Archive for the 'World Bank' Category


Lucifer Deal?

Whom to believe is the appeal

To tell the truth, to what is real,

To go beyond just the emotional feel

There exists a conspiracy to conceal

Humanity’s meaning of purpose; a worthy steal,

Garnering a dominance of Power, beyond  any Lucifer deal?

Sentient presence growing increasing bemused:

Are their energies by Existence, being nefariously used?

Do unseen forces promote information to delude

In order to attain global power for control and abuse?

What are the chances to ever knowing a truth

When the evidence to it, would take a worthy sleuth?

Only passage of time will a reality outcome be known;

An historical accounting of what inflicted passage was sown.

Does the moral fiber of Humanity wither or be grown,

If those whose secret-agenda is increasing shown

To bridle a processive quality, not want to bemoan

Or, into the darkness of hardship be permanently thrown?

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To better understand and comprehend the world as we are coming to know it, the reason for what is evolving, one need look at the history to what makes it so; and this comprehensive BBC documentary is a good start to that end:


Will It [N]ever Happen?


               Donald J. Trump                            Rodrigo Duterte

Face it, the reality is that the System; the organized, political, judicial and institutional structure of civil society, as it has evolved, comprehensively, is beyond the scope of any Common-person or group of persons, to evoke REAL CHANGE!

Regardless of the Country-nation, be it one governed by democratic philosophy or autocratic, dictatorial oppressive rule; those individual citizens who advocate for a leadership role, on the strength of reforming the rule of law and legislative governance at the behest of the Common citizen, typically renege on the rhetorical promises made during their electoral campaign.

Virtually, on every occasion in the last century; be they President, Prime Minister, Autocratic Dictator or, other titled leader of a Nation, democratically elected or not, to the highest Office of the Nation; upon taking office and at times before, the only true change observed is diametrically opposite in direction to that advocated in the course of their electoral campaigning.

The direct consequence of this failing on the part of those elected to lead In the majority of countries deemed to have fully open, free democratic election processes; the percentage of those who actually vote typically falls below fifty-percent. Meaning, the candidate elected to Office in effect represents significantly less than a minor majority of the nation’s Peoples. The level of political skepticism and mistrust of elected officials effectually nullifies its true significance and fundamentally, is a waste of time and of public revenues.

So what is the remedy solution if, in fact, there is one to be had?

The answer to this question is elusive at this time, however, there are TWO real-time case-studies to be observed over the course of the next coming year of 2017 and beyond:

A) The Presidency of Donald J. Trump – 45 President of the United States

B) The Presidency of Rodrigo Duterte – Newly elected President of the Philippines

The significance of these two presidential administrations stems from both incumbents being elected on the strength of severe and radical CHANGE to the Establishment rule preceding being officially sworn to Office of President. Each having taken a controversial stance on the current state-of-governance and affairs.

In the case of Donald Trump, President-Elect; his brash and at times controversial statements in presenting his electoral platform focused on the middle-class; advocating for their better representation in the form of jobs and equality to share in the prosperity of the nation captioned by his electoral slogan: `Make America Great Again’.

However, the professional character of those whom his `Transition Team’ has announced, to date, to hold senior cabinet positions within the Trump Administration would suggest the antithesis to the far-reaching promises of his campaigning rhetoric.

Donald J. Trump – President Elect

With respect to President Duterte; his election rhetoric too was brash and controversial in nature. His use of deriding language focused on the condition of the middle-class but, more significantly, with respect to the state-of-the nation’s widespread, illegal drug cartels and, rampant corruption of those within public offices of government and private businesses advocating for a ruthless, eradicating approach to remedy the problems.

President Duterte

In conclusion, given the atypical construct of the campaigns awarding these two unconventional individuals the highest office of their respective Nations; the domestic and international implications of their administrative policies during their time of governance as yet to manifest on the world stage, undoubtedly, regardless, they will have a long-term impact on next generation, electoral cycle machinations for their respective nations as well, for those of observing nations.

However, in the interim, the Common-person still remains hostage to the failings of those who choose to come forward on the strength and promise of REAL CHANGE and, the inability of the System to mitigate its failings.



