Archive for the 'Conservative' Category


November Seven-th (Part 2)



a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.’

The following is an hypothesis of events, potential, to the outcome of the United States Mid-term elections: November 6, 2018:

As portrayed in the first part of this essay titled: November Seven-th , the global situation is tenuous at best as several nations elect, to government, political parties with right-leaning, conservative, and ultra-conservative, platforms and agenda. The scope and breadth of reason for this current trend are too complicated to clearly express their detail, in just a few lines. One need only be attentive to daily news broadcast to have a reasonable understanding to grasp the validity of general statements made henceforth in this essay.

Leading up to election day, November 6, much is occurring in the United States congressional, senate, and gubernatorial state, election campaigns to amplify, even louder, the differences between democrat, republican, and independent member camps, since the inauguration of President Trump, January, 2017.

White, republican candidates becoming increasing embolden to dog-whistle the race card against their Black-American opponents especially in the Florida and Georgia gubernatorial races. The president’s insistent rallying of his political base with incendiary, contradicting and abusive rhetoric pointed to his political, and mainstream media opponents. To the level as to incite one of his supporters to mail pipe bombs to senior members, past president, news organizations, and business icons associated with the Democratic party or deemed to support a liberal agenda.

Compounding this increasingly flammable and volatile situation, across the United States, is the matter of illegal immigration, security of the southern border, and most recently, a Caravan of Latin American migrants purportedly seven thousand, plus, strong making its way through Mexico, to the United States. The republican party candidates, assisted by FOX NEWS, FOX and Friends, FOX Business, and other editorial programs of FOX, have unanimously, seized upon this issue, inflating the matter to a state of hysteria in the minds of constituents, and viewing audience, respectively; and whom of course, are the same demographic that elected Trump to Office and fill his rally stadiums.

The crescendo to all this bellicose, from all sides of the political spectrum, and those factions that support them, is to be heard most stridently November 7th, with the finality of the voting process sheds light on what comes next.

It can be reasonable to suggest: no matter the final distribution of Republicans to Democrats seats for either the House of Congress, or Senate: there will be significant upset and accusations of wrong doing that renders an outcome of the casting of votes, by they who are dissatisfied with the outcome.

With the mainstream media doing the reporting of the election, their reputation for impartiality already tainted, preceding the election, they will be deemed bias if the Democrats take any majority in the race.

If the Republicans hold to their pre-election majority; Trump given a clear mandate and all to be expected second term at 2020; a conservative majority bench in the Supreme Court; Democrats will essential be rendered non-existent and impudent to rule  by Trump for the foreseeable future.

So either scenario will likely call for recounts, accusations of vote tampering, voter suppression, etc.; and not to forget mention of Russian influence.

No matter: there will definitely be violence of varying order of magnitude.

If violence escalates to an extreme level resulting in high death counts, and damage and loss of property; Trump may be obliged/willing/tempted to institute measures for Marshall Law to be put into effect, possibly, even before newly elected members can be sworn into Office.

This would provide him the perfect opportunity to suspend habeas corpus, rendering him free of constitutional limits. Trump could execute a coupe of the United States, rendering it a dictatorship with little to no resistance by members of his Cabinet, Department of Justice, Congress, Senate, and most critically: the Supreme Court! It would be a pivotal  moment in United States history, and degree to which democratic patriotism truly exists. But, most assuredly, a major civil battle would ensue.

In conclusion, only time’s passage will render a path to history’s making; it can only be hoped that civil disorder, and potential for chaos are condition of last resort.






Since the inception of this 21st millennium, the Planet has been in turmoil. The sources: too many to chronicle save to say many lives, innocent humans, have egregiously suffered, or worse: Died.

Now, at the threshold to the birth of the next, the third decade to this Century; and the Planet has moved even deeper into the darkness, proceeding down the path to conflict. The precursors to this deadly conclusion are self-evident to they who wish to observe. The rest will suffer the shock of their ignorance, as those of past epoch, have so fallen.

Like a spiral unwinding of all that came before; civil order unravels, exposing its flaws masked over by progress of that which is built, to what is coming. Where the faults to blame, whether they be a premeditation to a want outcome, or purely accident of cause to consequence, seem irrelevant. Their fate are being unleashed.

