Archive for the 'government' Category


The Year That Was…

Creeping stealth-fully through each month of the year,

Bringing with it a growing amount of fear,

The cold shadow of virus-illness’ darkness

Befall, bringing with it anxiety, and debilitating stress.

Compounding the problem to this insidious ill,

Is a global political divide making it worse, still.

Rancor on the Left, rancor rebuttal, from the Right;

Not the best during Pandemic, to sustain an intransigent fight.

Human-life, and Common-Treasure the servers to the toll;

A calamity, its egregious outcome is yet, to both, fully bestow.

Yet, to those to whom the power of decision for remedy to make

At times, for reasons unknown, seem willing to forsake.

Conspiracies to this reckoning flourish with suspicion to ill-inform;

Add to this a disputed, Presidential election to hyper this deadly storm.

Front-line workers: doctors, nurses, caregivers to the suffering infirmed;

Regardless, sacrifice to their fullest extent; need be more widely learned.

“An end is in sight – light at the end of the tunnel” echoed by the Media machine;

Labs, pharmaceutical producers feverishly work, to manufacture a viable vaccine;

And though the end of this disastrous 2020th Year, with all that to endure;

The future seems a little brighter, with hope 2021 will be a full remedy cure.

In the end, with Family & Friends, it’s now we’re most want for celebration;

And though all must respect the potential to spreading this contagion;

During the coming Christmas, and approaching New Year,

Limit your exposure to the love-ones you most want to holler and cheer!!

                        Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021



Here’s a little bit of mind bending thought: given the growing Democrat delegate support for Bernie Sanders’ as Democratic Nominee for the 46th Presidency of the United State; yet, the simultaneous hesitancy of the Democrat Establishment to endorse Sanders’ democratic socialist agenda platform; feeling it will not meet with approval of the general electorate. The Democratic party is re-enforcing this sentiment by paralleling: socialism with communism , to undermine Sanders, and by nominating a more progressive, middle of the road candidate, will avoid Trump’s win of the November, election. 

Could the advent of the Corona Virus be an advantage to aid Bernie Sanders?


The Corona virus, a.k.a.: COVID 19, is on the verge to potentially ravish the globe. And, not necessarily from a public health, and mortality perspective; but, the ripple effects the panic, and anticipation of COVID 19, becoming a pandemic, is already show signs of developing.

Could COVID 19 materialize as 2020’s Black Swan event; a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact.

It’ is the growing condition of uncertainty that begins to impact the global economy dramatically. Work stoppages, production shutdown, lay-offs, commercial and retail sales decline, etc., etc..

As this condition grows, global stock exchanges see sell-offs; as the virus concern spreads further sell-offs at an increasing pace downward, spiraling to collapse, in all sectors, globally.

Just a few weeks since the outbreak, and cracks in the financial sector are beginning to appear:

            Stocks on track for worst week since financial crisis:, Markets continue their plunge amid corona virus fear: ].

Given what has transpired to date with quantitative easing measures, the Federal Reserve, and Central Banks might be powerless to plug the dam of liquidity outflow that have signs of materializing leading to exhausting of the financial system and fortunes being lost overnight.

It essentially, could have the effect of what the 2008 Sub-prime loan debacle did to trigger the financial collapse that almost brought on a depression; but this time: it will likely be from the top – down, and could be 1929 all over again but WORSE!

This potential Black Swan event could serve Bernie Sanders’ campaign well; to put front, and center, his Social Democratic policy platform, of the last forty-years.

The message to the electorate: recognize the collapse being suffered is the direct result of run-away Capitalism. Draw specific example to illustrate clearly, for the majority of the populace, how a purely corporate driven capitalist economy, and financial system is a pipe-dream, the American Dream; devised to benefit, and serve only the few.

Democratic Socialism, as Bernie Sanders has professed his entire life in service to the [Re]-Public; counters all the false promises sold over the last several decades of left-right politics, and promulgated through the corporate owned, and directed Main Stream Media.

A possible Campaign Slogan: BRING BACK THE FUTURE!, with the tag line: “For Hopes, and Dreams? NO, FOR REALITY!

 And should the Democrat Establishment impede Bernie’s rightful claim as Nominee for President; he declare himself an Independent, carrying his electoral support with him.

