Archive for the 'God' Category


What Compels `Belief’?

As one Human among seven-plus billion others, now seven-plus decades into this existence on this planetary spaceship traversing the great cosmic unknown, toward a destination of even greater speculation: what compels me to believe in a topic much has been done, and many have taken significant strides to discount, and worse, discredit?

Since an early age, becoming increasingly cognizant to a world outside my limited state of consciousness, and awareness; the first being shaped by the ethos of religion as espoused by Roman Catholic dogma, raised the questioning specter of `belief’. Especially that of an unseen entity known as God, and his selfless Son: Jesus.

The tragic gift of extreme short-sightedness, compounded by a penchant for breaking my visual aid of expensive eye-glasses, to my father’s dismay; I became very introspective during my many episodes of delinquent attendance to Sunday Mass, simply consuming the prescribed amount of time spent in Church, by walking endless footsteps, unseeing anything within mere feet before me: buried in `thought’ of my simple mind’s creation.

By the time I had turned nine, coming to the realization I saw, or didn’t, see things differently than most within my limited sphere of being, not totally hermetic, but increasingly so, I came to the realization too that I could be Gay. (The time being the late 1950’s `Gay’ was not established as relating to male-homosexuality, but suffice it to say: I was enamored by the males of my acquaintance, more than females.). This eventual realization maturing in thought as I passed through puberty, gave reason to reach deeper into the state-of-mind; to raise question for possible answer to all the mysteries life increasingly presented for want to understand.

Contrary to current access to information via the Internet; growing up in age of newsprint, and  television news and entertainment limited awareness to the unusual especially in the realm of UFO’s (Unidentified Fly Objects), or as referred to today: AFP’s (Arial Flying Phenomenon). These principally being the subject of science-fiction novels by such famous authors as Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradburry, the latter being the creator of the infamous Star-Trek series. []. The topic captured my imagination then, and to this present day.

As reader, you may ask: what does being Gay have to do with the potential existence of UFO/AFP’s; where is the connection?.

The straight-answer [pun intended] is two-fold: firstly, and possibly difficult to fully appreciate by those who have not from a very early time in their life presence, be obliged to examine their sexual orientation, but their entire reason for being  in the context of `others’ as to incite deep reason for introspection, and possibly more significantly: compelling reason for extrospection of the world of beliefs to which you are borne.

Second: having personally experienced, on two distinct occasion, mysterious phenomenon  few may have had the fortune to experience directly:

The first occurred in the late 1990’s while driving; it was the start of dusk, the full sky a deep hue of Sunset pink within there was a massive, perfect circle, distinctly discernable due to its being slightly lighter hue than that which encircled it. At first thought, it was just a freak weather phenomenon until: within a split-second or less, the sphere closed in unto itself as does the shutter of a camera lens, rendering the entire sphere gone, and the entire sky  consistent with the darker hue of Sunset pink.  One might assume it to be a dimensional portal, a shift in the matrix, or frankly; who could know other than it being a real and observable event.

The second, and more graphic, and real: while visiting my brother in Phoenix, Glendale to be exact, he and I walking in his neighborhood, I happened to look up to see, approximately a few-hundred feet above me, a double diamond shaped object, red in color, slowly floating by as it softly rotated on its vertical axis. The rotation being known by the Sun’s periodic reflection on one side of the object. Then, appearing out of no-where, following the same motion and path trajectory of the first, a second object, but this one was black in color. Both are now silently drifting across above my head. The strangeness of this: alerting my brother who walked a few meters ahead to take notice of the objects, looking upward claimed he saw nothing as I described what I was seeing. Astonished he could not see what was obvious to my eyes, I followed both as they proceeded and eventually the black object dissolved into the sky, as the red object carried on, eventually dissolving into the light of the sky.

Beyond these direct, relatable experiences, there have been several events manifesting more questions than answers throughout my life. Experiences many explain as mere coincidence, or indulgence of imagination, or twists of fate; however what they are in the end is the willingness to go beyond the binary to explain, to compel one into the `Belief’ there is far more than that which the senses-given allows to know is real.

To conclude: what inspired the writing of this essay is encountering a documentary on the topic of Disclosure of the UFO/AFP phenomenon titled: Unacknowledged: An Expose’ of the World’s Greatest Secret [], and to bring to the attention of those whom inexplicably have ignored, have had no interest in the topic, or just not willing to `believe’ as result of the subject being tarnished under the classification of `conspiracy theory’. It’s hoped in doing so: on behalf of the minds’ of the few; Compel Belief, by the minds’ of the many !