Demanding of Goodness


world divide

Deeper into evil’s darkness as the world recedes;
Disregarding how much its populations are made to bleed;
Inspired by ill-gotten wisdom of those who purport to lead;
Demanding the loud outcry of opposition’s struggle plead.

The forces of evil have found their needed start
By national leaders chosen with deceitful, evil heart
Set to tear all that has been made good, apart;
Demanding remedy capable to outwit, to outsmart.

The future for humankind seems increasingly bleak,
Incarceration of those who attempt to outwardly speak,
Militarized police beating down demonstrations in the streets;
Demanding the full goodness of all humanity for this enemy to defeat.


News Headlines Oct 14, 2016

Logo for dark background


The following are the Headlines of News for the Day as covered by DemocracyNow ( for this day October 14, 2016.

The negativity that emanates from this list of world events is reflective of the depressing state the globe today with little optimism for it to change any time soon!



What Monumental Event?


Awakening to this world increasingly in disarray,
When will this needless suffering go away?
Cluster bombs, extreme weather taking innocent lives,
When will we take serious the global, human, deathly cry?

Who are these leaders that make the charge?
To what end do they allow this to go so far?
To allow suffering on such monumental scale,
Can they not see their deemed leadership, disastrously fail?

Have decades of brutal war on every horrendous scale,
Not taught humanity, this is a defeatist’s path to curtail?
Trillions of dollars expended to advance this inflicted pain,
All to the benefit of those, out of harm’s way, to richly gain.

Political platitudes and ceremonial remembrances become insults
To those willingly giving their lives, to remedy these egregious faults.
Expending the future of humanity, being lost to needless death and strife;
What monumental event will it take to bring back a loving, harmonious life?


HISTORY: Comprehension of the Present Future


The further one recedes into the history of global economic development and, the politics that have and continue to direct its course, the fuller one is able to comprehend the present and future, potential state of global conflict and, the factors that continue to contribute to it.

The Empire Files, an investigative journalistic News reportage exposes the crucial history of how empires of the early 19th and 20th centuries, feeding off the wealth of resources in the region of Africa now known as the Congo, can be considered responsible for present day conflict in the form of civil, regional and proxy wars.

The early meddling of Belgian monarchy with the sole purpose to exploit the resource riches of the region while publicly expressing the desire to educate and make more civil the indigenous Peoples can be reasonably projected to the rise in terrorism being experienced today.

Too, western empire nations such as the United States, Britain and France by way of clandestine, political subterfuge administered by the CIA and MI-6’s convert activity over the decades, with the sole objective of capturing and securing the wealth of resources offered by the Congolese region of Africa, can be deemed responsible for the militaristic and terroristic turmoil suffered by the Peoples of the region.

Of particular attention is the conversation up to and including the 15-min. mark referring to the democratically elected leader to the Congo; his assassination and permanent disposal of his body. A treatment procedure repeated more recently in history with the goal to stifle any potential for the future veneration of those who fought in opposition to western, economic and political interests.

The current presidential election cycle in the guise of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are ceremoniously unveiling the corruptness of western, corporate-driven politics and the destructive influence such interests are having not only for the United States but too, the globe in general, by way of corporate driven foreign policies shaped to secure the wealth of undeveloped and developing nations by means of political subterfuge or outright military force.

The world by any standard is in upheaval and disarray: civil, regional and proxy wars throughout the Middle-East; millions of migrants fleeing the regions of strife only to be confronted by nationalistic driven xenophobia; strident financial inequality diminishing the economic influence of the middle and lower classes of all nations; obfuscation of climate change, global warming and their all to present destructive effects; etc., etc..

Not until members of the infamous 99% realize what has transpired in the past, initiated and executed by those who were politically and economically influential in achieving their greed driven enrichment, still all too present directing the course of global affairs by the hands and minds of bought and paid-for elected officials administering world governance today, will change ever see the light of day.

The outcome of the 2016 Presidential election will be a hallmark to the quality of life, for global civil-society, well into this 21st Century!


Promised Values


High-level criminality persists through to this modern day
The power of greed-money maintains its stay
Politicians of every stripe becoming too willing to play
Opposition to such influence, by death, is easily put away

Universal changes for the good are easily contrived
Yet common sense solutions are forcefully denied
Mainstream Media propaganda reinforcing the lies
So what is right versus what is done are destined to collide

Pressure is building and becoming harder to contain
Extremist to the right and the left making louder their claim
That oligarchic power can no longer be tolerated, be sustained
Use of destructive, deadly force no longer a viable refrain.

