Archive for November, 2016



An Essay for our present time: having written this in recent past years it somehow seems appropriate to publish it again:



J. J. Hurtak writes (Pistis Sophia, p. xxvii): “The Pistis Sophia teaches us that humanity has inherited from the First Space of the Divine an indwelling divine power. The Savior is directed by the Ineffable to assist in the extension of the Divine powers into the human kingdom according to the desires of humanity, and to reveal the efficacy of the highest mysteries of salvation to humankind.”

Genesis creation of man as an entity and the demise of mankind as a spiritual being.

Then I said, “Sir, how much longer?”
He said to me, “Until the moment when the true man, within a modeled form, reveals the existence of the spirit of truth, which the father has sent.
Then he will teach them about everything, and he will anoint them with the unction of life eternal, given him from the nominated generation.
Then they will be freed of blind thought, and they will trample underfoot death, which is of the authorities, and they will ascend into the limitless light where this sown element belongs.
Then the authorities will relinquish their ages, and their angels will weep over their destruction, and their demons will lament their death.
Then all the children of the light will be truly acquainted with the truth and their root, and the father of the entirety and the holy spirit. They will all say with a single voice, ‘The father’s truth is just, and the son presides over the entirety”, and from everyone unto the ages of ages, “Holy – holy – holy! Amen!'”

Countless volumes of ancient and contemporary written text speak of and repeat the existence of a Divine truth that has evaded the consciousness of mankind. Like a prophet hoarding the secrets of the ages, exiled to extreme outer boundaries of existence banished there by the orthodoxy that dominates contemporary humanity, keeping it in ignorance.

Humanities’ absolve to the higher power of institutions that assume the role of all-knowing guides to a future of their making, carved from ignorance, fueled by greed, reaps a present existence mired in evil, negativity, and chaos

A spiritual awakening to the `truth of knowledge’ is beyond comprehension given the infusion and solidification of creed impervious to blemish and protected with cries of `heresy’.

Hippocratic and false prophets, councilors to the perceived Word, for want of power and deity present a false hope promoted by language and rhetoric to plant and nourish guilt of sin and promise of destiny to the inferno: Hell.

Evil, like an ancient tree with its long and tenuous roots, pierces through the soil of humanity nourishing and expanding through all existence to become established and impervious to the ax that is truth, love and goodness, casting its evil shadow, blocking passage of the Light of Being sent to spark and warm the souls of humanity.

Existence in the shadow of the Tree of Evil its fallen fruit seeded and nourished in the bountiful goodness that is inherently humanity’s, to sprout seedlings of evil that in time will cast an infinite shadow of darkness forever blocking out the Light of Truth, banishing the hope that it will ever light the souls of humanity again.

Orthodox faith, cultivator, and keeper of the garden of evil conspiring blindly to serve to an apocalyptic end through denial of the true words of God lay toll of heresy through self-righteous inquisition to persecute those bravely wanting for the truth to be spoken and known by all. These are the purveyors of the candle snuffer that put out the light of truth at every opportunity to ensure that in time, it will be snuffed out forever.


Demanding of Goodness


world divide

Deeper into evil’s darkness as the world recedes;
Disregarding how much its populations are made to bleed;
Inspired by ill-gotten wisdom of those who purport to lead;
Demanding the loud outcry of opposition’s struggle plead.

The forces of evil have found their needed start
By national leaders chosen with deceitful, evil heart
Set to tear all that has been made good, apart;
Demanding remedy capable to outwit, to outsmart.

The future for humankind seems increasingly bleak,
Incarceration of those who attempt to outwardly speak,
Militarized police beating down demonstrations in the streets;
Demanding the full goodness of all humanity for this enemy to defeat.


The `Purple Revolution’: A Third-Party Candidate?

The `Purple Revolution’: A Third-Party Candidate?

Likely having gone unnoticed by most during the November 9th concession speech given by Hillary Clinton following her defeat to Donald J. Trump, President-Elect; the strange presence of the color `Purple’.


Both Hillary and Bill, her dress lapel and his tie respectively, were noticeably adorned in the color of purple. When first noticed, the thought that there was more significance than mere coincidence or symbol of mutual support came to mind. Further, one of her aids, also on stage, too, wore a dress prominent with the color: Purple.

A Google search quickly clarified the matter:

The Clintons And Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution

` Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend.’(1)

It would seem Hillary and Bill are not planning, anytime soon, to quietly disappear from the limelight of controversy given the pillorying she, as the former Secretary of State and, them both with respect to the Clinton Foundation endured; both issues still under Congressional investigation.

The Clinton ties with the financial supporter of venture capitalist George Soros is well publicized in the public domain, however, the development of a `Purple Revolution’ is likely to take many by surprise or, has it?

The following may just be a strange coincidence or conspiratorial speculation but, it may suggest a sinister plot of mind programming is afoot and what better tool to utilize than a well established, episodal Comedy Channel program known for its satirical attack on political, social aspects of western society: South Park – Season 20 (268th Episode).

The topic stream commencing Season 20 airing September 16, 2016,(2) introduced `Member Berries’; a purple, grape-like cluster of (member) berries, each berry rhyming off a cherished past memory presumably advocating for the return of the time and event. Such events ranged from the political, social and entertainment realm. The chime of each berry being incessant, drawing the various South Park characters encountering them to indulge eating them and be overcome with the desire to return to the reminiscent past.

