Archive for July, 2018


The Tides of War?

The Oracle: the purveyor of things to come, prophecy rendered from the entrails of history’s telling.

The radical departure of Trump from his campaign rhetoric: to retreat from the historic United States’ hegemonic foreign policy, by his postings of Bolton and Pompeo, may be in anticipation of a major correction by the United States’ stock market toward the end of 2018, or early 2019, as detailed in the following report: .

History has shown; when economies are on the verge of collapse, or significant recession/depression, war becomes a viable option as a diversion for the electorate. Having two war hawks in your War Cabinet in such a period of political turmoil would be advisable. Too, with the 2018 Mid-term elections on the horizon, this would bode well to gain support for a Republican House and Senate win. Trump has two irons in the fire to option his war strategy: Iran and North Korea. Given the complexity of a North Korea war venture, Iran is the most viable target allied by Israel first, and Saudi Arabia as a viable second. Great Britain’s Teresa May would relish a major conflict to divert attention away from the BREXIT fiasco and Angela Merkel, and France’s Macron have their own problems that seek a way out and opportunity to prolong their political careers (said cynically).

So all that said: the future may not be as bright as we may want it, get ready!


State of the Ridiculous

There are times when few words are needed to speak volumes:

Trump World

Trump on Trump

Should anyone be surprised?

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