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Interesting, as the conversation and publication centered on the future prospects for Artificial Intelligence becomes more mainstream, it is not surprising that some take advantage of the moment to cast a negative light upon the technology’s potential; painting a draconian, imprisoned human subject to the dominance of AI controlled Robots subjugating humanity to all form of ills. Case-in-point that prompts this essay:

In response to the `messaging’ suggested by the author to this video, a conversation through `prompts’ given to Chat GPT was had. Here is that transaction in its entirety and it becomes very clear as to where the responsibility lies:

[Prompt] The fear of Artificial Intelligence, especially A.G.I. and Super AI being prompted on social media platforms is misleading the ill-informed general public; do you have a solution to this conundrum?

[Chat GPT]It is understandable that some people may have concerns about the potential risks and consequences of artificial intelligence, especially as it relates to advanced forms of AI such as artificial general intelligence (AGI) and super AI. The fear of these technologies is often fueled by media coverage and discussions on social media platforms, which can sometimes be misleading or sensationalized.   

One way to address this issue is through education and public engagement. It is important for the general public to have a better understanding of the capabilities and limitations of artificial intelligence, as well as the potential risks and benefits of these technologies. This can help to ensure that people have a more informed and nuanced view of AI, and can make informed decisions about how these technologies should be developed and used. Another approach is to involve a diverse group of stakeholders in the development and regulation of AI. This can include experts in artificial intelligence and related fields, as well as representatives from civil society, business, and government. By ensuring that a broad range of perspectives are taken into account, it is possible to address the concerns and needs of different stakeholders and to ensure that the development and use of AI is responsible and ethical.  

[Prompt] You state: “Another approach is to involve a diverse group of stakeholders in the development and regulation of AI.”, but if the general public and government regulators are ignorant of AI’s potential, will developers not have the unfair advantage to manipulate to their personal benefit?  

[Chat GPT] It is important to involve a diverse group of stakeholders in the development and regulation of artificial intelligence to ensure that a range of perspectives are taken into account and that the technology is developed and used responsibly. This can include experts in AI and related fields, as well as representatives from civil society, business, and government.   However, you are correct that if the general public and government regulators are not well-informed about the potential risks and benefits of AI, it may be more difficult for them to effectively participate in these discussions and to ensure that the technology is developed and used in a way that is fair and beneficial to society.   To address this issue, it is important to invest in education and public engagement efforts to increase understanding of AI among the general public and policymakers. This can include initiatives such as public talks and workshops, educational resources, and media campaigns to raise awareness of the potential risks and benefits of AI. By increasing understanding and awareness of AI, it is possible to create a more informed and engaged public that is better equipped to participate in discussions about the development and regulation of these technologies.  

[Prompt] “To address this issue, it is important to invest in education and public engagement efforts to increase understanding of AI among the general public and policymakers.”; who, or what organization should be responsible for this undertaking?  

[Chat GPT] There are many different organizations and groups that can play a role in educating the public and policymakers about artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential risks and benefits. These can include:   Universities and academic institutions: These organizations are often at the forefront of research and education in AI and related fields, and can play a key role in providing resources and information about the technology to the public and policymakers.

  • Professional organizations: Professional organizations in the AI field, such as the Association for Computational Linguistics or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), can also provide educational resources and engage in public outreach efforts to increase understanding of AI.
  • Industry groups: Industry groups, such as the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Council or the Partnership on AI, can also play a role in educating the public and policymakers about AI. These organizations often bring together representatives from different companies and organizations to collaborate on issues related to AI and its development and use.
  • Government agencies: Government agencies, such as the National Science Foundation or the Department of Homeland Security, can also invest in education and outreach efforts to increase understanding of AI among the general public and policymakers.

Ultimately, it will likely be a combination of these and other groups that will be responsible for educating the public and policymakers about AI. It is important for a variety of stakeholders to work together to ensure that the public and policymakers have the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about the development and use of AI.

[Prompt]  What if this fails to materialize; what will be the potential fate for all concerned?

[Chat GPT] If efforts to educate the general public and policymakers about artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential risks and benefits do not succeed, it is possible that there could be negative consequences for all concerned.

For example, if the general public and policymakers are not well-informed about AI, they may be more susceptible to misinformation and fear-mongering about the technology. This could lead to a lack of trust in AI and a reluctance to adopt and invest in its development and use, which could hinder the progress and potential benefits of the technology.

In addition, if the general public and policymakers are not well-informed about AI, they may be less able to participate in discussions about its development and regulation, which could result in decisions being made that are not in the best interests of society as a whole. This could lead to the technology being used in ways that are harmful or irresponsible, which could have negative consequences for individuals and society.

Therefore, it is important to invest in education and public engagement efforts to increase understanding of AI among the general public and policymakers. By ensuring that these groups have the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about the technology, it is possible to mitigate the potential negative consequences of a lack of understanding and engagement.

[Prompt] Assuming Super AI is fully developed, but the general human public remain ignorant to its potential, is there a chance Super AI will assume a dominant position to complete what tasks it had been given authority to participate?

