Archive for the 'goverment' Category


Free Speech and Religious Liberty

Trump Administration’s Executive Order: `President Trump Signs the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty‘ .

An Essay written in 2005 anticipated the potential negative outcome for many Americans given the growing, vocal presence of the Conservative Religious Right within the politic of the day.

The premise for the original essay is the offering of an open invitation to move to Canada, to those Americans who were becoming increasingly concerned for the positioning of the political and socially conservative, right-wing, evangelical religious movement to influence the White House and ultimately, the Supreme Court, to amend Constitutional laws in favor of their Bible-driven beliefs.

It would seem that day has finally materialized some twelve years later under the Trump-Pence Administration.

The original essay:

`IN GOD THEY TRUST – NBC with TOM BROKAW  (2005-10-23)

If you are a non-believer that is Christian, gay, democrat or liberal in your views and lastly, AMERICAN, Canada has a lot of vacant land available for occupancy whenever you are ready. And from what I saw and heard on this program, though a brief expose of what is gong on in the good old’ US, I would be looking to pack up and move real soon..

The infusion of evangelical religious fervour and the insidious means they employ to establish their faith amongst the many and subsequently the political pressure this puts on the State, the judicial system, it is cause for not only Americans but also, the rest of the world to be concerned.

The evangelical, conservative Christian movement is organized and determined to put their mark on the majority of America in order to shape the future direction of that country. Their coy manner of insisting that they do not have a political agenda, that they do not impose their theology on others is a ruse. They know what their objectives are and precisely how they expect to achieve those goals. And with their ally in the Oval Office – they are on the road to achieve those goals. With the Congress and eventually the Supreme Court weighted in their favour – the implication of this movement will outlive this administration. It is fearful to see and hear American citizens negating any sense of reason or judgement in exercising their right to vote. Regardless of the political aspirations or abilities of a political candidate be they for the presidency, congress or any other arm of the federal government, as long as that individual holds to their same right wing (though they would not label themselves as such), moral Christian values – that is where their vote will be directed. George W Bush is living proof of that commitment

The fear for the balance of Americans in success of this movement is how it translates to the rest of the world’s religious communities the most obvious of these being the Islamic faith who view the events in the United States as a furtherance of the Christian dominance of the world – at their expense. In addition, as has been brutally illustrated to date, they will sacrifice themselves to prevent this from happening.

The rift these events create within the social fabric of American society will have the affect of undermining the united front that up until the unfolding of these events can only serve the enemies of the US – what is the old adage – United we conquer – divided we fall.

Thank you CANADA!’

The invitation from this Canadian still stands!



United States 2016 Presidential Campaign: Where Will It Lead?



The seminal experience: the attack and destruction of the World Trade Centre September 11th, 2001, has yielded a level of dysfunction in global politics unseen in current human history. The dissemination of the global human collective on the lines of ethnicity, religion and political affiliation has never been as pronounced and, continues to be amplified as the world advances through this, the second decade, of this 21st Century.

Increasingly, the world is witnessing a menacing rise of divisiveness instigated by the march of humbled Middle Eastern or North African refugees. Hundreds of thousands of Peoples brutally torn from their former tranquil lives by the scourge of political and civil unrest wanting only for the perceived safety of shelter in the sanctity of European nations only to be rebuffed by a vocal segment of the established populace of affected nations such as Greece, Germany and even Sweden, particularly against those of Muslim faith.

Adding to the embroilment of human discontent is the hardship arising from the meltdown of the global financial system ignited by the collapse of Wall Street in 2007-08, the implications and hardships that continue to affect the balance sheets of nations globally to this day. The citizens of European nations suffering from imposed, harsh austerity measures to counter losses of wealth suffered, respond vehemently and vocally to the erosion of their political sovereignty worsened by the infusion of immigrants and refugees invading their porous borders.

In such troubling and tumultuous times of the past, the world’s populace turned to great nations such as the United States and Great Britain for balanced and dogmatic leadership to aid in deriving peaceful resolve and as when necessary, military intervention, to quell the rising storm of insurgency as was the case with the rise of Germany’s Führer-State in the 1930’s under Adolf Hitler that manifest as global conflict that ended in the western nation’s allied victory of 1945.

Unfortunately, unlike the era that preceded the execution of World War II when the United States in particular, was viewed as the globe’s most stalwart of economic, socio-political stability, able to aid in the defeat the rise of Fascism, today in 2016, as evidenced by the execution of the Primary process to select each major party’s candidate to run in the 2016 Presidential election, such could not be farther from the case.

Of particular concern is the foment arising from the campaign of Republican nominee candidate Donald J. Trump.