To go into full detail of the unfolding events transpiring over several sequential episodes goes beyond the scope of this essay, however, following this link to view the series to see just how ingeniously, this politically reflective satire, incorporates the unfolding events and controversy of Trump versus Clinton campaign to be the 45th President of the United States. Recall, these episodes appeared concurrent with each campaign’s progression and considering the amount of time taken to produce each episode raises the question of the source of advance awareness of the direction each campaign was to take.

Now, as it is clearly known the outcome of the election; Trump as the 45th President-Elect, the subtle pronouncement of Hillary Clinton and George Soros uniting under the banner of a Purple Revolution; were the producers of South Park, not unlike the speculation surrounding the producers of the Simpson’s series, given privy, insider knowledge in advance by globalist elite (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros, etc.) of the `how, what, when and most importantly, who of world events are pre-ordained to unfold?

In the series the persona of Donald J. Trump is taken up by the recurring role of English teacher, Mr. Garrison titled the `Douche’ running against Hillary Clinton referred throughout as the `Turd Sandwich’. It is clear that Mr. Garrison is Trump who eventually realizes he is totally unqualified to become president and attempts, with little success, to divert attention to Clinton as the more qualified candidate. In fact, not unlike `reality’ (no pun intended) the more he tries the more the electorate is swayed in his favor. The full, direct significance of the `Member Berries’ influence on the final outcome of Garrison (Trump) winning is a bit confusing in the course of the series playing, however now, with the quiet pronouncement of the `Purple Revolution’, it may be a bit more evident:

The principle allure of the Trump campaign and presumptive reason for its final success in both in the primaries and the general election was the nostalgia card reflected by its core political slogan: `Make America Great Again’. The key word: `Again’.

The infusion of the Member Berry’s spell upon the citizens of South Park by repeating incessantly past times and events when the world was perceived a better, more gentle and fun-loving time is presumably, what drives them, counter to their better judgment and pleading of Mr. Garrison (Trump), to NOT elect Clinton.

To conclude; where is the conspiracy in all of this?

As part of the greater plan knowing full well that Donald J. Trump is il-qualified to be President of the most powerful nation on the globe; the collapse of his `nostalgia’ campaign when the reality of his failings slaps the electorate in the face; there, ready, in the waiting is Hillary R. Clinton, backed by the most powerful financial and political elites, under the banner of the `Purple Revolution’ representing in their words: `Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend‘; a Third Political Party!

As a side note: For those unfamiliar with the machinations known as `The Bible-Code’ it is worthy to explore given that it confidently identified (not to be confused with predicted) Donald J. Trump as becoming the 45th President-Elect. However, it went one step further to suggest that his reign is to be short-lived and to be replaced by non-other: Hillary R. Clinton. (Link)

Here is another interesting take on the growing presence of the color Purple that magically starts to appear throughout the Media flooding the air-waves







Locked away in the mind’s darkness cave,
Left to manifest thoughts outwardly brave
Though, when spoken, the conflicted do rave;
Challenging wisdom’s retreat, to save.

History’s pattern unwittingly resolves
Into depths of forgetfulness to dissolve;
Leaving pain and suffering itself to solve;
To once again, like a clock wound, revolve.

Human nature, a questionable ally or foe,
An intuitiveness’ retarded flow,
A once thought `truth’, to bind and know
Yet, it’s truth’s blindness that does grow.

Giving reason to this proclivity to discern;
Having spent millennia endeavoring to learn
Yet, humankind, seemingly, more resolute to spurn
And, for it; civilization, as in past, does ultimately burn.


Rememberance 2016

The following poem I wrote back in 2012 to acknowledge on this day November 11th, the fallen; those who gave of themselves in service to the freedoms we enjoy to this day, however, as much as it is said in tribute, it is meant to reflect the brutal waste of lives given to the folly of those to whom we choose to lead us; those often, whom avoid the true hardships they wittingly impose on the Peoples of their Nation. 



We hail courageous heroes of war; but for whom is the true enemy at bastion door; for each nation’s fallen soldier is a heart made sore; and to whom do the real gains amass, while the bereaved tally the deathly score?


To be of common purpose in mind; is not to be to true reasons blind; for the failings within humankind; for the atrocities inflicted upon its own kind; appeased by pageant and ceremony to remind; but in truth’s end, to repetition, it is endlessly inclined.


Spilling mental guts upon the literary floor; thousands pass but simply ignore, for their lack of interest to what may touch their shore; yet find the time to whisper ridicule and messenger to deplore; yielding incessant ignorance to reason, to endure.


Passing of Leonard Cohen



News today of the passing of  Leonard Cohen, a great and inspirational artist to many poets, song writers and, performers over the last several decades; a contributor to the Arts who will be greatly missed. A true Icon to creative persons around the globe.

In remembrance to his significant contribution:


I watched
I listened

A humble man

Creator of words

Magical expression

Inspiring thought

Stimulating senses

To survive his years
In poetry
In song
His Mission
To inspire
An icon
To poetry’s
Through words
Lives on

Leonard Cohen

1970 – Leonard Cohen

Reflections of a turbulent time long past
Emerges again for all to witness at last
The personal story of an artist then great
A talent time’s passage could not fade
His verse of song pronounced and deep
Speaking to the truth of love all of us seek
Leonard Cohen’s poetry somberly wise, reflective
Portraiture of life seen with unique perspective
Gained by the artistry of this unique insightful man
Immortalizing a presence we still struggle to understand

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