Archive for January, 2015


American Sniper – reaction

The growing malaise that envelopes global, civil-society centered on the distorted and biased perception of Islamist faith and the generalized demonization of those whom practice this faith has but one direction to go; a direction calculated toward an end that becomes increasingly obvious and realized with each passing day. The aim is global conflagration deemed initiated by Islāmic fundamentalist groups such as ISIS and Al Quida but, in truth, instigated by the collective of western political, industrial, financial institutions bent on achieving their pathological, hegemonic interests. Humanity, the 99%, serve as cannon-fodder, dispensable items of no intrinsic value to the 1% whom since time-immemorial, have gained in power through wealth of blood-money philanthropically and strategically dispensed to emblemize their place of superiority; seen by them as meager compensation for the sacrifices of the many over whom they rule. The truly unfortunate aspect of this reality: a majority of the 99% have for the most part, `drunk of the kool-aide’ freely served-up by the minions bought and paid for in the guise of doctrines named democracy, freedom of speech, human-rights and most laughable: equality for all!



Watch Citizenfour (2014) Online

CITIZEN FOUR – if you are not familiar with the title be aware it is the recently released documentary filmed directed by Laura Poitras. The documentary details the EDWARD SNOWDEN affair of unselfishly and bravely exposing the massive and secret surveillance programs National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States and its international allies collectively conduct on the global population regardless of national origin.

The significant importance of journalistic reporting on the part of Glenn Greenwald, when the story broke reporting for the Guardian Newspaper of London, England and now, a part of the INTERCEPT, a newly formed, self-financed investigative journalistic group committed to continue reporting the SNOWDEN story and similar types of important international stories.

Fortunately there are true journalist such as Greenwald, Poitras, Jeremy Scahill and, the News agencies supporting them, to bravely pursue the type of News coverage and reporting main-stream media have long supplanted with peaches and cream tripe that is of no importance to anyone save for the gullible naive mass audience willing to blindly ignore what is important to their lives and those of future descendants.

The frightening aspect of watching this documentary: it plays like your typical fictional spy/espionage film but then you realize: THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!

It is for this reason everyone MUST, for the sake of the freedoms democratic nations purport to entitle its citizens, not just now but, for generations to come, watch this documentary and share the link:

A link to watch this documentary online:


Failure to Ask: Why?


Preamble: The following essay is an effort to expunge the frustration that wells-up within as I make an effort to discern with the view to understand, the war-driven evil that is eroding civil and free social-order not only here in Canada but, throughout global civil-society.

Unfortunately, to approach an understanding of the current state of affairs in the context of heightened national security, challenges to freedom of expression and, migration of the so-named `war on terror’ throughout western democratic nations; it is essential to delve into the relative, contemporary roots of these developments. In truth, a comprehensive examination would demand unearthing contributing factors arising well back into modern, human history at least to the beginning of the 20th century.

The complexity of what has materialized to-date is enormous given that many elements contribute to current manifestations of conflict primarily in the Middle East, that now appear to be migrating toward Europe, the United States and Canada. However, ultimately, the genesis to these conflicts rests solely with the collective alliance of these same named national governments. Their principal motivations being expansionism for the security and control of global natural resources namely but, not limited to Oil to ensure their economic and military dominance against their perceived enemies: China, Russia and lesser nations that are equally competing for such power of dominance.

The former Soviet Union’s attempt to secure Afghanistan beginning in 1979 became a threat to western commercial interests in that its success would impede installation of oil and natural gas pipelines from resource-rich, land-locked nations such as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to flow ultimately through western ally nation Pakistan to coastal ports of the Indian Ocean. The United States with the acquiescence if not participation of its coalition of nation-partners, funded and trained local tribesmen to counter the Soviet insurgence. These fighters, under the leadership of now deceased Osama bin Ladin, known as al-Qaida, after nine-years of conflict ending February, 1989, successfully routed-out the Soviets. This left war-torn Afghanistan essentially, under the influences of western-nations’ political and corporate interests.

