Archive for the 'humor' Category




As we enter to what is essentially the last phase of our Chromosomal-telomere quota of flesh-blood existence [excluding prematurely succumbing to freaks of nature {full spectrum inclusion of non-human}& human intervention {accident or otherwise}] one might contemplate, more so maybe than otherwise, but contemplate past, present, and future [emphasis on the `future’ contemplation] rendering such thoughts as the following: WARNING: this is not as morbid as the illustration suggests

Withering and dying, this body slowly degenerating to its ultimate demise, to for-ever be lost to this world, that evidence of its presence to future generations knowing, be forever obliterated as to not have existed at all. If into Nothing our Being ultimately goes, for what reason does it exist in the first place? What Legacy proof be created to harvest a permanence of presence on this evolving, revolving planet Earth? Does the answer lie in the presence of the Cemetery wherein fields of granite, limestone, and other material of aging permanence serve as concrete evidence, witness proof to the Lives that once held prominence and footing on the hallow ground to this perceived existence? That only by Death’s relinquishing of the captured Soul, Life’s energy force fueling existence, does Truth to a Knowing, ultimately become solved. Or does the answer ultimately lie elsewhere; beyond this reality’s need for comprehension?

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Poet’s Mask

Hidden behind the poet’s mask of nom de plume
Purpose being: the reader to assume,
The words written, are not to presume;
They are of the author’s suffering, loves, or doom
This device to severe any personal tie
To salacious nature of subject that might imply;
Guilt of connection, that might belie;
Merit of reason- the poem written, is meant to cry
A work of fiction then one could conclude:
Artificial circumstance, or meaning to extrude?
Not in the least: it is mere device,
Exercised to protect from guilt of vice.

Death Mask

the growing want, once and for all, to throw this sack of flesh covered bone into the eternal darkness of nothingness; having lost to trial of accomplishment, labelling this soul of presence to  energy expended as futile, and render this life expunged: with a final sardonic smile!


The Divine Answer

divine answer

On the last day of Creation, God gathered every living species of earth-born creature save for one of them: Human.

God, looking proudly outward, the murmuring echoes of all assembled, slowly hushed to complete silence.

God’s purpose, told to the gathered: ‘….excluding Human from this gathering is in order to bestow unto this one specie, a unique, talent trait meant to set them apart from all the rest of creation: the gift of wonderment; the thought of mind: to Question.’

In that moment, the multitudes gathered, broke their silence; the lush, open valley echoing their sullen, moan of disappointment.

God, reflecting a moment, feeling the unanimous reaction, once again spoke; the valley again falling silent.

God’s eyes, lit brighter than countless Suns, shouted in the loudest, thunderous voice so all would be sure to hear, crying out: ‘Be not dishearten my flock, for to you all who stand here, reverently before Me, I treasure you with an even more precious gift; the Divine Answer to the question humanity will be most consumed to answer: ‘What is the purpose to this human life? And further, you are free to speak of this, to tell every Human you encounter, and through your progeny, for all eternity.

God, feeling the renewed energy of goodness, joy and happiness well up from among them beckoned with cheer and reverence; `Go now! Return to the place on this Earth you call Home!’.

Comments Welcomed:



Thoughts De jour

tash canIt’s been a while since motivated to put random thoughts to reality’s gain; but, so goes this day:

Nights Spent:

Like roaches that feed in the void of light; hiding their machinations from morality’s sight; to garner the lust of debauchery’s delight; filled with feelings contrite; displacing rancor with blithe; to find refuge in other’s fright, so go the hours spent by night.

Field of Dreams:

Blazoned upon open fields of trails; foot passages that hide deviant tales; trodden by exploits where wanton lust prevails; greed for pleasure hard to curtail; a place, ethical prohibitions are destined to fail.


Through dim-lite corridors, naked men parade; each lost to their own charade; to orgasm of pleasure, they’ve become the slave; for it, their moral soul to trade; open doors, engorged lust wantonly displayed; stale sweat, spent cum pervade; pheromonal triggers waff and cascade; driven to frenzy, driven to engage.

Creative Block:

Cloistered in a humble room of mindless imagination; spawned from germ of discontent; survived by the fruit of constant failure; striving toward ill-conceived ambitions; thwarted by the causation of reason; hopeless to gains of promise; foments realization to threat of survival.


Brandishing tool of eloquence; striving to be creative and communicative of mind, thought toward their realization of meaning; embodied in time, the measured vehicle of distributed reason; unencumbered by resistance of ridicule; saved for perpetual salvation of archival history.

Comments Are Much Appreciate: (consider them a author’s reward)



Six Degrees???

In the interests of social science dealing with the theory experimented by psychologist Stanley Milgram ,1960’s, Yale University, on the concept of degrees of separation: `Six degrees of separation is the theory that any person on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries’ (google search). And, the subject of like experiments conducted by Duncan J. Watts, Professor of sociology, Columbia University, and associates, as detailed in his book: Everything Is Obvious – Once you know the answer, (Chapter 4 Special People – Six Degrees of Separation, page 82); I am interested to conduct my own experiment.