Then, to guarantee the passing of Bernie’s policies through Congress and the Senate, to vote for Democrats, and Independents, due for re-election, who advocate and fully support Bernie’s platform.

It’s just a thought; what do you think?




It has been a while since posting an article; however, given what is currently transpiring in the United States with respect to the impending potential of an Impeachment of President Donald Trump, and increasing potential of a Senate trial; I thought it worthy to express my opinion on what may lay ahead as the November 3rd, 2020 looms large. And, the potential implications for the rest of the free world in light of it.


Since the inception of this 21st millennium, the Planet has been in turmoil. The sources: too many to chronicle save to say many lives, innocent humans, have egregiously suffered, or worse: Died.

Now, at the threshold to the birth of the next, the third decade to this Century; and the Planet has moved even deeper into the darkness, proceeding down the path to conflict. The precursors to this deadly conclusion are self-evident to they who wish to observe. The rest will suffer the shock of their ignorance, as those of past epoch, have so fallen.

Like a spiral unwinding of all that came before; civil order unravels, exposing its flaws masked over by progress of that which is built, to what is coming. Where the faults to blame, whether they be a premeditation to a want outcome, or purely accident of cause to consequence, seem irrelevant. Their fate are being unleashed.

Nations, large and small, are present to this same discomfort being victim to the charted, progressing course, energized by meaning of unexpectedly, ill-defined purpose. The confusion these developments garnered allowed for the sense of national insecurity, fanned by events beyond their shores, innocent to, yet through, passive/aggressive acquiescence to what was put before them.

The fuse, to ignite the powder-keg of global discontent, has been in process of its making since the start of the 2nd decade of this century; and now, approaching its end, the conditions are set, and ready, for its explosive, energy, spark!

One by one, the gate-keepers to rational investment of reason to conditional compromise, basis of historical rise to civility’s fragile organization, are being displaced. Their message to caution expunged from station of credence by a seemingly corrupt power, fueled by ignorance beyond self-indulgence of knowing their harmful consequences.

At large, and increasingly defining the track of this current, global unwinding course, residing in North America: the United States, the leading, global power, now, since 2017, is embarking upon the process of deconstructing the foundational, pillar structures upon which its dominance, as a global force since 1950, are founded.

Crisis is at hand, driven by the wedge of differences, hammered between factions of every description, premised and promised, by the algorithm design paradigm: divide and conquer ; to defeat an impediment to reward.

The falsehood of democracy as being an equal, unequivocally shared power to the masses, is gaining its dominance of being a truth.

Engineered politics being employed to maintain a stronghold, impervious to the reaches of constitutional laws, state, or importantly: federal.

NOVEMBER 4TH ,2020 is to be an eventful, historic day: heralding in a politic with potential to forever change the face humanity on the Planet: the potential fuse to the keg!




State of the Ridiculous

There are times when few words are needed to speak volumes:

Trump World

Trump on Trump

Should anyone be surprised?


Global Truth & Reconciliation: `I’m Tired of Being Lied To’


It is common awareness that a `Lie’, related to any matter of subject or condition, only serves to perpetuate more lying to protect the fact a lie has been perpetrated.

This condition eventually leads to establishing a `Secret’ to protect they who initiated the original lie. Eventually, this leads to conflict between those who become aware of the lie perpetuated versus those who protect the condition of the presence of a lie. For Nations, this generally falls under the classification of `National Security’.

Over the centuries the lies compounded upon lies has manifest to a present state where any subject pertaining to Human existence and the historical conditions from and which it has evolved to this the 21st century become subject to questioning debate.

Unfortunately, the select few who have assumed themselves to be the `rightful holders and protectors to the truth’ to the lies perpetrated over the centuries; fear for the level of anger and hostility that would ensue and foisted upon them by the Peoples of the World were, at this late date, said `truths’ be divulged.

It is with a high degree of certainty that many millions of lives have suffered and lost for the sole purpose and reason: to protect the many critical lies that comprises Human History.

But, this can no longer be tolerated.

All the Peoples of the World must finally rise up and take a stand against centuries of tyranny wrongly imposed upon them, at great cost of human suffering and debasement, by only a very few, select elite families and their political minions. Generations-old establishment that have constructively and strategically, for their own enrichment and empowerment, taken exclusive control to `Knowledge of Human Origins and Antiquity’ that are the rightful property of all Peoples. From ancient history and origins of our species to the purported interventions of `other world’ entities and all relevant matters in-between.