Shortly thereafter, in 1990, Saddam Hussein of Iraq attempted to invade Kuwait for the purported purpose of securing its oil reserves. The United States saw this as a direct threat against an ally nation and source of its oil imports, launched a major counter-offensive literally obliterating the Iraqi army and air-force. Though the war lasted only a matter of weeks, rightly or wrongly, President Hubert-Walker Bush decided not to overthrow and/or remove Saddam Hussein from power.

The next major international event to occurred happened September 11, 2001 (9/11) with the downing of the World Trade Centre towers. Blamed for the attack yet never fully investigated were a group of nineteen named terrorists purportedly operating under direction of Osama bin Laden orchestrating the attack from inside Afghanistan.

The 9/11 event spawned a reaction that is felt to this day commencing with the pronouncement by President George W. Bush: a `war-on-terror’ against`axis-of-evil’ countries; countries the United States claim finance and support terrorist groups; a `coalition-of-the-willing’ namely western, democratic States of Britain, majority of European Union countries and Canada. What ensued as result, is the relentless bombing of Afghanistan to rout-out bin Laden and, in March, 2003, outright war against Saddam Hussein based on what will ultimately be found to be false accusations Saddam harbored terrorist groups and attempts to acquire `weapons of mass destruction’ (W.D.M.’s).

In concert with these military initiatives; the early part of the 21st century  witnessed the unbridled legalizing of limitations imposed on the freedoms of United States citizens by way of the Patriot Act and creation of the Department of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Agency (T.S.A.) for implementation of a variety of draconian legislation premised on the need to tighten boarder security from outside terrorist threats. The occurrence of three well-known terrorist acts in Detroit, New York and Boston respectively, over a period of several years, has heightened the level of pubic fear infused by government propaganda and escalated, mainstream media coverage, substantiating expenditure of billions of dollars to essentially create a national security state broaching that of a military-state. The same initiatives to varying degrees, continue to be implemented within countries allied with the United States in their combined efforts to rid the world of the perceived and limited terrorist menace.

As to who or what was ultimately responsible for the attack on the WTC towers is yet to be determined. Comprehensive analysis of the events leading up to and post the buildings’ collapse has created more questions then has been answered. And, as with the questions arising from the assassination of John F. Kennedy and subsequently his brother Robert, they are likely never to be fully resolved. However, as to the other part of the Middle East war-equation: it is widely known claims of WDM’s held by Saddam Hussein was false and misleading resulting in an illegal and unnecessary destruction of a nation and killing of millions of innocent Iraqi citizens.

The fourteen, now approaching fifteen, years since the 9/11 event, matters have worsened. The failure of the United States and its allies to successfully democratize either Iraq or Afghanistan has these nations mired in a constant state of civil war between sectarian and religious factions of the Suni, Kurd and Shia dominated regions of Iraq; and, various tribal-families of Afghanistan siding with al Quida and/or various factions fighting under the flag of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) fundamentalist groups.

Compounding and convoluting the chaos in the region is the western-ally supported rebellion in Libya by `revolutionaries’ resulting in the overthrow and death of its notorious dictator-leader, Muammar Gaddafi in October, 2011 leaving Libya fractured and in a continual state of civil-war between various militant and revolutionary forces vying for control. What is not clear: who the western nations look to be victorious since they seem to be militarizing all parties in the conflict in their attempt to destabilize the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, deemed by the West a ruling dictator suppressing the democratic and human-rights of Syrian citizens.

Ultimately, the United States and its allies’ intervention in the region of the Middle East commencing with Iraq and Afghanistan, expands southward to include Yemen and eastward to Pakistan (though Pakistan is deemed an ally of the west, it is a known haven and fund various extremist deemed terrorist factions). Beyond these countries and throughout the Middle East including Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and those of the Sinai Peninsula, Emirate States and Saudi Arabia have become increasingly embroiled either directly or at arms-length, in the conflict(s) of present day and, not to the exclusion of Israel’s participation.

