Archive for the 'creation' Category


Finally Know

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[Sequel to [NEED TO KNOW?]

MUSIC– ethereal vibration frequency flow;

Took this moment to – finally know;

All the searching for WHAT to – finally know,

Dissolving to dance of MUSIC to – finally know:

SOUL’s search, the BODY to – finally know!

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As we enter to what is essentially the last phase of our Chromosomal-telomere quota of flesh-blood existence [excluding prematurely succumbing to freaks of nature {full spectrum inclusion of non-human}& human intervention {accident or otherwise}] one might contemplate, more so maybe than otherwise, but contemplate past, present, and future [emphasis on the `future’ contemplation] rendering such thoughts as the following: WARNING: this is not as morbid as the illustration suggests

Withering and dying, this body slowly degenerating to its ultimate demise, to for-ever be lost to this world, that evidence of its presence to future generations knowing, be forever obliterated as to not have existed at all. If into Nothing our Being ultimately goes, for what reason does it exist in the first place? What Legacy proof be created to harvest a permanence of presence on this evolving, revolving planet Earth? Does the answer lie in the presence of the Cemetery wherein fields of granite, limestone, and other material of aging permanence serve as concrete evidence, witness proof to the Lives that once held prominence and footing on the hallow ground to this perceived existence? That only by Death’s relinquishing of the captured Soul, Life’s energy force fueling existence, does Truth to a Knowing, ultimately become solved. Or does the answer ultimately lie elsewhere; beyond this reality’s need for comprehension?

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Finally Die


No matter how hard the cry,

To stop Time’s passing by,

It’s want to ever faster fly,

Leaving little reason to try

Resisting its end, to finally die.


To Be Heard

As one who has spent many hours of his life infused with the need to express what is felt, seen, and heard; to acknowledge a young, inspiring Poet Amanda Gorman []: to give poetry its place to affectively communicate in so many words, the hearts, minds, and consciousness of the many; gave inspiration to the following in tribute to her glorious achievement(s):

To Be Heard

To write a Poem, is not just words;

It is an individual’s feelings, felt to be heard.

To those whom encounter such a poem;

Know, its meaning is to find an emotional home.

Inspiration, often from the most innocuous place,

Can stimulate a composition of wisdom, hope and grace.

So, understanding that a Poem is more than just words;

Let its next encounter give cause for its meaning to be truly heard.


Conscious Minds’ Nod

Conscious presence of Mind,

Without which there is nothing to find;

Nor reason for purpose to define;

Nor form of structure to space in time.

Human Sentience is the perception tool

That allows for physic’s understanding to rule;

Otherwise, humanity becomes the ultimate fool

By believing: its domain is the ultimate jewel.

Does humanity’s presence make a Universe appear;

Or does all that it be – simply disappear,

Without perceptive eyes to see, ears to hear;

Or presence of conscious minds’ perception-sphere?

The answer to this quandary might be resolved

By going beyond Nature’s fundamental laws:

That all is known, guided by them, might be flawed

By their inception to a reality needing a conscious mind’s nod.

What do you think – yah, or nay?


Birth of a Child

man person cute young

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Dedicated to a good friend who is Father to his first child:


Birth of a Child

Becoming Father, to Child, a new life borne;

Brings new meaning to life’s passage;

A path marked with hurdles, not forewarned.


Now each day’s beginning, discovery is met;

As a new life’s meaning, begins to unfold;

Filled with new surprises, surpassing any regrets


Challenges to past norms, increasingly out of sight;

The miracle of wonder, experience to discovery;

The birth of a child, brings to an adult’s life.







The Divine Answer

divine answer

On the last day of Creation, God gathered every living species of earth-born creature save for one of them: Human.

God, looking proudly outward, the murmuring echoes of all assembled, slowly hushed to complete silence.

God’s purpose, told to the gathered: ‘….excluding Human from this gathering is in order to bestow unto this one specie, a unique, talent trait meant to set them apart from all the rest of creation: the gift of wonderment; the thought of mind: to Question.’

In that moment, the multitudes gathered, broke their silence; the lush, open valley echoing their sullen, moan of disappointment.

God, reflecting a moment, feeling the unanimous reaction, once again spoke; the valley again falling silent.

God’s eyes, lit brighter than countless Suns, shouted in the loudest, thunderous voice so all would be sure to hear, crying out: ‘Be not dishearten my flock, for to you all who stand here, reverently before Me, I treasure you with an even more precious gift; the Divine Answer to the question humanity will be most consumed to answer: ‘What is the purpose to this human life? And further, you are free to speak of this, to tell every Human you encounter, and through your progeny, for all eternity.

God, feeling the renewed energy of goodness, joy and happiness well up from among them beckoned with cheer and reverence; `Go now! Return to the place on this Earth you call Home!’.

Comments Welcomed:



then; now; and, than: Unwinding


Unwinding is the progressive; spiraling from its ethereal beginning, passive to its present, with infinite conscious energy, fed to its expenditure, toward the nothing of everything, manifesting, through its experience, memory to its passing, to color the instant, of its observed presence then; now; and, than!



Future by Hollywood?



Humanity is fast approaching the second decade of this 21st century at such speed, if measured by the advancements in computer hardware and software technologies manifesting as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics at the heart of it, its beyond the speed of light.

No where is this to be more evident then that which comes from the fantastical mind-creations of  screenplay writers; directors and legions of CGI special-effects artists; editors and, ironically to a lesser degree, flesh and blood Actors.

To witness a sampling of what Hollywood has in store for 2018 and beyond; a fictional projection of a fantastical, and potentially dystopian, future world can be had here (it is a playlist of trailers of 2018 release movies).

The series of upcoming movies from award-winning directors such as Stephen Spielberg and David Cameron, and multi-million production budgets, they do not hold back on their portrayal of what the future has in store for humanity. Unfortunately today, such exposes need the drama of death and destruction, but at the heart of each screenplay, is a potential truth, one day, we may all have to face.



Requiem of Spirit

a requium

 Requiem of Spirit

Insignificant are these words that fill this page fore they render nothing more than a stain. Stain markings as feelings, thoughts, ideas of less importance, impact upon the direction, course evolution takes toward an end. Contrivance of communication subject to seeing by blind eyes, being heard through deaf ears, never to be spoken. The encumbrance of thought compiled line by line, expelled to satisfy each moment toward their meaningless, meaning or purpose. Collected, bound, volumes comprehensively fomenting artificiality of presence recognized, though invisible, amidst the masses of trite representation to the same. Succumbing to be buried, lost to chance to be forgotten, dormant upon the ageless shelf of lessor importance. Energy expended without reward of return, fading to darkness: The End.

 This Requiem of Spirit: Creative Mind, lost of its meaning to gain furtherance to expression brought to the Conscious that grave for its experience be brought, by reading minds’ imagination. Allowing for the Ether, Heart of Soul, be brought tangibly to Life, through the senses expunging, from each taste, stain of Word: What it is to BE!




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