Nations, large and small, are present to this same discomfort being victim to the charted, progressing course, energized by meaning of unexpectedly, ill-defined purpose. The confusion these developments garnered allowed for the sense of national insecurity, fanned by events beyond their shores, innocent to, yet through, passive/aggressive acquiescence to what was put before them.

The fuse, to ignite the powder-keg of global discontent, has been in process of its making since the start of the 2nd decade of this century; and now, approaching its end, the conditions are set, and ready, for its explosive, energy, spark!

One by one, the gate-keepers to rational investment of reason to conditional compromise, basis of historical rise to civility’s fragile organization, are being displaced. Their message to caution expunged from station of credence by a seemingly corrupt power, fueled by ignorance beyond self-indulgence of knowing their harmful consequences.

At large, and increasingly defining the track of this current, global unwinding course, residing in North America: the United States, the leading, global power, now, since 2017, is embarking upon the process of deconstructing the foundational, pillar structures upon which its dominance, as a global force since 1950, are founded.

Crisis is at hand, driven by the wedge of differences, hammered between factions of every description, premised and promised, by the algorithm design paradigm: divide and conquer ; to defeat an impediment to reward.

The falsehood of democracy as being an equal, unequivocally shared power to the masses, is gaining its dominance of being a truth.

Engineered politics being employed to maintain a stronghold, impervious to the reaches of constitutional laws, state, or importantly: federal.

NOVEMBER SEVEN-th, 2018, will be an eventful, historic day: heralding in a politic with potential to forever change the face humanity on the Planet: the potential, lit fuse to the keg!







Catastrophic Finality?



There was a time one could write of the failing world condition,

Speak clearly to the issues that give rise to fear and division,

To recognize the societal elements eroding into submission,

But, alas, time now seems beyond words to make corrective revision.


The reality is; political ineptitude is given undeniable power,

Pervasive media is filled with murder and hate to make one cower,

Filth of selfish greed reigns down like a golden-piss shower,

Nationalistic tribalism, once constrained, now let to flower.


This new millennium, since the days of its early start,

Tainted by the powder-keg lit by a terrorist spark,

Submerging all into a history growing increasingly dark,

Now two-decades in, convinced, it’s not to be a passing lark.


Not surprising, Hollywood films seem reflective precursors to a reality;

Conveying plausible reason not to ignore their story’s seeming banality

As often, the protagonist, confronted by a choice of a brutal-end totality,

In the end, misguidedly lures away from a truth of impending, catastrophic finality.




Who Are We To Believe?


Since the 2016 election of Trump, 45th President of the United States, a component to his winning campaign is the allegation that the Iranian nuclear agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), adopted by all participating nations of the United Nations Security Council in 2015, is a poorly negotiated agreement principally for reason that it would cease to curtail Iran from re-instituting its former nuclear weapons development, deemed to have ended as earlier as 2009, in fifteen years from date of its coming into effect.

Now, several months since his inauguration, during which period saw the hiring and firing of several senior members of his cabinet, Trump has strategically or otherwise, surrounded himself with well know Neocons such as John Robert Bolton, an American politician and attorney who is now National Security Advisor of the United States as of April 9, 2018. Bolton served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations and widely known for his hawkish war posturing during the uptake to the attack on Iraq in 2003. And most recently, to replace fired Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, Trump has appointed Michael R. Pompeo, an American politician, lawyer, and former army officer to serve as the 70th United States Secretary of State. Previous to this appointment, he was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The point of this essay is to highlight the political posturing and strategies being put into the public space by the media in preparation for President Trump’s decision to the future of the JCPOA, scheduled for on or before May 12, 2018, however, it is relevant to point out, at the present moment, the Trump presidency, and his administration’s credibility, is being challenged on the following three, widely publicized fronts:

  • First, domestically, is Special counsel, Robert Mueller’s and F.B.I.’s investigations related to purported Russian interference in his election campaign and more; and, the allegations related to a sexual affair with porn-star Stormy Daniels.
  • Second is North Korea: it’s leader Kim Jung Un’s highly publicized willingness to meet with Trump to negotiate for the dismantling of its nuclear missile program, to pursue re-unification with the South for the removal of economic stifling sanctions;
  • Third is Trump’s voiced threat to withdraw from the JCPOA with Iran if it is not renegotiated, to the satisfaction of the United States.