As eluded to earlier, the complexity of this important matter is beyond the capacity of this essay to comprehensively encapsulate however, it should be sufficient to emphasize the importance of everyone, of all nations, to make an effort to enquire and question the actions and motivations of its political elite in their pursuance of tighter and more stringent legislative powers to inhibit the freedoms of its citizenry. Periodic manifestation of so-called `terrorist’ acts on `home-soil’ or, domestic-terrorism, should not lead to questions of `what manner of tighter security need be implemented?’ but, more importantly: `why did the terrorist(s) feel it necessary to commit such acts of death and destruction on home-soil?’.

The mainstream-media fail in pursuing this line of questioning of legislators and politicians but rather, fall lock-step in support by emphasizing the fear-element of the controversy and call for tighter legislative powers to secure against the perceived threat at the expense of freedom of expression and movement.

There can be no doubt even with the limited public knowledge of this on-going conflict made available through mainstream-media-channels; the actions of western nations principally those of the United States substantiated by the attack of 9/11 serves only to precipitate and fuel the level of hatred arising from what is deemed strategic and targeted bombing by plane and drones in many of the Islamic countries of the Middle East. These actions seem to only create more terrorist acts of retribution against nations comprising the coalition countries. An unfair condition not only for the Islamic citizens affected but too, those of western nations as it is their treasure and blood being expended in this seemingly endless battle.

In the end, there is no right or wrong to this situation; it is more a matter of a conflict that has become convoluted by ambitions of politics/politicians and the economics of power both domestic and international.

Putting on a pair of rose-colored glasses:

  1. It is time for ALL global-citizens to question WHY? our respective nations are involved in these conflicts and to demand withdraw from any region we have no right to be involved;
  2. Let the citizens of countries in domestic-conflict sort out their own future and neighboring nations left to protect their own sovereign borders from intrusion as may arise from such conflicts;
  3. Treat the natural resources of any nation as the common-wealth of the sovereign-nation for trade/exchange in good faith; and,
  4. Larger, developed nations to better serve as peace-makers/brokers and not interventionist for securing other nations’ natural wealth.

Peace – what are you/we waiting for?


adult content: MASTURBATION!


Delving spontaneously into the salacious, deviant world that is Internet porn; an arena founded for pursuit of singular or mutual gratification garnered by viewing unspeakable acts of debauchery, specifically scripted and performed by nameless people motivated toward personal financial gain with the promise to heighten the pluralistic, wanton sexual desires of a viewing audience seeking to orgasmically extinguish uncontrollable urges derived by expulsion of purposeful bodily fluids by means of self-inflicted punishment imposed upon gender defining organs; a private, personal act craftily, discernibly labelled:



What is: Freedom of Speech in the 21st Century

The events transpiring in France as of late, have prompted examination of the concept of freedom of expression/speech. But, what constitutes or differentiates expression premised on a bias or extreme hatred versus critical expression when based on factual evidence in support of such expression.

For an instance if I were to claim:

 Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, a duplicitous, Fascist, genocidal, racist criminal administering an apartheid state for the occupation and slaughter of innocent Palestinian citizens;

…would this be interpreted as `hate speech’ or my freedom to express my opinion based on interpretation of the factual evidence deemed in support of this claim?

Frankly, I think not. It would likely be labelled as `anti-Semitic’, an accusation directed not at the Politician named but, toward the Peoples of Israel; especially they whom either support or fail to intervene in the criminal actions of their government.

Hypocrisy in the domain of freedom of speech is rampant. Majority of western, so-called democratic countries advocate the right of expression, a pillar among those that define such nations however; anyone with the ability to see, hear and discern what is evident in daily News reporting; knows this is just not true.

The only freedom for assembled citizens to express a viewpoint on topical matters are ONLY those supportive of the current government’s policy. When defiance of it; the militarized, policing authority is there to quash such expression. To cite specific examples of this check the video News archived coverage of any major G-Country meetings; or environmental policy legislation such the X-L Pipeline and climate-change.

