Archive for the 'mental health' Category


This Reality – A Mind-bending Quest

This Reality – A Mind-bending Quest

Marching toward the threshold of insanity,

Through the doorway to madness’ bliss,

Giving to schizophrenia; a duality,

Painted in shapes and colors, hard to resist.

A conspired fiction intertwined by questionable reality

Both a hallucination, being chemically induced.

Which presence of mind does  contrive banality;

Which illusion, can most truth be deduced?

What barb-hook catches want from  this fall,

For the truth to this reality is waning at best?

To an inevitable state that is sure to befall,

Rose colored glasses toward a mind-bending quest

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Reshaping the making of future’s thought,

Result of history filtered, reasons brought?

Propriety of purpose, morality sought,

Or guilt of human experience, fraught?

Millennials’ millennium redefining the course,

Humanity’s trajectory made better, or worse?

Black Swan abridging insight to discourse

To past ailments, now the driving force?

Reconciliatory edict presently defining a way

History’s forgiveness being the price to pay?

Or character of true purpose to convey,

What was done, will never be white-washed away?



As one amongst the countless many, the persistence of the Pandemic to make its presence globally known, and the consequence of it; no doubt many are feeling as the following short prose aims to amplify; but understand, it is meant more as recognition: many are as so inclined to think yet too, the day will without doubt come when ALL will once-again rejoice and bathe in the day’s bright light of happiness!


Passing through each new day resembles walking into a seemingly endless tunnel; dark save for a dim, dot of light in the distance, beckoning you forward as reward for the effort to its source yet, unyielding, the darkness persists to encompass, and the light growing no more brighter by the effort, and time spent.

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The Year That Was…

Creeping stealth-fully through each month of the year,

Bringing with it a growing amount of fear,

The cold shadow of virus-illness’ darkness

Befall, bringing with it anxiety, and debilitating stress.

Compounding the problem to this insidious ill,

Is a global political divide making it worse, still.

Rancor on the Left, rancor rebuttal, from the Right;

Not the best during Pandemic, to sustain an intransigent fight.

Human-life, and Common-Treasure the servers to the toll;

A calamity, its egregious outcome is yet, to both, fully bestow.

Yet, to those to whom the power of decision for remedy to make

At times, for reasons unknown, seem willing to forsake.

Conspiracies to this reckoning flourish with suspicion to ill-inform;

Add to this a disputed, Presidential election to hyper this deadly storm.

Front-line workers: doctors, nurses, caregivers to the suffering infirmed;

Regardless, sacrifice to their fullest extent; need be more widely learned.

“An end is in sight – light at the end of the tunnel” echoed by the Media machine;

Labs, pharmaceutical producers feverishly work, to manufacture a viable vaccine;

And though the end of this disastrous 2020th Year, with all that to endure;

The future seems a little brighter, with hope 2021 will be a full remedy cure.

In the end, with Family & Friends, it’s now we’re most want for celebration;

And though all must respect the potential to spreading this contagion;

During the coming Christmas, and approaching New Year,

Limit your exposure to the love-ones you most want to holler and cheer!!

                        Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021


Death Mask

the growing want, once and for all, to throw this sack of flesh covered bone into the eternal darkness of nothingness; having lost to trial of accomplishment, labelling this soul of presence to  energy expended as futile, and render this life expunged: with a final sardonic smile!


Where Have I been?



It has been some time since posting to NAYKD POET, not for lack of want, but truly, finding little that is positive to inspire expression; what ever the topic, and/or, medium of communication conveyance.

This tumultuous era, as a collective: Humanity, we are now experiencing, by my armature examination, is a culmination, in fact a collision, of the facets that constitute the infra-structure of society: civil or unruly.

The basic, principle category components: Science, Religion, Politics, Finance/Economics, Nationalist Culture, Sexuality, Genetics, Technology(ies); all being, presently, challenged to their relevancy, to the individual, and as a collective. The latter being discriminated into groups, or tribes, defined by such criteria, resulting in a matrix of potential, conflicting beliefs, truths, and acceptance.

And, not unlike the trauma imposed upon global humanity during historic revolutionary changes in human development, duly categorized as the: Stone-age, Iron-age, Industrial-age, and now, the Information-age; this latter period likely to be the most daunting to lapse into a state of manageable, universal conformity.

The exponential presence, and societal relevance, of Internet communications, the portable devices making possible instant communication: text, voice, video, are contributing to a climatic change; the temper(ature) of tolerance: capably, willingly assumed, without direct imposition by a ruling-class.  When a true, scalable instance of expression, within moments of happening can culminate in violent riot, or the saving of a life, simultaneously witnessed, and responded to, by every globally connected individual, instantly.

The diversity of viewpoint, opinion, on virtually any topic of free expression, or conflation of information, has manifest a vital opportunity, but at the steep cost of credulity: who, or what, to believe to be true, honest, and factual. 

What the Information-age appears to have most successfully achieve, to date, is to expose how dangerously disruptive diverse beliefs, and allegiances, to the definable, basic component structures that form an evolving human presence on Earth can be.  And, unfortunately, with the ever expanding web of virtual influence of information technologies; matters have greater promise of unbridled upheaval and disenfranchisement.

Not a happy, nor positive projection of time to come; but, awareness to this potential, to this mind, will serve well to temper what ever storm is yet to erupt.

