Archive for the 'model' Category


REALITY: A Rear View Reflection?

What is Reality? Most of us take ‘reality’ for granted that is, to take the view (no pun intended) that it is what is before us, that what we see, hear, smell, taste and feel. But is it?

In the field of quantum physics, physicists for generations have attempted to clarify or quantify reality in measurable, mathematically equational terms. The fundamental element to what reality is, is ENERGY. The all too familiar Einsteinian equation: E=mc2 (energy=mass x the speed of light squared). However, since the acceptance of this fundamental equation physics has advanced in its theories of reality to the realm of particles, quarks and string theory. However, even with these advances in the science, the ability to satisfactorily balance the equation to mathematically equate a formula to address all known quantum that manifests as `reality’ has not reached consensus by peer review.

So what is missing, what will it take to understand or present a clear, acceptable formula to say what comprises reality?


Just recently it was reported that the Hadron Collider in Cern ( a neutrino (non-charged electron) that arrived at its target faster then speed of light i.e., it traveled faster than the speed of light. In accord with scientific protocol, the test was repeated and confirmed the event.

The implication of this finding, beyond confound the general acceptance that nothing travels faster then light and, in view of the generally accepted principle: speed of light is the component to the principle equation for energy, then what implication does this have for the understanding to: what is reality?


This era of human history is clearly the Information Age and like its predecessors: the Stone-Age, the Iron-Age and the Industrial-Age, it is undoubtedly going to play a significant role in clarifying for human-kind Who and What it is and to better comprehend the Where, When and How it will evolve from the present Now toward what Time defines as a Future. Note here too, though time has been included in this statement as per the section above, its relevance is truly questionable.

So what is Information?

To anyone mildly familiar with the mechanics of how a computer does the seemingly miraculous thing it does, elementally, it is purely the sequencing of ones (1‘s) or positive charge electrons and zeros (0‘s) negatively charged electrons that in prescribed sequence are deciphered by a central process to create the desired reality; virtual reality. Note here too, time is not an essential contributor to the process. The time element is imposed into the equation by virtue of the observer to the transaction. To understand better, the virtual reality within the realm of the computer’s memory – time is unknown, it just IS, It knows nothing of the fact that is was manufactured by the processing of a specified sequence of ones and zero (positive and negative electrons) therefore, by extending this comprehension to the dimension humanity calls reality, is it not likely to be comparable?

So to answer the question: What is Information? It could be postulated that it is Consciousness,

So what is Consciousness?

Not unlike the computer with its central processor, the human and all living, organic, biological entities, is nothing more than an elaborate, mobile, biological computer with its own central processor: the Brain replete with a hardwired, communications network; the central nervous system to perform involuntary and voluntary functions that move the human body through its various capabilities. Too, not unlike the computer, these functions are identifiable on two levels: a basic operating system and application software.

The basic operating system for all living entities is its DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid). The double-helix is the program born with every living entity to direct how the biological entity will operate from conception forward through its lifespan. Inherent in DNA code translates to the what and how for the biological entity; when being not a function of time as it is commonly referred but rather, a function of cycle (not unlike the cycle of the Moon orbit the Earth and the two, orbiting the Sun).

As detailed above, the operating system routinely transmits electronic signals to perform various, essential operations keeping the biological machine `live’ (breathing, blood circulation, etc). and, responses to external, unforeseen events (example: a rise in body temperature due to an activity causing the body to sweat). Note: these functions are performed without the influence of time but are cyclical or immediate.

The second level eluded to application software; how does this manifest?

Arguably. it can be simply stated as information `learned’ or acquired. This can be classified as external information and knowledge: gained through education, interaction with others, experience, etc..

Then there is intuitive knowledge. Knowledge theorized as encoded to DNA as a function of biological evolution, passed-forward, generation to generation. This hypothesis is open to speculation and at the root to this discussion.

Firstly, accepting the principle: the brain, the human brain for this discussion, is comparable to the central processor of the computer; not unlike the computer, it reacts, processes according to minute electrical impulses on neuron synapsis’ that, by way of the nervous system, stimulate specific, physical activity. Then what about `mental’ or `cognitive’ brain activity?

The discussion now becomes more esoteric, speculative and definitely arguable as to its veracity and strength in fact.

To aid in making this part of the discussion more comprehensible, the analogy of the recent and growing computer technology service: Cloud Computing Technology will be used:

The Cloud utilizes the resources (software and information) from computers as a collective virtual computer, where the applications can run independently from particular computer or server configurations basically, floating around in a “cloud of resources” making hardware less important to know how applications work. The software run on individual computers or those of a company’s is becoming less and less essential. Add to this configuration Wi-fi technology, allows an individual user to seemingly access and extract information, for all intents and purposes, out from nowhere specific. And this is how it is hypothesized the mental and cognitive brain functions.

The Hypothesis: As do a school of fish in a body of water, humans swim in an unseen pool of cosmic electrical energy comprised of positive and negatively (ones and zeros) charged particles that, not unlike a computer central processor, can be translated into information.

The brain with its built in `wi-fi’ receiver becomes the recipient and processor of digital information offered up by the cloud of consciousness contained within the cosmic electrical ocean that envelops all living entities. It is suggested here this process is the source of such knowledge as intuition, imagination, inventiveness, etc.; information for which there is no discernable source but coming from the human brain.

There are several documented anecdote that support this possibility such as that written by Christopher M. Bache titled: The Living Classroom – Teaching and Collective Consciousness that brings into question that minds are individual, separated and isolated from one-another. Further questioning the Newtonian view that the universe is essentially dead.


What has been presented here is a simplistic, hypothetical perspective of a very complex and compelling subject that affects all of humanity though, unfortunately, ignored by most.

Encumbered by antiquated, institutional theories for the topic has only served to retard the advancement of enlightened theories and limit open discourse for the inability to concretely and substantively meet the strict protocols of scientific purview thus subjugating it to the realm of pseudo-science and esoteric thinking.

That said, retrospective examination by those so inclined will undoubtedly find several opportunity from past experiences of serendipity, synchronicity, coincidence or even precognition to question whether that contended to be Reality is not unlike looking in a rear-view mirror whereby that being realized has already happened and it is just in the NOW realized by five limited senses of awareness.

Research: Phillippe Guillemante’s – La Route du Temps – Theory of Double Causality
Christopher M. Bache titled: The Living Classroom – Teaching and Collective Consciousness Jacques Valle´e – A Theory of Everything (else)…


The Life Drawing Model

Performing naked, fully exposed;
Before fledgling artists awaiting the next pose;
Possibly curious to how, with no clothes,
Save for the socks that cover ugly toes,
How is it, this profession, one chose.

Frankly speaking, being naked, a must;
Truth to this doing amounts to no fuss;
Simply put, it is a matter of trust
That, as aspiring young artists, void of lust,
Focus is the image to paper, with charcoal dust.

Ultimately, left to the life-model to diffuse,
To be the centre, the inspirational muse,
Ideally wanting to vary provocative views;
Challenges what form of pose to peruse;
That stimulate creativeness; beauty to infuse.

In the end, it is a matter of mutual respect:
The artist to give, the life model to get;
For combined their energies are there to beget
Truth; beauty of the human form is not a threat;
A reality Artists provide the world, to never forget.

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