The need for Trump to divert public attention from the Mueller and F.B.I. investigations could suggest heightened emphasis, through media channels such as FOX News and conservative pundits, on the latter two major issues challenging the Trump administration.

Recent coverage of Kim Jung Un’s crossing of the North-South Demilitarized Zone to meet with South Korea’s President Moon Jae-In, in the latter part of April, 2018, is for the short term, de-emphasizing Trump’s role for the present moment, however, the appointment of Mike Pompeo, who has public voiced his discontent, and current mistrust of the North Korean regime’s willingness to dismantle its nuclear program for a lifting of sanctions and possible re-unification, has the potential to put that effort into jeopardy.

This leaves the United States posturing leading up to the self-imposed date of May 12, 2018 for its decision on the Iran deal (JCPOA).

To date, the leaders of all consenting countries to the JCPOA, have stated their continued support for the deal, and Iran’s compliance as demanded. The only dissenter is the United States and, to that end, the forces to make its case, now being front and center.

First, there is John Bolton, National Security Advisor. To firmly establish his advice on the JCPOA, is to Google or YouTube: “John Bolton on Iran deal” to view a litany of recent interviews where he states the case on behalf of the President. Here is one recent example:

As early as July, 2017, Bolton tweeted: “Withdrawing from the Iran #NuclearDeal should be a top @realDonaldTrump administration priority.”

Most recently, in a move to discredit the Iranian governments role in the original negotiations, and its current commitment to meet its obligations as detailed by the JCPOA; Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, by way of YouTube video presentation, purports to have secured physical, documentary evidence, captured by Israeli secret services, that undeniably proves Iran lied leading up to the negotiated deal, and continues to deceive participating nations on its intent to reconstitute its nuclear ambitions, if not before the end of the fifteen year limitation.

Netanyahu Presentation:

In response to Netanyahu’s video claim is Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Foreign Minister:

Iranian Foreign Minister:

What should be of concern is the statement that Trump is prone to believing what Netanyahu is making claim to by his presentation even though the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the watchdog to the advancement of nuclear development, has indicated Iran has been, and continues to be, compliant with the agreement contrary to that of the United States.

Trump in Agreement:

IAEA Report of Key Events:

So, these are the facts as best known, and as conveyed, through the various public media platforms.

What is at stake is the potential for another contrived conflagration instigated by the United States premised upon unfounded, but highly publicized, misinformation, or is it?

The point to be made by this essay is to highlight the different claims being made on this very important issue, and to suggest who might have the most to gain, or lose, by the various, outcome potentials. Certainly, Iran and its Peoples stand to lose the most in much the same way those of Iraq, Libya, and currently Syria and Yemen have lost. But, for the United States, and its supporting allies, and their citizens; may be impacted by an increase in their taxes to pay for the carnage they seem willing to support being imposed on foreign nations’ regimes that are not willing to march to the tune of western governments, or at best, maybe just to serve as a major distraction to events occurring or not, domestically.

You decide who to believe!







To better understand and comprehend the world as we are coming to know it, the reason for what is evolving, one need look at the history to what makes it so; and this comprehensive BBC documentary is a good start to that end:


Free Speech and Religious Liberty

Trump Administration’s Executive Order: `President Trump Signs the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty‘ .

An Essay written in 2005 anticipated the potential negative outcome for many Americans given the growing, vocal presence of the Conservative Religious Right within the politic of the day.

The premise for the original essay is the offering of an open invitation to move to Canada, to those Americans who were becoming increasingly concerned for the positioning of the political and socially conservative, right-wing, evangelical religious movement to influence the White House and ultimately, the Supreme Court, to amend Constitutional laws in favor of their Bible-driven beliefs.

It would seem that day has finally materialized some twelve years later under the Trump-Pence Administration.

The original essay:

`IN GOD THEY TRUST – NBC with TOM BROKAW  (2005-10-23)

If you are a non-believer that is Christian, gay, democrat or liberal in your views and lastly, AMERICAN, Canada has a lot of vacant land available for occupancy whenever you are ready. And from what I saw and heard on this program, though a brief expose of what is gong on in the good old’ US, I would be looking to pack up and move real soon..