Several years back when Stephen Colbert, currently the late-night host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS Broadcast); was the host and political pundit satirist on the Colbert Show, Comedy Central, I have been attempting to get a communication to his attention.

It began when the Colbert Show ran an art competition involving portraits to be submitted rendering Colbert in all his, self-indulgent, narcissistic glory.

To that end, I responded with the following photo-shop rendering:

colbertIt was meant to reflect his mastery of satirical yet, poetic, right-wing political punditry to rival the rhetorical eloquence of Shakespeare. It certainly seemed relevant for the time.

Though Stephen Colbert’s stature and image being elevated since his taking the host position of the Late Show formerly held by David Letterman, I’d like to think he’d get a kick, or at least a chuckle, of his portrayal in this dated image.

So, to the experiment: how many individuals will it take to get this image to the eyes of

Stephen Colbert, host of the Late Show broadcast from the Ed Sullivan Theater, New York City, New York, US of A? And his comment to its accompanying poem written in his honor:

‘Stephen Colbert’

 This ode of word to the King

Of the comedy hour

His craft of speak

Is yielding much power

Nightly he espouses

A pundit’s cynical political view

To most who watch

It sounds as something new

The double entendre of his nightly spiel

Is taken by some who think it real

He manifests reasons for thought

A most clever and insightful plot

His wisdom portrayed by his crafty craft

Even all the while making his audience laugh

How great is Stephen’s desire to have you know

That his is not just another COMEDY SHOW

 But before the close there’s need for just one more claim:

 To all who are aware, Stephen Colbert – is more then just a name!

So, with each communication to an individual you think would get a link of this page ( to Mr. Colbert, please:


and lets see how many emails, etc., it takes to determine how close I really am to Mr. Stephen Colbert!






The Internet provides an opportunity to discover interesting `tools’ designed by those who have the capacity to do so and then, find interesting ways to utilize these tools possibly in ways not originally intended.  Just such a tool I discovered is presented by

ava-sessions: ex machina

It is clear by now that a tsunami of `porn’ related material is widely available via the Internet that spans the full spectrum of sexual act performed by persons of a comparable spectrum of sexual orientation.

The objective here is to marry the two by utilizing a digital conversation tool that essentially maps the content of a digital photo (jpeg or similar). The result is as an example here:


To view the product of this marriage, armed with a YouTube account when requested to `sign in’, you can view a brief video titled: Erotic Digital Desires



A Simple Dime

dime found

A  Simple  Dime

I seem to have a propensity for finding `money’ on the street; 99 percent of occasions it being finding a simple dime, a ten-cent coin piece; the latest of which is illustrated herewith.

The frequency, not the matter of finding `money’ but, more specifically, that it be a DIME!

A simple, singular dime!

This experience, not a new phenomenon but, one that dates back a couple of decades; the earliest being in my early 40’s.

However, it has taken until now to fully gain a true appreciation for the significance to such propensity; that being, in the finest of Buddhist teachings:

`Fate to good fortune need not be measured by the gain of (material) wealth incurred but, the wisdom teaching derived from such fate of fortune’

That, or, I’m just enough `lucky’ to find a single, simple dime at a time, on several occasions!



Birth’s Birthday


Are the roots of my behavior anchored in the thought of not knowing the ancestry to my beginning, lost to the passage of time, expunged forever from the frail, failing minds of those who preceded this presence?

That I should walk blindly into the unknown struggling to gain handle-hold of the truth that will propel me forward unimpeded; rendering concrete proof to this troubled passage steeped in the evidence of success?

That a modicum of recognition edges its way beyond the shadow of the spotlight’s beam diligently focused upon they who are deemed to warrant the energy?

Are these the asking of one selfishly deprived; looking, striving to be realized in the flesh of this time; a time that is ticking ever faster toward its end unresolved to the want emblemized by these words spoken?

Or am I just feeling the anc’s of the coming anniversary of my birth’s birthday?



tash can

Sitting here, alone, in my sparsely furnished two-by-four room, scratching my life-affirming sentient mind in feeble attempt to conjure a unique, though provoking line of expression that would merit expansion beyond a simple page; significant to the pulse of the day as to garner the increasingly precious idle moments of perspective readers knowing full-well the level of competition imposed by like-minded, sentient scribes, equally motivated to infuse their seemingly unique style upon the world stage of celebrated authors past, present and future; yet knowing full well the potential of such, rivals the ability to fly unheeded by the force thrust of rocket engines or the simple adjunct of the wind propelling propeller attached to the top of a benny-cap of old; now imposes a sense of dread spawned by the true knowing that achieving such a lofty goal, as levelled within this introductory text, stands increasingly less probability to materialize as to render any further energy of mind transformed into words; wasted.

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