Archive for December, 2015


Conflict of Emotions




Crying into the Peoples’ well of hope
By generations’ want for peace to evoke,
Parched dry by empty political promises spoke;
The clock of doom ticking toward its last stroke.

What reason to conflict eludes permanent solution
Be it famine, war or runaway global pollution?
Humanity’s advances surpass its evolution
Yet, the path to tranquillity evades tangible resolution.

This current incarnation of earthly human existence,
Its true origins indeterminate yet strongly persistent,
Should, by this 21st century, have become stridently resistant
To self-annihilation, however, such reality seems far and distant,

Should the tears of pain and sufferance ever subside
Transmuted into swells of happiness with love forever to reside?
Or, will the dark essence of what humanity seems too willing to abide
Render an eternity where such emotions conflictingly collide?


You Tube Conspiracy


Life can impose a path, not for choosing;
For sake of answers that remain looming;
Leading to a destiny worthy of reality’s loosing;
Not a choice everyone is capable consuming.

Mysteries are mysteries designed for deceiving;
Masters of the message promulgate their believing;
Truth to answers’ lying worthy of conceding;
Security to reason demanding ongoing breeding.

Confusion, misinformation, fact element destroyed;
You Tube invented to discredit by way to joy;
The reality joke is the brain is now their little toy;
Convolution, the mechanism most assuredly employed.


Last Chance


The calamitous end of this world be
Not far off for everyone to see
Those who rule, there to deceive,
Are agents of hate, of wars to decree.
Irony lies in that most deny to believe
Such truth by others to conceive
In hopes of correction to retrieve
Before fulfilment of such destructive destiny.

Climate, war, revolution: source to cause
The end is pointless, its our human flaws;
The inability to harness a momentary pause
In the path of self-destruction, in the grip of death’s claws;
Be it by sanction or global decree of new humanitarian laws
To stifle the advancement the war machines draws
Upon self-hatred’s ravenous feeding jaws
Before our last chance at civility, dignity, upon which to draw.


Agent of the Devil

Not one to believe in the existence of the mythical domain of despicable hate and vileness mastered by one referred to as the DEVIL however, if ever there is to be one human on this Earth who could/would easily be considered to qualify as an agent to such an incarnate, it has to be the Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Martin, a well known international purveyor of the instruments of WAR.

In a recent shareholders’ meeting, C.E.O. Marilyn A. Hewson, shown here:


proudly and confidently assured her investor audience that the World is rife with conflict despite the tentative ratifying of the agreement with Iran such that a 30% increase in revenues is confidently anticipated. If not solely for the instability in the Middle East but, gleefully, the brewing tensions in the AsianPacific with not only North Korea but too, growing tensions between China and Japan.

Video: start at 1:52min. to hear her speech  (have a barf-bag ready)

One could almost suggest the lips on the pictured face of this despicable agent of the Devil are flush with the spilled blood of the countless millions of innocent men, women, and children for which she and Lockheed Martin shareholders are directly responsible through the industry she advocates and administers. Though she and her financial supporters did not create the state of conflict that consumes this world, they do little to nothing to stifle its advancement and aggression. The revel in her pronouncement, assuring the insatiable desire for conflict and killing around the world to be a source of growth and profit for her shareholders, can only be described as gut-wrenching to anyone with a gram of empathy and human emotion.  Obviously, Ms. Hewson proves by her own admission in this video; she and those who gain by their efforts to promulgate the killing of innocent lives for profit, are void of any such human qualities.

It is not enough to support our elected officials in defense against terrorist and radical extremist both foreign and domestic, it is time to demand they financially stifle the advances of companies such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics and other provocateurs, from manufacturing and distributing tools of mass destruction.

Hollow are the words of any national leader who purports to be against the brutal killing of innocent lives be it through war or domestic violence when they are unwilling to ONCE AND FOREVER: shut down the source of the tools of war.


One-way Ticket to Extinction

Since before the day the man who we’ve come to know as Jesus Christ, whether the Son of God or not, who took it upon himself to throw over the tables of the money-changers, running them out of the Temple of worship, charging them to be thieves by way of their commercial enterprises; the majority of humanity has suffered from the ills and hardships derived from the greed and power derived from and associated with, the mechanism know as Money.

Now in this 21st Century, the global commercial economy firmly committed to the avails of monetary exchange, essentially the life-blood to all that is to manifest, is driving this World’s inhabitants, all species, toward certain extinction.

As of this writing, in Paris France, for the third time since the start of this new millennium, a gathering of World leaders and a throng, a thousand-fold in number, of bureaucrats, activists, scientist and international journalist, have convened at the Cop 21 Climate Change Summit. A two week exercise to derive an international agreement setting limits on the level of carbon-dioxide emitted into the atmosphere and, practical measures to reduce existing levels to maintain a 1 degree Celsius rise in global temperatures.

Of the above statement what need be emphasised is `for the third time’.