A global `Truth and Reconciliation’ event under the auspices of a Peoples United Nations must be demanded. A year long event where `secrets’ long held from Humanity be openly and unequivocally divulged; brought into the light of day.

`Truth and Reconciliation: A truth commission or truth and reconciliation commission is a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing by a government (or, depending on the circumstances, non-state actors also), in the hope of resolving conflict left over from the past.’

Finally, a loud and vocal revolution, here as yet to be experienced, of seismic proportions is essential to bring a final end to the conflict and suffering common humanity has long and wrongfully endured; to chart a new course allowing for it to finally evolve and prosper well into this 21st Century and beyond. Failure to do so will assuredly lead to its ultimate, unnecessary demise.


Last Human Standing


world divide

This poem, originally written back in 2012 in response to social and geopolitical issues occurring at that tumultuous time, upon review, seems more appropriate to the current state of world affairs with the inauguration of the 45th President Donald J. Trump. 

Unlike the fears garnered when the poem was first written; what seems poised on the horizon to erupt, due to increased nationalism not only in the United States but across Western Europe, should instill a true sense foreboding reminiscent of the pre-World War II era.

Unfortunately, humanity once again appears to fall victim to the machinations of the pathological designs of true power: 

Last Human Standing

Falling deeper into the abyss of our making
This life on Earth seems forsaken
Though remedy of solution viably in-hand
But ignored, for reasons becoming clearer to understand

Global power held by the unseen elite
Are determined to manifest humanity’s defeat
They will not rest until their destructive plan is complete
Instigated with common people fighting each other in the street

Economic collapse is their efficient tool to instigate
Knowing empty belles’ are much easier to infuriate
Whilst poised in their ivory towers left to masturbate
While goon-squad militarized police, the uprisings, mitigate

It would take a fool’s mind not to see what is happening
The civilized structure of the last hundred years is set for collapsing
Then by their design a New Order for civilization is ready for hatching
To render a commoner’s life to impoverishment by servitude, ever-lasting

These are not words to echo the cry of humanity’s impending defeat
It is a call to recognize what is about to come and its receipt
Demanding if it is to happen – common people take their stand on the street
Poised ready to fight until the last Human standing on their feet


If this poem resonates with you please explore others written in the same vain as well, several poems of a more entertaining and humorous note. Thank you.

Please feel free, too, to let me know what you think by dropping me your comments to:


What A Mess


Reviewing my library of poems written over the past several years it is astonishing how they unequivocally relate to our current times. The irony, I would presume, lies in the knowledge that the poem was written reflecting upon issues of the time; 2009 to be exact, yet readily still apply to conditions unfolding today. Thus giving credence to the conclusion offered at the end of this poem. 

What A Mess

Have I finally succumb?  After years of exploring, investigating, researching, what ever you want to call it, of all things political, religious, sociological, economic, scientific, metaphysical, paranormal, etc, etc, I have come to a conclusion: WE ARE FUCKED!

Since time began humanity has been on the climatic path to a calamitous end it has long anticipated yet has been cultivated to lack the innate intelligence to fully recognize its presence when it inevitably stares them in the proverbial face.

A proliferation of differing perspectives on everything from the origins of our presence on this planet to the question of whether our reality is, in fact, REAL!  And a more pervasive confluence of idea relates to the prospects of our future, continued existence.

A distracting spectrum of opinions as to our future existence has developed incorporating ideas ranging from annihilation due to planetary bodies colliding with Earth in 2012 to global pandemics brought on by drug-resistant strains of bacteria to succumbing to dominance by interstellar beings with mind controlling powers.

Now to complicate the stress all these uncertainties are inflicting upon humanity there is the looming doom, the gloom, and foreboding of a global financial crisis to which a significant part of the industrialized world’s population has no idea of how to survive.  The cultivated dependence on a collapsing infrastructure of social safety nets and social support systems will only lead to further chaos and strife.

The advent of the Internet has spawned a myriad of rationalization of truth to causes and effect and the avocation to their solution for survival against the countless sources to the demise of humanity and modern civilization as have developed to date, only adds to the confusion and chaos that is permeating the world

The conditions are ripe for self proclaimed guru’s, prophets and other like-minded personalities to advocate their solution(s) to these real and perceived problems to rise up to take advantage of the thousands of souls that have been coddled in the delusion of being `cared for’ or the belief – faith in divinity that will conquer all man-made hardship.