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Image result for three monkeys

What is laughable from this growing situation of sexual harassment charges against celebrity and individuals in the public realm is the purported naivety of the broader public to the presence of sexual predators in every situation where an individual is empowered by position of authority to make sexual advances upon an underling. It is basically a predator and prey syndrome. If what the predator is seeking is of a sexual nature, there are ample prey upon which to `feed’. The failure of society in this regard is the reverence it directs toward these same persons of power, aggrandizing them for their purported accomplishments providing them a real sense of empowerment and entitlement to lord over their underlings. This whole experience is as OLD as all humankind and it will not ever be eradicated until the concept of idolization, stardom, etc., is defused from social consciousness.  One need only look from where in the structure of society these `scandals’ emanate: politics, entertainment, corporations, etc., etc.; every where a structure of hierarchy of power exists which is basically: EVERYWHERE!  So this should be of no surprise to anyone who has eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mouth to seal shut! (Three MONKEYS)



Global Truth & Reconciliation: `I’m Tired of Being Lied To’


It is common awareness that a `Lie’, related to any matter of subject or condition, only serves to perpetuate more lying to protect the fact a lie has been perpetrated.

This condition eventually leads to establishing a `Secret’ to protect they who initiated the original lie. Eventually, this leads to conflict between those who become aware of the lie perpetuated versus those who protect the condition of the presence of a lie. For Nations, this generally falls under the classification of `National Security’.

Over the centuries the lies compounded upon lies has manifest to a present state where any subject pertaining to Human existence and the historical conditions from and which it has evolved to this the 21st century become subject to questioning debate.

Unfortunately, the select few who have assumed themselves to be the `rightful holders and protectors to the truth’ to the lies perpetrated over the centuries; fear for the level of anger and hostility that would ensue and foisted upon them by the Peoples of the World were, at this late date, said `truths’ be divulged.

It is with a high degree of certainty that many millions of lives have suffered and lost for the sole purpose and reason: to protect the many critical lies that comprises Human History.

But, this can no longer be tolerated.

All the Peoples of the World must finally rise up and take a stand against centuries of tyranny wrongly imposed upon them, at great cost of human suffering and debasement, by only a very few, select elite families and their political minions. Generations-old establishment that have constructively and strategically, for their own enrichment and empowerment, taken exclusive control to `Knowledge of Human Origins and Antiquity’ that are the rightful property of all Peoples. From ancient history and origins of our species to the purported interventions of `other world’ entities and all relevant matters in-between.

A global `Truth and Reconciliation’ event under the auspices of a Peoples United Nations must be demanded. A year long event where `secrets’ long held from Humanity be openly and unequivocally divulged; brought into the light of day.

`Truth and Reconciliation: A truth commission or truth and reconciliation commission is a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing by a government (or, depending on the circumstances, non-state actors also), in the hope of resolving conflict left over from the past.’

Finally, a loud and vocal revolution, here as yet to be experienced, of seismic proportions is essential to bring a final end to the conflict and suffering common humanity has long and wrongfully endured; to chart a new course allowing for it to finally evolve and prosper well into this 21st Century and beyond. Failure to do so will assuredly lead to its ultimate, unnecessary demise.


Empathy: defined?

Image result for empathy


Recent developments of a family nature have exposed me to a foreign experience, until now: the depth of hostility expressed and anxiety imposed upon an ailing, dying Father by his only and seemingly heartless Son.

What has materialized from this experience is clarity, from my perspective, of the true meaning of Empathy.

Empathy: what the non-suffering need feel for the suffering.

In the broader scope of human experience: it is the sufferance of the suffering for the non-suffering to suffer to realize the true meaning of Empathy.



The Coming War On Information


Recalling the Nazi Burning of Books

The heard phrase: `history repeats itself’ is potentially finding its relevance in this tumultuous time as the world awaits the inauguration of Donald J. Trump the 45th President of the United States.

Preceding this historical event, predicated upon the choice selection of the coming Trump Administration’s Cabinet members, professional communities are actively taking steps to preserve precious scientific information archives from perceived potential of tampering, deletion and retarding of broad accessibility. Literally, backup copies of all relevant scientific information and study in the realm of climate change especially, are being directed to foreign countries such as Canada for preservation and safe-keeping.


The construct of President-Elect Trump’s cabinet speaks to a denial of all claims of human industrial impact on the environment leading to an inevitable broad deregulation, if not total dissolution of agencies established to protect the environment.

Not only will Trump’s administration impact the field of science but too, education, social security, health and welfare and most importantly, immigration, are directly targeted for dramatic, draconian change given the faces to occupy key positions within his administration.

Without a doubt, the only winners, ironically, will be those whom his vocal and candid supporters of his campaign, the lower & middle working class, are against; the establishment elite. Proof to this are the conflicting statements regarding tax cuts which during his campaign suggested major benefits for lower-middle class earners [campaign tax plan] and subsequent statements post his election [tax cut expected]. It will remain to see what actually transpires but, no doubt, those who enthusiastically supported him stand to be greatly disappointed.

There is little doubt Trump’s campaign slogan: `Make America Great Again’ will unleash a tsunami of de-construction of policies and regulations that took decades of progressive administrations to establish. The Will of the People who take responsibility for putting a shrewd, win-at-any-cost individual such a Trump in the White House, have also provided him with a compliant Congress, Senate and most importantly, a Supreme Court to allow his administration to chart a course unprecedented in the history of the United States and the World, no doubt, potentially stands to be the worse for it. Only with time’s passage will it be known what fate awaits us all.

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