To listen to what can only be termed `political rhetoric’ espoused by the respective leaders of participating nations, they ring hollow given that they speak to nothing new from words spoken in prior conferences. And, though some progress has be achieved by introduction of new carbon sequestration and limiting technologies, alternative energy solutions, etc.; on balance, they are dwarfed by comparison to the continued introduction of new sources and use of oil, coal and natural gas.

Too, the business driven concept solutions known as Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade are by any order of mindful rationale, nothing more then mechanisms to appease both commercial and public descent and short-term political solution to sustain power of government by the ruling political party. Regardless, the long term effects are still devastating to the well-being of all living creatures of the Planet.

To listen to the arguments present by the individual, international players comprising this latest gathering in Paris France, whether for and or against dramatic concrete, uniformly and permanently implemented efforts to combat the known environmental contributors to observed and experienced effects of Climate Change globally; Money is a the root to reasons put forward to substantiate either doing or not doing.

Given the life-threatening and extinction level effects of climate change presently and with certainty, future catastrophic events; money should be the last item of consideration when a viable, permanent solution is in the offering.

So, what or better stated: Who, is stopping this from happening?

Humanity has regrettably but succumb to the living concept that `money is power’. Countless lives and whole civilizations for aeons have been sacrificed to sustain this fictitious edict that, as stated at the beginning to this essay, has plagued human-kind since before the mythical time of one known as Jesus Christ.
Is it not time for this ridiculous concept to come to its end before it `buys’ humanity’s ticket to extinction?

There are solutions and it need not be bought by MONEY! The Collective of Humanity must once and through the strength and resolve of the power that is inherent purely by its presence on this planet Earth, TAKE BACK, that which belongs to every living specie: the RIGHT TO LIVE!


Historian, Historical, History

Observer to the world, to the sea of humanity,
Scribe to events that speaks to civility’s doing,
Avoiding subjective imposition to cause or relief,
Purveyor to the historical archive, for library’s account.

History’s reflection painted by epoch’s symbol words,
Coloured by contemporary mind to explicit translation,
Rendering interpretation to what is want to be heard,
Forever distorting the image to original, conception of truths.

Volumes destined to posthumous acknowledgement,
Eliciting suspicion to conflicted renderings of account,
Biased by misinformation, infusion of misconception,
Reaping  a permanent dominance of fact to the warring victor.


Youthful Inspiration


Image result for inspirational youth

The occasional encounter with young persons who infuse a realistic sense of hope toward the fulfillment of human potential is an inspiring experience for those of an older generation:

The young, youth, who are given to inherently inspire,
Infusing an enthusiastic drive, ambition-fire;
Driven by lifestyle, most only imagine to aspire,
Yielding more than just wishes, to take one higher.

Beauty of body and intellect cosmically given ideals
Humbly exercised, knowing what matters in life is to be real;
With compassion of empathy to what others may feel,
Ignoring fain accolade, this given essence, to humbly conceal.

Service to others, a cause celebre,
Pursuing what others most disregard or serve to dread;
Taking the challenge to lead rather than to be led,
In pursuit of true purpose to what lies for humanity, ahead.


Steadfastly Ahead

To view this volatile world by its extremes,
Difficult to define their measure by any other mean,
Essentially, leads to disasters unfathomably obscene
Yet, unfortunately, no other conclusion is viable to glean.

The binary portrayal of all human issues confronted
Demands and delivers an outcome progressively stunted;
Historical records examined validate this presumptive
Yielding a contemporary civilization stagnant and blunted.

Progressive models to humanity’s advance have long been touted
Yet, these envisioned dreams become quickly diminished and politically flouted.
Even though voiced and demonstrated desires are publicly shouted;
Economic and monetary limitations, excuses given, though strongly doubted.

The pessimistic conclusion to all that here can be said
Is beyond the myth of `tea leaves’ to be read;
The future of global, civil unrest and potential for blood to be bled;
Leads to all that is undesirous, with certainty, lies steadfastly ahead.


Invisible Fence of Control:



The actions of the French government and its imposition of a police-state upon peaceful climate-change demonstrators are completely unnecessary. What these actions only serve to prove is the control governments insist on imposing upon its citizenry. Ironically, the same control the likes of ISIS is criticized for doing in the name of a distorted theology. So in the end, we citizens must question: are we truly free whether it be from the pathology of institutional governments or radical extremist? The criminality of the former stems from propagandist rhetoric to mislead its populace to believe they are free yet, when such freedoms, exercised as in the climate-change and similar demonstrations, the only means of publicly voicing discontent, are systematically and brutally shut-down. The concept of freedom in a purportedly democratic state is an illusion. Yes, you may have the freedom of movement but, only if your movement does not cross the line of demarcation defined by the State. And should you wish to demonstrate to voice your concern of such demarcations, you must be ready to suffer the consequence. Now is that freedom or just a prison behind the invisible fence of Control?

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