Archive for the '2019' Category


Birth of a Child

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Dedicated to a good friend who is Father to his first child:


Birth of a Child

Becoming Father, to Child, a new life borne;

Brings new meaning to life’s passage;

A path marked with hurdles, not forewarned.


Now each day’s beginning, discovery is met;

As a new life’s meaning, begins to unfold;

Filled with new surprises, surpassing any regrets


Challenges to past norms, increasingly out of sight;

The miracle of wonder, experience to discovery;

The birth of a child, brings to an adult’s life.








It has been a while since posting an article; however, given what is currently transpiring in the United States with respect to the impending potential of an Impeachment of President Donald Trump, and increasing potential of a Senate trial; I thought it worthy to express my opinion on what may lay ahead as the November 3rd, 2020 looms large. And, the potential implications for the rest of the free world in light of it.


Since the inception of this 21st millennium, the Planet has been in turmoil. The sources: too many to chronicle save to say many lives, innocent humans, have egregiously suffered, or worse: Died.

Now, at the threshold to the birth of the next, the third decade to this Century; and the Planet has moved even deeper into the darkness, proceeding down the path to conflict. The precursors to this deadly conclusion are self-evident to they who wish to observe. The rest will suffer the shock of their ignorance, as those of past epoch, have so fallen.

Like a spiral unwinding of all that came before; civil order unravels, exposing its flaws masked over by progress of that which is built, to what is coming. Where the faults to blame, whether they be a premeditation to a want outcome, or purely accident of cause to consequence, seem irrelevant. Their fate are being unleashed.

Nations, large and small, are present to this same discomfort being victim to the charted, progressing course, energized by meaning of unexpectedly, ill-defined purpose. The confusion these developments garnered allowed for the sense of national insecurity, fanned by events beyond their shores, innocent to, yet through, passive/aggressive acquiescence to what was put before them.

The fuse, to ignite the powder-keg of global discontent, has been in process of its making since the start of the 2nd decade of this century; and now, approaching its end, the conditions are set, and ready, for its explosive, energy, spark!

One by one, the gate-keepers to rational investment of reason to conditional compromise, basis of historical rise to civility’s fragile organization, are being displaced. Their message to caution expunged from station of credence by a seemingly corrupt power, fueled by ignorance beyond self-indulgence of knowing their harmful consequences.

At large, and increasingly defining the track of this current, global unwinding course, residing in North America: the United States, the leading, global power, now, since 2017, is embarking upon the process of deconstructing the foundational, pillar structures upon which its dominance, as a global force since 1950, are founded.

Crisis is at hand, driven by the wedge of differences, hammered between factions of every description, premised and promised, by the algorithm design paradigm: divide and conquer ; to defeat an impediment to reward.

The falsehood of democracy as being an equal, unequivocally shared power to the masses, is gaining its dominance of being a truth.

Engineered politics being employed to maintain a stronghold, impervious to the reaches of constitutional laws, state, or importantly: federal.

NOVEMBER 4TH ,2020 is to be an eventful, historic day: heralding in a politic with potential to forever change the face humanity on the Planet: the potential fuse to the keg!




The Divine Answer

divine answer

On the last day of Creation, God gathered every living species of earth-born creature save for one of them: Human.

God, looking proudly outward, the murmuring echoes of all assembled, slowly hushed to complete silence.

God’s purpose, told to the gathered: ‘….excluding Human from this gathering is in order to bestow unto this one specie, a unique, talent trait meant to set them apart from all the rest of creation: the gift of wonderment; the thought of mind: to Question.’

In that moment, the multitudes gathered, broke their silence; the lush, open valley echoing their sullen, moan of disappointment.

God, reflecting a moment, feeling the unanimous reaction, once again spoke; the valley again falling silent.

God’s eyes, lit brighter than countless Suns, shouted in the loudest, thunderous voice so all would be sure to hear, crying out: ‘Be not dishearten my flock, for to you all who stand here, reverently before Me, I treasure you with an even more precious gift; the Divine Answer to the question humanity will be most consumed to answer: ‘What is the purpose to this human life? And further, you are free to speak of this, to tell every Human you encounter, and through your progeny, for all eternity.

God, feeling the renewed energy of goodness, joy and happiness well up from among them beckoned with cheer and reverence; `Go now! Return to the place on this Earth you call Home!’.

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Where Have I been?



It has been some time since posting to NAYKD POET, not for lack of want, but truly, finding little that is positive to inspire expression; what ever the topic, and/or, medium of communication conveyance.

This tumultuous era, as a collective: Humanity, we are now experiencing, by my armature examination, is a culmination, in fact a collision, of the facets that constitute the infra-structure of society: civil or unruly.

The basic, principle category components: Science, Religion, Politics, Finance/Economics, Nationalist Culture, Sexuality, Genetics, Technology(ies); all being, presently, challenged to their relevancy, to the individual, and as a collective. The latter being discriminated into groups, or tribes, defined by such criteria, resulting in a matrix of potential, conflicting beliefs, truths, and acceptance.

And, not unlike the trauma imposed upon global humanity during historic revolutionary changes in human development, duly categorized as the: Stone-age, Iron-age, Industrial-age, and now, the Information-age; this latter period likely to be the most daunting to lapse into a state of manageable, universal conformity.

The exponential presence, and societal relevance, of Internet communications, the portable devices making possible instant communication: text, voice, video, are contributing to a climatic change; the temper(ature) of tolerance: capably, willingly assumed, without direct imposition by a ruling-class.  When a true, scalable instance of expression, within moments of happening can culminate in violent riot, or the saving of a life, simultaneously witnessed, and responded to, by every globally connected individual, instantly.

The diversity of viewpoint, opinion, on virtually any topic of free expression, or conflation of information, has manifest a vital opportunity, but at the steep cost of credulity: who, or what, to believe to be true, honest, and factual. 

What the Information-age appears to have most successfully achieve, to date, is to expose how dangerously disruptive diverse beliefs, and allegiances, to the definable, basic component structures that form an evolving human presence on Earth can be.  And, unfortunately, with the ever expanding web of virtual influence of information technologies; matters have greater promise of unbridled upheaval and disenfranchisement.

Not a happy, nor positive projection of time to come; but, awareness to this potential, to this mind, will serve well to temper what ever storm is yet to erupt.

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