The End, or is it?

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As we enter to what is essentially the last phase of our Chromosomal-telomere quota of flesh-blood existence [excluding prematurely succumbing to freaks of nature {full spectrum inclusion of non-human}& human intervention {accident or otherwise}] one might contemplate, more so maybe than otherwise, but contemplate past, present, and future [emphasis on the `future’ contemplation] rendering such thoughts as the following: WARNING: this is not as morbid as the illustration suggests

Withering and dying, this body slowly degenerating to its ultimate demise, to for-ever be lost to this world, that evidence of its presence to future generations knowing, be forever obliterated as to not have existed at all. If into Nothing our Being ultimately goes, for what reason does it exist in the first place? What Legacy proof be created to harvest a permanence of presence on this evolving, revolving planet Earth? Does the answer lie in the presence of the Cemetery wherein fields of granite, limestone, and other material of aging permanence serve as concrete evidence, witness proof to the Lives that once held prominence and footing on the hallow ground to this perceived existence? That only by Death’s relinquishing of the captured Soul, Life’s energy force fueling existence, does Truth to a Knowing, ultimately become solved. Or does the answer ultimately lie elsewhere; beyond this reality’s need for comprehension?

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The Divine Answer

divine answer

On the last day of Creation, God gathered every living species of earth-born creature save for one of them: Human.

God, looking proudly outward, the murmuring echoes of all assembled, slowly hushed to complete silence.

God’s purpose, told to the gathered: ‘….excluding Human from this gathering is in order to bestow unto this one specie, a unique, talent trait meant to set them apart from all the rest of creation: the gift of wonderment; the thought of mind: to Question.’

In that moment, the multitudes gathered, broke their silence; the lush, open valley echoing their sullen, moan of disappointment.

God, reflecting a moment, feeling the unanimous reaction, once again spoke; the valley again falling silent.

God’s eyes, lit brighter than countless Suns, shouted in the loudest, thunderous voice so all would be sure to hear, crying out: ‘Be not dishearten my flock, for to you all who stand here, reverently before Me, I treasure you with an even more precious gift; the Divine Answer to the question humanity will be most consumed to answer: ‘What is the purpose to this human life? And further, you are free to speak of this, to tell every Human you encounter, and through your progeny, for all eternity.

God, feeling the renewed energy of goodness, joy and happiness well up from among them beckoned with cheer and reverence; `Go now! Return to the place on this Earth you call Home!’.

Comments Welcomed:



Requiem of Spirit

a requium

 Requiem of Spirit

Insignificant are these words that fill this page fore they render nothing more than a stain. Stain markings as feelings, thoughts, ideas of less importance, impact upon the direction, course evolution takes toward an end. Contrivance of communication subject to seeing by blind eyes, being heard through deaf ears, never to be spoken. The encumbrance of thought compiled line by line, expelled to satisfy each moment toward their meaningless, meaning or purpose. Collected, bound, volumes comprehensively fomenting artificiality of presence recognized, though invisible, amidst the masses of trite representation to the same. Succumbing to be buried, lost to chance to be forgotten, dormant upon the ageless shelf of lessor importance. Energy expended without reward of return, fading to darkness: The End.

 This Requiem of Spirit: Creative Mind, lost of its meaning to gain furtherance to expression brought to the Conscious that grave for its experience be brought, by reading minds’ imagination. Allowing for the Ether, Heart of Soul, be brought tangibly to Life, through the senses expunging, from each taste, stain of Word: What it is to BE!







Doing, as one does during these digital times, surfing through You-Tube video in attempt to find something of intrigue or mind-expanding amongst the throngs of endless self-aggrandizing or sophomoric in content video channels; I happened upon a Channel explaining a version of Mathematics, simply put, defines `Everything’.


Assuming the video is watched to elaborate on the concept/technology, the significance of the Number `9’ to our very existence is made apparent.  The irony lies in the matter; I wrote a poem titled: `NINE’, back in 2011, August to be exact, that speaks to the heart of this discovered technology.