The warnings for decades have been visible, evidently clear
The 21st century Peoples common voice increasingly sincere:
They covet what has been promised, values held dear
And willing to fight for their Rights, to death, without hesitation or fear.



Greedy Money-Changers

Taken with pain from the face of the Earth
Consumed, distraught by compassion’s dearth,
Witness to humanity increasingly divided by ethnicity’s worth,
Knowing monetary inequality lies at the root of this growing curse.

Infusing slavery by way of shackle’s contemporary definition:
`Grow a consumer class’ in service to the elite’s global mission,
To parley sovereign rule to stave off national wealth’s extradition,
By in-Corporation trade agreements that usurp electoral decision.

Deepening, darkening has become this downward spiral,
Fewer are left, the human values of goodness to defile,
As one by one, discarded, thrown into a dead and decaying pile,
Tended to by greedy Money-Changers wearing scornful, sneering smiles.


United States 2016 Presidential Campaign: Where Will It Lead?



The seminal experience: the attack and destruction of the World Trade Centre September 11th, 2001, has yielded a level of dysfunction in global politics unseen in current human history. The dissemination of the global human collective on the lines of ethnicity, religion and political affiliation has never been as pronounced and, continues to be amplified as the world advances through this, the second decade, of this 21st Century.

Increasingly, the world is witnessing a menacing rise of divisiveness instigated by the march of humbled Middle Eastern or North African refugees. Hundreds of thousands of Peoples brutally torn from their former tranquil lives by the scourge of political and civil unrest wanting only for the perceived safety of shelter in the sanctity of European nations only to be rebuffed by a vocal segment of the established populace of affected nations such as Greece, Germany and even Sweden, particularly against those of Muslim faith.

Adding to the embroilment of human discontent is the hardship arising from the meltdown of the global financial system ignited by the collapse of Wall Street in 2007-08, the implications and hardships that continue to affect the balance sheets of nations globally to this day. The citizens of European nations suffering from imposed, harsh austerity measures to counter losses of wealth suffered, respond vehemently and vocally to the erosion of their political sovereignty worsened by the infusion of immigrants and refugees invading their porous borders.

In such troubling and tumultuous times of the past, the world’s populace turned to great nations such as the United States and Great Britain for balanced and dogmatic leadership to aid in deriving peaceful resolve and as when necessary, military intervention, to quell the rising storm of insurgency as was the case with the rise of Germany’s Führer-State in the 1930’s under Adolf Hitler that manifest as global conflict that ended in the western nation’s allied victory of 1945.

Unfortunately, unlike the era that preceded the execution of World War II when the United States in particular, was viewed as the globe’s most stalwart of economic, socio-political stability, able to aid in the defeat the rise of Fascism, today in 2016, as evidenced by the execution of the Primary process to select each major party’s candidate to run in the 2016 Presidential election, such could not be farther from the case.

Of particular concern is the foment arising from the campaign of Republican nominee candidate Donald J. Trump.

Video:Donald J. Trump

The crux of Mr. Trump’s campaign is to amplify the level of fear garnered from the rise of terrorist factions outside of the United States though they are perceived by his ardent and often misinformed followers, as being a direct threat to their security. As well, he instigates hatred toward undocumented immigrants charging them, without substantiation, as taking away the jobs and livelihood of his often low-wage earning campaign supporters.

With respect to the Democratic party’s campaign to nominate a 2016 presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders’, a Socialist-Democrat, too, is gaining support from what is effectively the same segment of the United State’s electorate as Donald Trump however, for decidedly less inflammatory reasons such as economic and social inequality derived from the power and influence of `big money’ Wall Street financiers and, corporate lobbyist in the political process.

Video: Bernie Sanders

In light of what has been said, all-be-it in brief form, it behoves not only the citizen-electorate of the United States to pay attention to the developments arising from the 2016 presidential elections but for reasons illustrated by the following video, the global population need be concerned. The eventual outcome in the election of next President of the United States may have irreversible and devastating consequence for the entire Peoples of the World:

Video: Rise of Fascism

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