Archive for the 'humanitarian' Category


Global Truth & Reconciliation: `I’m Tired of Being Lied To’


It is common awareness that a `Lie’, related to any matter of subject or condition, only serves to perpetuate more lying to protect the fact a lie has been perpetrated.

This condition eventually leads to establishing a `Secret’ to protect they who initiated the original lie. Eventually, this leads to conflict between those who become aware of the lie perpetuated versus those who protect the condition of the presence of a lie. For Nations, this generally falls under the classification of `National Security’.

Over the centuries the lies compounded upon lies has manifest to a present state where any subject pertaining to Human existence and the historical conditions from and which it has evolved to this the 21st century become subject to questioning debate.

Unfortunately, the select few who have assumed themselves to be the `rightful holders and protectors to the truth’ to the lies perpetrated over the centuries; fear for the level of anger and hostility that would ensue and foisted upon them by the Peoples of the World were, at this late date, said `truths’ be divulged.

It is with a high degree of certainty that many millions of lives have suffered and lost for the sole purpose and reason: to protect the many critical lies that comprises Human History.

But, this can no longer be tolerated.

All the Peoples of the World must finally rise up and take a stand against centuries of tyranny wrongly imposed upon them, at great cost of human suffering and debasement, by only a very few, select elite families and their political minions. Generations-old establishment that have constructively and strategically, for their own enrichment and empowerment, taken exclusive control to `Knowledge of Human Origins and Antiquity’ that are the rightful property of all Peoples. From ancient history and origins of our species to the purported interventions of `other world’ entities and all relevant matters in-between.

A global `Truth and Reconciliation’ event under the auspices of a Peoples United Nations must be demanded. A year long event where `secrets’ long held from Humanity be openly and unequivocally divulged; brought into the light of day.

`Truth and Reconciliation: A truth commission or truth and reconciliation commission is a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrongdoing by a government (or, depending on the circumstances, non-state actors also), in the hope of resolving conflict left over from the past.’

Finally, a loud and vocal revolution, here as yet to be experienced, of seismic proportions is essential to bring a final end to the conflict and suffering common humanity has long and wrongfully endured; to chart a new course allowing for it to finally evolve and prosper well into this 21st Century and beyond. Failure to do so will assuredly lead to its ultimate, unnecessary demise.


Etched To The Bone



Surprising, this poem, written back in 2008, finds a fitting place reflecting the current day’s experience; the unfolding of events that speak to a darker time that, potentially, lies ahead for all humanity and its implication for generations that are yet to follow:

Etched To The Bone

My mind spins

From the chaos echoing

From the choir

Disaster of faith

In the fabric of mankind

Can the deluge

Grow even higher?


When will it stop?

When will the end begin?

The pain that I am feeling

Is in need of a pill that can win.


Factions in every corner

Spewing the ill

Of the coming way

Offering nothing in return

But explaining

How we will righteously pay


Bleed for the children

For they know not

What it is

Tomorrow’s growing darkness

Is the inheritance to be given?

What in the morning

Will they say?


Oh what sadness

Is being etched into the bone

For generations to come

This ailing condition

Will call it: home!





Locked away in the mind’s darkness cave,
Left to manifest thoughts outwardly brave
Though, when spoken, the conflicted do rave;
Challenging wisdom’s retreat, to save.

History’s pattern unwittingly resolves
Into depths of forgetfulness to dissolve;
Leaving pain and suffering itself to solve;
To once again, like a clock wound, revolve.

Human nature, a questionable ally or foe,
An intuitiveness’ retarded flow,
A once thought `truth’, to bind and know
Yet, it’s truth’s blindness that does grow.

Giving reason to this proclivity to discern;
Having spent millennia endeavoring to learn
Yet, humankind, seemingly, more resolute to spurn
And, for it; civilization, as in past, does ultimately burn.


What Monumental Event?


Awakening to this world increasingly in disarray,
When will this needless suffering go away?
Cluster bombs, extreme weather taking innocent lives,
When will we take serious the global, human, deathly cry?

Who are these leaders that make the charge?
To what end do they allow this to go so far?
To allow suffering on such monumental scale,
Can they not see their deemed leadership, disastrously fail?