The attack on investigative journalistic reporting that runs contrary to a ruling governments’ policies is becoming increasingly substantiated as a matter of national security and potentially harmful to the nation in question. In truth, this means: if the citizens really knew what we [government] were up to there would be a considerable revolt if not outright anarchy!

It is no secret except to those whom chose to bury their heads in the proverbial `sand’; the complicit nature of western societal institutions to present only `their’ perspective to global events. Main-stream media, financial and multi-national corporations being at the top of the list, share equally with respective national governments, to promulgate and support what is increasingly becoming a `conspiracy of dominance’ by national governmental administrations, regardless of political strip. The need to control effective communication of narratives touted as `credible’ information, to a less-than-sublime and gullible general populace.

Any commentary contrary to a nation’s national narrative is quickly labelled a `conspiracy’ of some extremist individual or group, anti-government organization or, manifests as charge(s) of jeopardizing national security and pursuance of reporting journalist(s) by department of justice. Relevant and significant examples of this are Julian Assange of Wiki-Leaks, infamous Edward Snowden both deemed `Wanted-Men’ by the United States Department of Justice and, the recent imprisonment of Chelsea Manning for the better part of his life. The irony in each of these cases: majority of the western populace are in support of the actions taken by such individuals for exposing illegal mass surveillance activity by national security agencies of the United States and their coalition of governmental allies around the world.

Investigative Journalist covering and exposing controversial political matters, intrusive to national security of government administrations around the globe are either: mysteriously killed, imprisoned or, actively pursued by federal prosecutors on national security charges.

Fortunately, with the ubiquitous Internet and predacious nature of freelance journalism, a platform for journalistic activism is flourishing much to the chagrin of nation governments and their respective politicians. Independent, alternative News-media channels are reporting unbiased, factual accounts of many nefarious governmental activities. Exposing the hypocrisy that is rife throughout the spectrum of global governance and socio-economic policy makers.

Unfortunately, recognizing the potential influence such independent news-platforms can impose to counter the national narrative as presented by the main-stream media; strengthened by the increased terrorist-security threat agenda touted as an international concern, a communication policy titled Net-Neutrality is gaining increased support. Basically what this implies is the opportunity for some internet service providers (ISP’s) to fundamentally alter the way the internet works and collect money from companies (like Netflix and Facebook) to guarantee their data can continue to reach users unimpeded. Essentially creating a situation where those who are able to pay will receive preferential, faster service and bandwidth. The unfortunate and possible calculated aspect of this policy is recognition that many of the independent news-media websites are donation supported and, as result, be relegated to poorer and slower service from their ISP if not outright closure. The move could be cynically translated as an arms-length way for governments to further control the information-narrative that flows to its citizenry via the Internet.

The facets that would respond to the original question posed and, the title to this essay:

`What is: Freedom of Speech in the 21st Century’

…in fairness to its critical importance to everyone would, should take several more pages than expressed here. However, advocated by the brief examples cited is the necessity for every individual to become more informed and involved with the circumstances that increasingly shape the world we and our descendants occupy. It is essential to go beyond the sound-bites of information offered by the Main-stream media and equally important, to not accept at face-value all that is presented, to question the validity and veracity of its source(s). This is especially relevant given that a majority of News reported originates from one of only five major news corporations which are more concerned with turning a profit than ensuring you as a voting citizen, know the truth to what is going on beyond your horizon.

In conclusion, the perfunctory or dismissive reaction to this essay-commentary by its potential reader, is not the failing of its communication but, the success of governmental-establishment’s objectives to impede and minimize opportunity for true and honest freedom of speech and for the potential demonization and incarceration of those whom advocate for it!

Naykd Poet, 2015

Watch the following Video by Democracy

Too, check out The Real News Network



Memories Pleasure

Michael Illing2

With mixed emotions I view a photo from the past
That tells the story of a love deep, yet did not last;
Only with time passing to weigh the full cost
Does one fully realize, the value lost;
So rare are opportunity to find love true,
With one whom shares equally with you;
Precious are these memories left to treasure
Yet, they garner a mixed sense of pleasure.

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