Video:Donald J. Trump

The crux of Mr. Trump’s campaign is to amplify the level of fear garnered from the rise of terrorist factions outside of the United States though they are perceived by his ardent and often misinformed followers, as being a direct threat to their security. As well, he instigates hatred toward undocumented immigrants charging them, without substantiation, as taking away the jobs and livelihood of his often low-wage earning campaign supporters.

With respect to the Democratic party’s campaign to nominate a 2016 presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders’, a Socialist-Democrat, too, is gaining support from what is effectively the same segment of the United State’s electorate as Donald Trump however, for decidedly less inflammatory reasons such as economic and social inequality derived from the power and influence of `big money’ Wall Street financiers and, corporate lobbyist in the political process.

Video: Bernie Sanders

In light of what has been said, all-be-it in brief form, it behoves not only the citizen-electorate of the United States to pay attention to the developments arising from the 2016 presidential elections but for reasons illustrated by the following video, the global population need be concerned. The eventual outcome in the election of next President of the United States may have irreversible and devastating consequence for the entire Peoples of the World:

Video: Rise of Fascism


One-way Ticket to Extinction

Since before the day the man who we’ve come to know as Jesus Christ, whether the Son of God or not, who took it upon himself to throw over the tables of the money-changers, running them out of the Temple of worship, charging them to be thieves by way of their commercial enterprises; the majority of humanity has suffered from the ills and hardships derived from the greed and power derived from and associated with, the mechanism know as Money.

Now in this 21st Century, the global commercial economy firmly committed to the avails of monetary exchange, essentially the life-blood to all that is to manifest, is driving this World’s inhabitants, all species, toward certain extinction.

As of this writing, in Paris France, for the third time since the start of this new millennium, a gathering of World leaders and a throng, a thousand-fold in number, of bureaucrats, activists, scientist and international journalist, have convened at the Cop 21 Climate Change Summit. A two week exercise to derive an international agreement setting limits on the level of carbon-dioxide emitted into the atmosphere and, practical measures to reduce existing levels to maintain a 1 degree Celsius rise in global temperatures.

Of the above statement what need be emphasised is `for the third time’.

To listen to what can only be termed `political rhetoric’ espoused by the respective leaders of participating nations, they ring hollow given that they speak to nothing new from words spoken in prior conferences. And, though some progress has be achieved by introduction of new carbon sequestration and limiting technologies, alternative energy solutions, etc.; on balance, they are dwarfed by comparison to the continued introduction of new sources and use of oil, coal and natural gas.

Too, the business driven concept solutions known as Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade are by any order of mindful rationale, nothing more then mechanisms to appease both commercial and public descent and short-term political solution to sustain power of government by the ruling political party. Regardless, the long term effects are still devastating to the well-being of all living creatures of the Planet.

To listen to the arguments present by the individual, international players comprising this latest gathering in Paris France, whether for and or against dramatic concrete, uniformly and permanently implemented efforts to combat the known environmental contributors to observed and experienced effects of Climate Change globally; Money is a the root to reasons put forward to substantiate either doing or not doing.

Given the life-threatening and extinction level effects of climate change presently and with certainty, future catastrophic events; money should be the last item of consideration when a viable, permanent solution is in the offering.

So, what or better stated: Who, is stopping this from happening?

Humanity has regrettably but succumb to the living concept that `money is power’. Countless lives and whole civilizations for aeons have been sacrificed to sustain this fictitious edict that, as stated at the beginning to this essay, has plagued human-kind since before the mythical time of one known as Jesus Christ.
Is it not time for this ridiculous concept to come to its end before it `buys’ humanity’s ticket to extinction?

There are solutions and it need not be bought by MONEY! The Collective of Humanity must once and through the strength and resolve of the power that is inherent purely by its presence on this planet Earth, TAKE BACK, that which belongs to every living specie: the RIGHT TO LIVE!


What is Wrong With Humanity?

humanity balanceAt some point in this conversation the words, message, however you may want to term it, will undoubtedly begin to sound as a `rant’. That said, a concerted effort will be made to defer that potential conclusion at all cost to the privilege of your attention to this piece.

Humanity’s presence on this celestial body to which it has been given the unclarified privilege to inhabit for an indeterminate period of time to the present has as history will support, been mired in conflict. Aggression is and, seemingly always has been, at the forefront of this earthly occupation. A condition possibly attributable to the primordial, animalistic, component to living DNA: the innate struggle for all living entities to survive at all cost. But what this does not account for in the case of Humans is the `sentient’ aspect that purportedly differentiates it from other living entities it shares the planet.

So, `what is wrong with humanity?’

According to the Wikipedia’s reference on the topic of `Civilization

“The earliest emergence of [human] civilizations is generally associated with the final stages of the Neolithic Revolution, culminating in the relatively rapid process of state formation, a political development associated with the appearance of a governing elite.