Have decades of brutal war on every horrendous scale,
Not taught humanity, this is a defeatist’s path to curtail?
Trillions of dollars expended to advance this inflicted pain,
All to the benefit of those, out of harm’s way, to richly gain.

Political platitudes and ceremonial remembrances become insults
To those willingly giving their lives, to remedy these egregious faults.
Expending the future of humanity, being lost to needless death and strife;
What monumental event will it take to bring back a loving, harmonious life?


True Captains


A thunderous boom echoed from a cloudless sky
Summoning the shrill of an unknown baby’s cry
Sending a shiver of fear hard to deny
With wonderment of question: `Why?’

Soon the streets filled with curious minds
Looking upward and outward for telling signs
But none were visible or made blind
Leaving an answer to the question hard to find.

Those of pious belief fell in prayer to their knees,
Atheists and the agnostic took to cowering under trees
Finding no reason to solution, source of fear to relieve;
Taking this sign as an ominous warning, one to be believed.

Next, the sunlight of day became hauntingly dark,
The blackness of night full, consuming, stark;
Artificial light failed to counter its sudden, complete embark,
Confirming to all, this strangeness is not to be deemed a lark.

Ancient prophecy has long spoken of such a coming event
Taken by most to be of an old zealot’s religious invent;
Poised as reason for all sinners toward a godly entity, to repent,
To gain a promise of such calamity, to wishfully prevent.

Intellectual voices of science took strides to explain
The Earth is passing through its Galaxy’s cosmic plane;
A natural, phenomenal cycle that occurs time and again
Ensuring reason toward humanity’s ails is not the source to blame.

Three days, three nights the darkness full did cause
Thousands to wait in fear, confused by whose `laws’
To believe to be this earthly calamity’s true cause
But, what is certain; Humanity is given good reason to pause.

On the fourth day sunlight once again made for a blue sky,
The cry of relief echoing loud, fervently far and wide;
From this, it became evidently clear and impossible to deny,
Earth, a cosmic vessel, is given for all humanity, on which to fly.

No longer encumbered by divisive, omnipresent rules of religious fear,
Humankind realizes they are the true Captains to this earthly ship to steer
Through the voidness of cosmic space knowing the path to be made clear
Is through intellect of mind and, love for each other, to hold most dear.


HISTORY: Comprehension of the Present Future


The further one recedes into the history of global economic development and, the politics that have and continue to direct its course, the fuller one is able to comprehend the present and future, potential state of global conflict and, the factors that continue to contribute to it.

The Empire Files, an investigative journalistic News reportage exposes the crucial history of how empires of the early 19th and 20th centuries, feeding off the wealth of resources in the region of Africa now known as the Congo, can be considered responsible for present day conflict in the form of civil, regional and proxy wars.

The early meddling of Belgian monarchy with the sole purpose to exploit the resource riches of the region while publicly expressing the desire to educate and make more civil the indigenous Peoples can be reasonably projected to the rise in terrorism being experienced today.

Too, western empire nations such as the United States, Britain and France by way of clandestine, political subterfuge administered by the CIA and MI-6’s convert activity over the decades, with the sole objective of capturing and securing the wealth of resources offered by the Congolese region of Africa, can be deemed responsible for the militaristic and terroristic turmoil suffered by the Peoples of the region.

Of particular attention is the conversation up to and including the 15-min. mark referring to the democratically elected leader to the Congo; his assassination and permanent disposal of his body. A treatment procedure repeated more recently in history with the goal to stifle any potential for the future veneration of those who fought in opposition to western, economic and political interests.

The current presidential election cycle in the guise of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are ceremoniously unveiling the corruptness of western, corporate-driven politics and the destructive influence such interests are having not only for the United States but too, the globe in general, by way of corporate driven foreign policies shaped to secure the wealth of undeveloped and developing nations by means of political subterfuge or outright military force.

The world by any standard is in upheaval and disarray: civil, regional and proxy wars throughout the Middle-East; millions of migrants fleeing the regions of strife only to be confronted by nationalistic driven xenophobia; strident financial inequality diminishing the economic influence of the middle and lower classes of all nations; obfuscation of climate change, global warming and their all to present destructive effects; etc., etc..

