Archive for the 'prescription drug' Category


emotion’s thoughts




Emotions exposed like a banana peeled;
Love, hate, anxiety; meant to make moments real
Yet uncertain of how they are truly meant to feel,
Nor to the ways, by them, to confidently deal;
Giving rise to multitude of drugs designed to purposely steal;
To subjugate life’s true essence; its spontaneity, its zeal.


Fantasy’s Gain

Lost in a fantasy of the mind

Perfection of reason one can find

No blemish to purpose of any kind

A worldly presence – so sublime


Love’s emotion in all its essence

Nature’s beauty beyond transcendence

Breath to life sparkles with effervescence

Hormones rage as in adolescence


Brief though this experience may be

It is a moment to be felt, to see

For it is a state easy to conceive

It is for all who live and breathe

Human emotions at times lost to reality’s pain

Often taken to lengths insane

Let the wondrous power of the mind reign

By resigning to a moment, to a fantasy’s gain.


Singularity of Being

Existence is a cocoon of my making

Detached from passions of others

Numbed by avoidance of emotion

Sustained by the singularity of being

Absorbed into self-absorption



The parameters that define this life are shrinking.

I am down to the base figure of one.

Looking outward only – not connecting

Floating in a void consumed with others

Singular digits comprised of the same emotion

But void of the fraternal element

Wishing and wanting yet non-committal

Expending time like an abundant liquid

Frittering away what we have – are

In anticipation of a greater dream

Fear is the glue that binds

The unknown –

In death comes the answer

To a life spent questioning









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