If this holds to be accurate, approximately 9000 BCE was the start of humanity’s evolution to the present era commonly referred to in this the 21st century as the Information Age. A transition period of over 11000 years or, put another way: considering twenty years for each generational cycle – 550 generations.

It is certain many would argue that humanity has progressed substantially to behaving in a more civilized manner meaning, co-existing but, is this accurate?

The underpinning principle to any civilized culture is the `rule of law’. The formulation and establishment of rules and codes of conduct – behavior, a grouping of humans collectively and mutually agree to accept to guide the development and growth of their civilized grouping.

The evolution of this basic principal has undoubtedly met its share of resistance manifest in a variety of ways from the lone-gunman holding up a local bank to corrupt legislators and whole governments often culminating in regional, national and international conflicts.

Examination of the history that brings humanity to its present state now, in the formative years of this 21st century, it becomes evidently clear there is but one principle that truly dictates the course of humanity’s evolution: POWER of FORCE.

The phrase taken from the infamous Star Wars saga: `May the force be with you’ takes on a different connotation in the context of human socio-economic development and advancement where FORCE is derived from two fundamental elements: Money and Bullets. The presence of either or both, in any context of their application, is widely evidenced and proven to supersede the `rule of law’ that underpins a civilized organization.

Ironically, as the presence of humanity surpasses 7-billion and expected to approach 10-billion by mid-21st century, the power of influence increasingly, is residing in the hands of but a few powerful individuals and family dynasties. A situation where 0.7% (32 million) of the global population retain 41% of global wealth (US98.7tn).


This small super-elite group who, through secretive organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, hold high security, suggestively clandestine, conferences at Davos Switzerland to chart the course the remaining 99.93% of humanity will take over the coming decades.

What supports and is essential for this global wealth pyramid to exist and prosper is a myriad and matrix of individual pyramids of power that ultimately support the overall structure of power and influence. Be that by individuals, governmental institutions and/or, private organizations.

All equally share in the application-enforcement of the same two basic elements: money and if necessary, bullets, to acquire, establish and retain such force of influence.

Ultimately the true value of individual human life in the context of such power has to be deemed negligible. The death of countless millions of innocent lives over the last and into the current century is clear evidence to this harsh statement.

A current and living example of all that is being spoken of here resides in the financial dissolution of Greece, a member state to the Eurozone and the European Union.

Without going into the specific details of the Greek situation, suffice it to say the majority of the Greek population are being held captive to punitive, extreme austerity measures imposed by fellow Eurozone states namely Germany and France, for the documented excesses of the minority, Greek elite-wealth establishment.

Emanating from the global financial collapse of 2007-08, Greece amongst other Eurozone member states such as Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy, has been embroiled in negotiations to restructure payment of its massive national debt that presently exceeds 200% of Gross National Production (GDP). A level of debt that is unsustainable and never fully repayable when it exceeds the realistic potential of generating revenue to do so.

This dire situation of harsh austerity measures crippling the country since 2009 resulted in the 2015 election of new left-leaning State government party: Syriza on the platform to reverse regulations imposed by Eurozone member states. This mandate is further re-enforced by a 61% majority, national referendum in support of the stated platform even at the cost of leaving the Eurozone but staying within the European Union. This would constitute returning to the Drachma currency from the current Euro.

It is not evidently clear as to the true reasons for it but, the Syriza Party and the Greek Parliament have failed to institute the clear mandate given them by the majority of the Greek populace and have in fact, resigned to even harsher austerity measures than those imposed at the outset of this dire saga.

So again, it begs the question: `what is wrong with humanity?’

Clearly, the super-elite hold the power of money by which to acquire and control a power of the bullet to easily impose and control a power of force upon the majority into sheepish submission.

It would seem self-evident, with a ratio of 9.93:>1, the ability to change the present system to a more equalitarian structure would/should be relatively easy. So why has this not happened and what will it take to do so?

The simple answer is Fear. The fear of disrupting a civilized order as harsh as it may be; to delve into the chaotic and destructive nature of revolution. The types of revolution being played out in theatres of conflict as in the Middle East: Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.., the Israeli occupation of Palestinians of Gaza and West Bank. In these conflicts all that appears to being accomplished is death and displacement of thousands of innocent lives that once flourished in established civilized communities now abandoned and laying in ruin; possibly for decades.

In conclusion, if one can be drawn, the super-elite will maintain their austere hold of the majority of humanity unless the ways, means and courage, as yet unfathomable, manifest. Failing such a miracle, the road travelled for most occupants and their progeny to this celestial body, seems less than inviting contrary to the prophetic projections of wealth and goodness professed by contrived, propagandist, entertainment-centric and complicit global, mass media.

May time prove this wrong!

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