The infusion of evangelical religious fervour and the insidious means they employ to establish their faith amongst the many and subsequently the political pressure this puts on the State, the judicial system, it is cause for not only Americans but also, the rest of the world to be concerned.

The evangelical, conservative Christian movement is organized and determined to put their mark on the majority of America in order to shape the future direction of that country. Their coy manner of insisting that they do not have a political agenda, that they do not impose their theology on others is a ruse. They know what their objectives are and precisely how they expect to achieve those goals. And with their ally in the Oval Office – they are on the road to achieve those goals. With the Congress and eventually the Supreme Court weighted in their favour – the implication of this movement will outlive this administration. It is fearful to see and hear American citizens negating any sense of reason or judgement in exercising their right to vote. Regardless of the political aspirations or abilities of a political candidate be they for the presidency, congress or any other arm of the federal government, as long as that individual holds to their same right wing (though they would not label themselves as such), moral Christian values – that is where their vote will be directed. George W Bush is living proof of that commitment

The fear for the balance of Americans in success of this movement is how it translates to the rest of the world’s religious communities the most obvious of these being the Islamic faith who view the events in the United States as a furtherance of the Christian dominance of the world – at their expense. In addition, as has been brutally illustrated to date, they will sacrifice themselves to prevent this from happening.

The rift these events create within the social fabric of American society will have the affect of undermining the united front that up until the unfolding of these events can only serve the enemies of the US – what is the old adage – United we conquer – divided we fall.

Thank you CANADA!’

The invitation from this Canadian still stands!



Etched To The Bone



Surprising, this poem, written back in 2008, finds a fitting place reflecting the current day’s experience; the unfolding of events that speak to a darker time that, potentially, lies ahead for all humanity and its implication for generations that are yet to follow:

Etched To The Bone

My mind spins

From the chaos echoing

From the choir

Disaster of faith

In the fabric of mankind

Can the deluge

Grow even higher?


When will it stop?

When will the end begin?

The pain that I am feeling

Is in need of a pill that can win.


Factions in every corner

Spewing the ill

Of the coming way

Offering nothing in return

But explaining

How we will righteously pay


Bleed for the children

For they know not

What it is

Tomorrow’s growing darkness

Is the inheritance to be given?

What in the morning

Will they say?


Oh what sadness

Is being etched into the bone

For generations to come

This ailing condition

Will call it: home!


The `Purple Revolution’: A Third-Party Candidate?

The `Purple Revolution’: A Third-Party Candidate?

Likely having gone unnoticed by most during the November 9th concession speech given by Hillary Clinton following her defeat to Donald J. Trump, President-Elect; the strange presence of the color `Purple’.


Both Hillary and Bill, her dress lapel and his tie respectively, were noticeably adorned in the color of purple. When first noticed, the thought that there was more significance than mere coincidence or symbol of mutual support came to mind. Further, one of her aids, also on stage, too, wore a dress prominent with the color: Purple.

A Google search quickly clarified the matter:

The Clintons And Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution

` Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend.’(1)

It would seem Hillary and Bill are not planning, anytime soon, to quietly disappear from the limelight of controversy given the pillorying she, as the former Secretary of State and, them both with respect to the Clinton Foundation endured; both issues still under Congressional investigation.

The Clinton ties with the financial supporter of venture capitalist George Soros is well publicized in the public domain, however, the development of a `Purple Revolution’ is likely to take many by surprise or, has it?

The following may just be a strange coincidence or conspiratorial speculation but, it may suggest a sinister plot of mind programming is afoot and what better tool to utilize than a well established, episodal Comedy Channel program known for its satirical attack on political, social aspects of western society: South Park – Season 20 (268th Episode).

The topic stream commencing Season 20 airing September 16, 2016,(2) introduced `Member Berries’; a purple, grape-like cluster of (member) berries, each berry rhyming off a cherished past memory presumably advocating for the return of the time and event. Such events ranged from the political, social and entertainment realm. The chime of each berry being incessant, drawing the various South Park characters encountering them to indulge eating them and be overcome with the desire to return to the reminiscent past.