Primordial mist, laws to ether’s gravity combine

Giving form to the formless by mysterious zodiac design

To shape this earthly body that is mine

Vessel to spiritual energy of cosmic intellectual mind

Locked from conscious awareness by amnesia’s blind

Consigned this dimensional dwelling a finite time

To acknowledge a greater wisdom’s ascendant climb

Toward the One of All that beckonsNINE




To better understand and comprehend the world as we are coming to know it, the reason for what is evolving, one need look at the history to what makes it so; and this comprehensive BBC documentary is a good start to that end:


Free Speech and Religious Liberty

Trump Administration’s Executive Order: `President Trump Signs the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty‘ .

An Essay written in 2005 anticipated the potential negative outcome for many Americans given the growing, vocal presence of the Conservative Religious Right within the politic of the day.

The premise for the original essay is the offering of an open invitation to move to Canada, to those Americans who were becoming increasingly concerned for the positioning of the political and socially conservative, right-wing, evangelical religious movement to influence the White House and ultimately, the Supreme Court, to amend Constitutional laws in favor of their Bible-driven beliefs.

It would seem that day has finally materialized some twelve years later under the Trump-Pence Administration.

The original essay:

`IN GOD THEY TRUST – NBC with TOM BROKAW  (2005-10-23)

If you are a non-believer that is Christian, gay, democrat or liberal in your views and lastly, AMERICAN, Canada has a lot of vacant land available for occupancy whenever you are ready. And from what I saw and heard on this program, though a brief expose of what is gong on in the good old’ US, I would be looking to pack up and move real soon..

The infusion of evangelical religious fervour and the insidious means they employ to establish their faith amongst the many and subsequently the political pressure this puts on the State, the judicial system, it is cause for not only Americans but also, the rest of the world to be concerned.

The evangelical, conservative Christian movement is organized and determined to put their mark on the majority of America in order to shape the future direction of that country. Their coy manner of insisting that they do not have a political agenda, that they do not impose their theology on others is a ruse. They know what their objectives are and precisely how they expect to achieve those goals. And with their ally in the Oval Office – they are on the road to achieve those goals. With the Congress and eventually the Supreme Court weighted in their favour – the implication of this movement will outlive this administration. It is fearful to see and hear American citizens negating any sense of reason or judgement in exercising their right to vote. Regardless of the political aspirations or abilities of a political candidate be they for the presidency, congress or any other arm of the federal government, as long as that individual holds to their same right wing (though they would not label themselves as such), moral Christian values – that is where their vote will be directed. George W Bush is living proof of that commitment

The fear for the balance of Americans in success of this movement is how it translates to the rest of the world’s religious communities the most obvious of these being the Islamic faith who view the events in the United States as a furtherance of the Christian dominance of the world – at their expense. In addition, as has been brutally illustrated to date, they will sacrifice themselves to prevent this from happening.

The rift these events create within the social fabric of American society will have the affect of undermining the united front that up until the unfolding of these events can only serve the enemies of the US – what is the old adage – United we conquer – divided we fall.

Thank you CANADA!’

The invitation from this Canadian still stands!



Global Truth & Reconciliation: `I’m Tired of Being Lied To’


It is common awareness that a `Lie’, related to any matter of subject or condition, only serves to perpetuate more lying to protect the fact a lie has been perpetrated.

This condition eventually leads to establishing a `Secret’ to protect they who initiated the original lie. Eventually, this leads to conflict between those who become aware of the lie perpetuated versus those who protect the condition of the presence of a lie. For Nations, this generally falls under the classification of `National Security’.

Over the centuries the lies compounded upon lies has manifest to a present state where any subject pertaining to Human existence and the historical conditions from and which it has evolved to this the 21st century become subject to questioning debate.

Unfortunately, the select few who have assumed themselves to be the `rightful holders and protectors to the truth’ to the lies perpetrated over the centuries; fear for the level of anger and hostility that would ensue and foisted upon them by the Peoples of the World were, at this late date, said `truths’ be divulged.

It is with a high degree of certainty that many millions of lives have suffered and lost for the sole purpose and reason: to protect the many critical lies that comprises Human History.

But, this can no longer be tolerated.

All the Peoples of the World must finally rise up and take a stand against centuries of tyranny wrongly imposed upon them, at great cost of human suffering and debasement, by only a very few, select elite families and their political minions. Generations-old establishment that have constructively and strategically, for their own enrichment and empowerment, taken exclusive control to `Knowledge of Human Origins and Antiquity’ that are the rightful property of all Peoples. From ancient history and origins of our species to the purported interventions of `other world’ entities and all relevant matters in-between.

A global `Truth and Reconciliation’ event under the auspices of a Peoples United Nations must be demanded. A year long event where `secrets’ long held from Humanity be openly and unequivocally divulged; brought into the light of day.

