out of here with your level-headedness

Kiem Ruach

I’m just here for the butthurt Trump supporters. ” everybody doesn’t like my candidate cause theyre all ignewant” LMFAO!

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DAmn son you dark as hell.


Trump supporters be like “THEYRE ALL SHEEP WAHH”

JoshCruiser5 // Josh H

I’ve never seen so many stupid people supporting Donald trump in a comment section. When trump starts world war 3 and puts all of America in huge danger, there will be no one else to blame but you for choosing an absolutely outrageous and dangerous man to run all of America.
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manas pachauri

So capn America Supports Trump?


Right? Where was he?


All this does is just make me want to vote for Trump even more…..

Ashot Vardanyan

soo make Mark nude! go and elect!!


I’m a whiny trump supporter and I only listen to rich lunatic celebrities like Donald Trump. i’m never gonna watch any of their movies again. WAHHHH

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Spot Enemy Boats

Nah, I’m just pirate the shit out of their movies.

Duni D

Looooooool they are even willing to prostitute themselves so corrupt hillary becomes president. This is how low they are willing to go, think about it.


What a bunch of assholes. WE’RE FAMOUS! We’re more important than you! Fuck these guys… What a pathetic video.


Exactly this video kinda has the opposite effect, of the message they preach. I would’ve done it regardless of who they were.

Nick Hall



So apparently wanting criminals out of your country is racist? These liberals are fucking autistic. If your mother was raped and murdered by an illegal would you still want people to waltz in and out illegally? No. Building a secure border is not racist you inbred cunts.

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99% of US citizens are immigrants and decedents of immigrants.


+GRABA85 ie Donald Trump


Wow this actually has quite a bit of likes thanks to West Euro cucks liking like crazy 😀

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A Person

+1MuchButteR1 Ah yes a more succesful political scene


After posting my comment I scanned the other `Comment'(s) and it is sad to say: they are a true reflection of the chaotic mental state of the United States. A combination of ignorant, ill-informed and downright nastiness that spawns the deeply divisive state of the American Union. Based on the examples given in this comment thread, regardless of the 2016 election outcome, there is much turmoil in store for America and, unfortunately, the rest of the World will not be immune to the consequences from it. This situation, predictably, will be evidence to one of the most tumultuous decades of the 21st Century; opening with the 9-11 experience and, potentially, closing with an outright revolutionary uprising. Only time will be truth to history.


An impressive call-to-arms(vote) however, the American public are being given the choice to either shoot themselves in the head versus jumping off the nearest bridge; unfortunately, WE, the rest of the WORLD’s population, will suffer the same consequence regardless of the choice they make! The Electoral College system of choosing the next President of the United States does not ensure that the popular choice of the People will be the President Elect. For this reason: NO ONE anywhere, after November 8, 2016, will be resolved in knowing the future will be one we can look forward to with a modicum of HOPE, unlike the 2008 electoral cycle.

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