To go into full detail of the unfolding events transpiring over several sequential episodes goes beyond the scope of this essay, however, following this link to view the series to see just how ingeniously, this politically reflective satire, incorporates the unfolding events and controversy of Trump versus Clinton campaign to be the 45th President of the United States. Recall, these episodes appeared concurrent with each campaign’s progression and considering the amount of time taken to produce each episode raises the question of the source of advance awareness of the direction each campaign was to take.

Now, as it is clearly known the outcome of the election; Trump as the 45th President-Elect, the subtle pronouncement of Hillary Clinton and George Soros uniting under the banner of a Purple Revolution; were the producers of South Park, not unlike the speculation surrounding the producers of the Simpson’s series, given privy, insider knowledge in advance by globalist elite (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros, etc.) of the `how, what, when and most importantly, who of world events are pre-ordained to unfold?

In the series the persona of Donald J. Trump is taken up by the recurring role of English teacher, Mr. Garrison titled the `Douche’ running against Hillary Clinton referred throughout as the `Turd Sandwich’. It is clear that Mr. Garrison is Trump who eventually realizes he is totally unqualified to become president and attempts, with little success, to divert attention to Clinton as the more qualified candidate. In fact, not unlike `reality’ (no pun intended) the more he tries the more the electorate is swayed in his favor. The full, direct significance of the `Member Berries’ influence on the final outcome of Garrison (Trump) winning is a bit confusing in the course of the series playing, however now, with the quiet pronouncement of the `Purple Revolution’, it may be a bit more evident:

The principle allure of the Trump campaign and presumptive reason for its final success in both in the primaries and the general election was the nostalgia card reflected by its core political slogan: `Make America Great Again’. The key word: `Again’.

The infusion of the Member Berry’s spell upon the citizens of South Park by repeating incessantly past times and events when the world was perceived a better, more gentle and fun-loving time is presumably, what drives them, counter to their better judgment and pleading of Mr. Garrison (Trump), to NOT elect Clinton.

To conclude; where is the conspiracy in all of this?

As part of the greater plan knowing full well that Donald J. Trump is il-qualified to be President of the most powerful nation on the globe; the collapse of his `nostalgia’ campaign when the reality of his failings slaps the electorate in the face; there, ready, in the waiting is Hillary R. Clinton, backed by the most powerful financial and political elites, under the banner of the `Purple Revolution’ representing in their words: `Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend‘; a Third Political Party!

As a side note: For those unfamiliar with the machinations known as `The Bible-Code’ it is worthy to explore given that it confidently identified (not to be confused with predicted) Donald J. Trump as becoming the 45th President-Elect. However, it went one step further to suggest that his reign is to be short-lived and to be replaced by non-other: Hillary R. Clinton. (Link)

Here is another interesting take on the growing presence of the color Purple that magically starts to appear throughout the Media flooding the air-waves




Promise Bound


For all Global Nations: a growing concern:
Racism and hatred beginning to flourish;
An underbelly of dissension prominently exposed;
State to State chaos, becoming much easier to discern.

Left versus right seems less a divisive issue;
It’s Race vs Race that is coming to the fore;
Politicians and wannabees, espousing explosive rhetoric;
Amidst ill-advised supporters brandishing burning torches too.

The level of hatred fast encompassing the world
Likely no different from that experienced in times past;
But, biased 24/7 media with Internet, redefines current history’s tome,
Leading to the conclusion: global inhalation is bound to be incurred.

The outcome of coming conflict, this time around,
With proliferation of nuclear force willingly at the ready,
Will, for this generation of children be theirs to inherit:
A lifetime of earthly misery and suffering promise bound.



Promised Values


High-level criminality persists through to this modern day
The power of greed-money maintains its stay
Politicians of every stripe becoming too willing to play
Opposition to such influence, by death, is easily put away

Universal changes for the good are easily contrived
Yet common sense solutions are forcefully denied
Mainstream Media propaganda reinforcing the lies
So what is right versus what is done are destined to collide

Pressure is building and becoming harder to contain
Extremist to the right and the left making louder their claim
That oligarchic power can no longer be tolerated, be sustained
Use of destructive, deadly force no longer a viable refrain.

The warnings for decades have been visible, evidently clear
The 21st century Peoples common voice increasingly sincere:
They covet what has been promised, values held dear
And willing to fight for their Rights, to death, without hesitation or fear.


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