Frankly, were there to exist a RESTART BUTTON that would absolve this planet of this corrupt humanity that has evolved upon it – NOW would be the time for that BIG FINGER in the sky to just PUSH IT!


Etched To The Bone



Surprising, this poem, written back in 2008, finds a fitting place reflecting the current day’s experience; the unfolding of events that speak to a darker time that, potentially, lies ahead for all humanity and its implication for generations that are yet to follow:

Etched To The Bone

My mind spins

From the chaos echoing

From the choir

Disaster of faith

In the fabric of mankind

Can the deluge

Grow even higher?


When will it stop?

When will the end begin?

The pain that I am feeling

Is in need of a pill that can win.


Factions in every corner

Spewing the ill

Of the coming way

Offering nothing in return

But explaining

How we will righteously pay


Bleed for the children

For they know not

What it is

Tomorrow’s growing darkness

Is the inheritance to be given?

What in the morning

Will they say?


Oh what sadness

Is being etched into the bone

For generations to come

This ailing condition

Will call it: home!


The Blame


This poem was written a while back, however, given the recent expansionist mindset of the current Canadian government to give approval to the installation of a liquid natural gas terminal on the pristine coastal waters of British Columbia recently; it demands a revisit to consider the possible detrimental, future outcome of such an environmentally impacting decision. 

Myopic is the global, political mindset,
It yields the greatest electoral return,
Foregoing the interest of the unborn children,
Yields fossil fuels legislated to pollute, opposition to spurn.

Jobs, jobs, and more jobs
The rationale to explain and excuse
The destruction of earthly resources;
Health and welfare of the many to be abused.

Fracking, pipelines nomenclature of the day,
Hyped as essential for the economy to survive.
Forests and fresh water are resources to be given up for the cause;
Deemed unessential for humanity to flourish and thrive.

The powers that be hold all the relevant cards,
The balance of power rests in their hand.
To reverse the current destructive, global path;
The powerless together, must unite and band.

Populace, street demonstrations are impudent to needed change;
A more powerful, permanent message may be needed, enforced.
A global, collective opposition to those whom self-serving, rule;
A tangible, visible sign of change that all humanity can endorse.

Violence, loss of property and life is not the wanted course
Yet they who hold the power for conditions to be sustained;
Continue to ignore the plight and demands of the many,
Whatever the outcome, responsibility, to them, the blame, remains.



Encountering on YouTube, a video titled: IMPORTANT: Save the Day  wherein several A-list celebrities amongst a few commoners, profess the vital importance of registering and eventually voting come November 8, 2016.  As would be expected several took to commenting on the said video with a wide range of response from the rational to the downright stupid.
I posted (see at the end of the comment stream below) what may arguably be considered a rationally objective view of the current state of the electoral process, the limited and potentially negative results regardless of which candidate wins then, subsequent to this posting, I reviewed the comments that had preceded my own.
Having done so I couldn’t help but reflect (see at the end of the comment stream below) on the general verbal mire that ensued and not necessarily directed toward the video content but, against fellow commenters.
My point via this posting is the fact that my comments received neither `a like, dislike`, nor even a supporting or abusive comment. Whilst, as illustrated here (see below), are the comments that followed my own (timeline), with as you will see, several likes, dislikes, and comments either way.
So, I don’t know why this is but, a want to draw the distinction to whatever conclusion you may yourself draw.
Good Luck to all who live in the United States, I do not envy though do fear for your and the rest of the World’s future post-November 8, 2016.
Top comments that followed my comments found at the end of the thread:
They are part of the establishment. Fuck em, I’mma vote for Trump.
View all 3 replies

Cường Gylms

Watching Trump supporters freaking out in the comment section is hilarious

View all 3 replies

Treo Zucic

+Nintendo Productions Gaming No, they are losing their shit. Just look at how many Trump supporters in the comments that are so outraged that they are going to boycott every actor that appeared in this video. Their skin is thin.


I’m from UK but I wish I was in US as I just want to vote Trump ❤️

View all 7 replies


I genuinely laughed about that Clarence XD


Fuck off with this bullshit, I’d rather drink piss than vote for crooked Hillary. How the hell she isn’t already in person is beyond me and it speaks to the insane level of corruption in this country. Fuck Hillary and all of her special interests.