`Truth and Reconciliation: A truth commission or truth and reconciliation commission is a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing by a government (or, depending on the circumstances, non-state actors also), in the hope of resolving conflict left over from the past.’

Finally, a loud and vocal revolution, here as yet to be experienced, of seismic proportions is essential to bring a final end to the conflict and suffering common humanity has long and wrongfully endured; to chart a new course allowing for it to finally evolve and prosper well into this 21st Century and beyond. Failure to do so will assuredly lead to its ultimate, unnecessary demise.


Etched To The Bone



Surprising, this poem, written back in 2008, finds a fitting place reflecting the current day’s experience; the unfolding of events that speak to a darker time that, potentially, lies ahead for all humanity and its implication for generations that are yet to follow:

Etched To The Bone

My mind spins

From the chaos echoing

From the choir

Disaster of faith

In the fabric of mankind

Can the deluge

Grow even higher?


When will it stop?

When will the end begin?

The pain that I am feeling

Is in need of a pill that can win.


Factions in every corner

Spewing the ill

Of the coming way

Offering nothing in return

But explaining

How we will righteously pay


Bleed for the children

For they know not

What it is

Tomorrow’s growing darkness

Is the inheritance to be given?

What in the morning

Will they say?


Oh what sadness

Is being etched into the bone

For generations to come

This ailing condition

Will call it: home!



An Essay for our present time: having written this in recent past years it somehow seems appropriate to publish it again:



J. J. Hurtak writes (Pistis Sophia, p. xxvii): “The Pistis Sophia teaches us that humanity has inherited from the First Space of the Divine an indwelling divine power. The Savior is directed by the Ineffable to assist in the extension of the Divine powers into the human kingdom according to the desires of humanity, and to reveal the efficacy of the highest mysteries of salvation to humankind.”

Genesis creation of man as an entity and the demise of mankind as a spiritual being.

Then I said, “Sir, how much longer?”
He said to me, “Until the moment when the true man, within a modeled form, reveals the existence of the spirit of truth, which the father has sent.
Then he will teach them about everything, and he will anoint them with the unction of life eternal, given him from the nominated generation.
Then they will be freed of blind thought, and they will trample underfoot death, which is of the authorities, and they will ascend into the limitless light where this sown element belongs.
Then the authorities will relinquish their ages, and their angels will weep over their destruction, and their demons will lament their death.
Then all the children of the light will be truly acquainted with the truth and their root, and the father of the entirety and the holy spirit. They will all say with a single voice, ‘The father’s truth is just, and the son presides over the entirety”, and from everyone unto the ages of ages, “Holy – holy – holy! Amen!'”

Countless volumes of ancient and contemporary written text speak of and repeat the existence of a Divine truth that has evaded the consciousness of mankind. Like a prophet hoarding the secrets of the ages, exiled to extreme outer boundaries of existence banished there by the orthodoxy that dominates contemporary humanity, keeping it in ignorance.

Humanities’ absolve to the higher power of institutions that assume the role of all-knowing guides to a future of their making, carved from ignorance, fueled by greed, reaps a present existence mired in evil, negativity, and chaos

A spiritual awakening to the `truth of knowledge’ is beyond comprehension given the infusion and solidification of creed impervious to blemish and protected with cries of `heresy’.

Hippocratic and false prophets, councilors to the perceived Word, for want of power and deity present a false hope promoted by language and rhetoric to plant and nourish guilt of sin and promise of destiny to the inferno: Hell.

Evil, like an ancient tree with its long and tenuous roots, pierces through the soil of humanity nourishing and expanding through all existence to become established and impervious to the ax that is truth, love and goodness, casting its evil shadow, blocking passage of the Light of Being sent to spark and warm the souls of humanity.

Existence in the shadow of the Tree of Evil its fallen fruit seeded and nourished in the bountiful goodness that is inherently humanity’s, to sprout seedlings of evil that in time will cast an infinite shadow of darkness forever blocking out the Light of Truth, banishing the hope that it will ever light the souls of humanity again.

Orthodox faith, cultivator, and keeper of the garden of evil conspiring blindly to serve to an apocalyptic end through denial of the true words of God lay toll of heresy through self-righteous inquisition to persecute those bravely wanting for the truth to be spoken and known by all. These are the purveyors of the candle snuffer that put out the light of truth at every opportunity to ensure that in time, it will be snuffed out forever.

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