Not until members of the infamous 99% realize what has transpired in the past, initiated and executed by those who were politically and economically influential in achieving their greed driven enrichment, still all too present directing the course of global affairs by the hands and minds of bought and paid-for elected officials administering world governance today, will change ever see the light of day.

The outcome of the 2016 Presidential election will be a hallmark to the quality of life, for global civil-society, well into this 21st Century!


Human Paradox

Q: Is the divisive nature of humankind inherent in the need, as an individual, to be self-identified?

Q: Is the formation of human groups derived from the ability and/or want to locate with others of humankind perceived to retain the same self-identifiable values/qualities?

Q: Is the inherent need to be self-identifiable, as an individual or group comprised of those perceived to retain the same identifiable values/qualities, a precursor to conflict instigated by the competition of one individual/group’s values/qualities versus those of another individual/group’s?

Q: If the answers to these questions are `YES’; would it not be logical to ask: 

                                       Is conflict an inherent component of humankind?


Progress and advancement of the human condition: the desire to outdo and/or surpass the proven values/qualities of they/that, who/which presently dominate, is derived from the influence of competition.

Competition is readily identified as a root cause  of conflict from individual, hand to hand battles to nation versus nation in combat of war.

The Paradox: Competition advances humankind at the cost of ceaseless conflict


To eradicate conflict is to eradicate competition derived by eliminating the need/want to be self-identifiable, an inherent quality of humankind.

The ultimate conclusion:

          Conflict is an inherent component of Humankind and will Never be eradicated out of                           the need to be self-identified either as individual and/or group.


Greedy Money-Changers

Taken with pain from the face of the Earth
Consumed, distraught by compassion’s dearth,
Witness to humanity increasingly divided by ethnicity’s worth,
Knowing monetary inequality lies at the root of this growing curse.

Infusing slavery by way of shackle’s contemporary definition:
`Grow a consumer class’ in service to the elite’s global mission,
To parley sovereign rule to stave off national wealth’s extradition,
By in-Corporation trade agreements that usurp electoral decision.

Deepening, darkening has become this downward spiral,
Fewer are left, the human values of goodness to defile,
As one by one, discarded, thrown into a dead and decaying pile,
Tended to by greedy Money-Changers wearing scornful, sneering smiles.


The Right to Breath




Right to Breath

Banking of Nature: An insightful and somewhat disturbing look at current financialization of earthly resources that opens the environment to speculative machinations of Wall Street with its dire reputation for the loss of trillions of dollars worth of wealth by the crash of 2008, the impact of which is still being dealt with and, now this greed machine is targeting the natural resources on which to bet.  

Watch this documentary presented by the Passionate Eye:

to which I felt the need to express my distraught via the following poem:
Right To Breath

Financial machinations of white shirts and ties
Entombed in glittering glass and concrete towers
While outside, increasingly, the monetized world dies
Succumbing to insatiable greed of stolen global power

Nations stripped of resources for short-sighted economic gain
Common Peoples’ lives measurably deemed expendable
When barren, deforested land for them is all that remains
A reality scourge that is inhumane and incomprehensible

Irrational reasoning of so-called wise and learned men
Around boardroom tables devise, scheme and plot;
Their foolishness of folly questionably there to defend
When all that motivates is growth of their riches sought

Stock market speculation of all future life here on Earth
Already an experienced, proven destructive ending course
Will lead to all that is living being given its economic worth
A time when the `right to breath’ will be a financial source




Need a gun be put to the preverbal head in order that explicit, unflattering words be read rather then the benign gibberish the vast populace is regularly fed, void of reality’s truth to dread, instead?

Daily experience to the confluence of war, death and starvation suffered; instigated by the hands of the pompous, self-aggrandizing wealth seeking whom selfishly hoard their greed-got possessions, vulgar demarcation to their worldly worth in the face of those upon whom they wilfully tread and stomp for gain.

The exposé by word that speaks as harbinger to ills and ailments is frowned upon; given to voidance to the reality to the darkness encompassing this epoch of human presence sublimed by the vast encroachment of material, fiat gained wants superseding true reason for humanity’s earthly existence.

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