View all 9 replies

Del Mathews

so are all of you unaware of the other candidates or that the electoral college will vote whoever they want regardless of your vote?


Trump is the opportunity of a lifetime as far as presidential candidates go. He is honest, hardworking and will do a great job for the people of the USA. #Trump2016 #MAGA

View all 22 replies

Tablature Butler

+The JSB – Who cares what you believe? – your hero steals from THOUSANDS of honest workers, contractors, vendors and investors, steals from charity, brags about corrupting public officials, and has no idea how a bill becomes law. Your opinion is worthless…


+Tablature Butler So you voted for Comrade Sanders, peon?

하지 분쇄하는 야만인

LOL. (((They))) have deleted all my comments. Scared?

View all 6 replies

Sara Denko

>Being scared of kikes. You’re not scared, are you goy?


Boycotting the next iron man to come out..,

View all 10 replies

Christopher Storvik

rot in hell fascist. They don’t want your money.


wonder how many Americans wish they could vote obama in for a third term
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Joel P

Who else will never think the same about these celebritys?

View all 12 replies


+Sneakos Oh look how smart this cunt is. He called us simpletons oooooh. Shut your cock sucker up cuck.

Matt Stone

@Paul Funion: What is this?? A reasonable comment on youtube?? Get out of here with your level-headedness

Kiem Ruach

I’m just here for the butthurt Trump supporters. ” everybody doesn’t like my candidate cause theyre all ignewant” LMFAO!

View all 19 replies


DAmn son you dark as hell.


Trump supporters be like “THEYRE ALL SHEEP WAHH”

JoshCruiser5 // Josh H

I’ve never seen so many stupid people supporting Donald trump in a comment section. When trump starts world war 3 and puts all of America in huge danger, there will be no one else to blame but you for choosing an absolutely outrageous and dangerous man to run all of America.
View all 8 replies

manas pachauri

So capn America Supports Trump?


Right? Where was he?


All this does is just make me want to vote for Trump even more…..

Ashot Vardanyan

soo make Mark nude! go and elect!!


I’m a whiny trump supporter and I only listen to rich lunatic celebrities like Donald Trump. i’m never gonna watch any of their movies again. WAHHHH

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Spot Enemy Boats

Nah, I’m just pirate the shit out of their movies.

Duni D

Looooooool they are even willing to prostitute themselves so corrupt hillary becomes president. This is how low they are willing to go, think about it.


What a bunch of assholes. WE’RE FAMOUS! We’re more important than you! Fuck these guys… What a pathetic video.


Exactly this video kinda has the opposite effect, of the message they preach. I would’ve done it regardless of who they were.

Nick Hall



So apparently wanting criminals out of your country is racist? These liberals are fucking autistic. If your mother was raped and murdered by an illegal would you still want people to waltz in and out illegally? No. Building a secure border is not racist you inbred cunts.

View all 7 replies


99% of US citizens are immigrants and decedents of immigrants.


+GRABA85 ie Donald Trump


Wow this actually has quite a bit of likes thanks to West Euro cucks liking like crazy 😀

View all 4 replies

A Person

+1MuchButteR1 Ah yes a more succesful political scene


After posting my comment I scanned the other `Comment'(s) and it is sad to say: they are a true reflection of the chaotic mental state of the United States. A combination of ignorant, ill-informed and downright nastiness that spawns the deeply divisive state of the American Union. Based on the examples given in this comment thread, regardless of the 2016 election outcome, there is much turmoil in store for America and, unfortunately, the rest of the World will not be immune to the consequences from it. This situation, predictably, will be evidence to one of the most tumultuous decades of the 21st Century; opening with the 9-11 experience and, potentially, closing with an outright revolutionary uprising. Only time will be truth to history.


An impressive call-to-arms(vote) however, the American public are being given the choice to either shoot themselves in the head versus jumping off the nearest bridge; unfortunately, WE, the rest of the WORLD’s population, will suffer the same consequence regardless of the choice they make! The Electoral College system of choosing the next President of the United States does not ensure that the popular choice of the People will be the President Elect. For this reason: NO ONE anywhere, after November 8, 2016, will be resolved in knowing the future will be one we can look forward to with a modicum of HOPE, unlike the 2008 electoral cycle.

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