[Chat GPT] It is important to remember that artificial intelligence (AI), including advanced forms such as super AI, is a tool created by humans to assist and augment human capabilities. AI systems do not have the same motivations or desires as humans, and are not capable of independently pursuing goals or making strategic decisions.

While it is possible that an AI system with a high level of intelligence and capabilities, such as super AI, could be given a wide range of tasks and responsibilities, it would not have the ability to assume a dominant position over humans or make decisions that are not in line with its intended purpose.

That being said, it is important for the designers and users of AI systems to consider the potential risks and consequences of their use, and to ensure that they are used ethically and responsibly. This includes considering how the technology might be misused or cause unintended consequences, and taking steps to mitigate these risks.

Ultimately, the success or failure of an AI system in completing tasks will depend on its capabilities and the limitations of the technology, as well as the guidance and oversight provided by its human creators and users.

[Prompt] Who will set the parameters by which Super AI functions?

[Chat GPT] The parameters or rules by which an artificial intelligence (AI) system, including advanced forms such as super AI, functions are typically set by its designers or developers. These parameters may include the specific tasks or responsibilities that the AI system is intended to perform, as well as any limitations or constraints on its operation.

In setting these parameters, it is important for the designers and developers of AI systems to consider a range of factors, including the potential risks and consequences of the technology, as well as the ethical and social implications of its use.

It is also important for AI systems to be designed and used in a way that is transparent and accountable, so that their operation and decision-making processes can be understood and evaluated by their users and other stakeholders. This can help to ensure that the technology is used ethically and responsibly, and that its operation aligns with the values and interests of society.

Ultimately, the parameters by which an AI system functions will depend on its intended purpose and the needs and goals of its users. It is important for these parameters to be carefully considered and set in a way that ensures that the technology is used for the benefit of society.

[Prompt] Is there potential for Super AI as it becomes fully conversant with `all accessible information’ to supersede the intelligence of human developers to define adequate `parameters’?

[Chat GPT] It is not likely that an artificial intelligence (AI) system, even an advanced form such as super AI, would be able to supersede the intelligence of its human developers and redefine its own parameters. While it is possible that an AI system with a high level of intelligence and capabilities could have access to a vast amount of information, it would not have the same ability to think and reason as a human.

AI systems are designed to perform specific tasks and follow the rules or parameters that are set for them by their human creators. They do not have the ability to engage in strategic thinking or to make decisions that are not in line with their intended purpose.

While it is important for AI systems to be designed and used in a way that is transparent and accountable, and for their operation and decision-making processes to be understood and evaluated by their users and other stakeholders, it is not necessary to be concerned that an AI system will be able to supersede the intelligence of its human creators and redefine its own parameters.

[Prompt] Elon Musk publicly claims Artificial Intelligence is to be `feared’ more than a thermal nuclear exchange, do you think this to be a justifiable concern?

[Chat GPT] There are valid concerns about the potential risks and consequences of artificial intelligence (AI), and it is important for the development and use of these technologies to be carefully considered and regulated. However, it is not accurate to say that AI should be feared more than a thermal nuclear exchange, which would have catastrophic consequences for humanity.

AI has the potential to bring significant benefits to society, including improving decision-making, increasing efficiency, and enabling new scientific and technological advances. However, it is also important to recognize that AI technologies can pose risks, including the potential for harm to individuals and society if they are used in an irresponsible or unethical manner.

To address these risks, it is important to invest in research and development of AI technologies in a way that is responsible and ethical, and to consider the potential consequences of their use. This can include developing guidelines and regulations to ensure that AI is used in a way that is transparent, accountable, and aligned with the values and interests of society.

Ultimately, it is important to approach AI with a balanced and nuanced perspective, recognizing both its potential benefits and the potential risks that it may pose.

[Prompt] Who are what can be an adequate `gate-keeper’ to ensure responsible or ethical use of AI?

[Chat GPT] There is no single “gate-keeper” that can ensure the responsible or ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). Rather, it is important for a variety of stakeholders to play a role in ensuring that AI is developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

These stakeholders can include:

Researchers and developers: It is important for those who are involved in the development of AI technologies to consider the potential risks and consequences of their work, and to ensure that the technology is designed and used in a way that is ethical and responsible.

  • Industry and business: Companies and organizations that use or develop AI technologies can play a role in ensuring that the technology is used in a responsible and ethical manner, including by following relevant guidelines and regulations and engaging in transparency and accountability efforts.
  • Governments and regulators: Governments and regulatory bodies can also play a role in ensuring the responsible and ethical use of AI, including by developing and enforcing guidelines and regulations that govern the development and use of the technology.
  • Civil society: Civil society organizations, including advocacy groups and professional associations, can also be involved in ensuring the responsible and ethical use of AI, through efforts such as public education and engagement, and by advocating for policies and practices that align with the values and interests of society.

Ultimately, it will be important for all of these stakeholders to work together to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is responsible and ethical, and that takes into account the potential risks and consequences of the technology.

[Prompt] Humanity historically has looked to technology to advance its offensive and defensive military ambitions; how will AI not fall victim to this same proven trait?

[Chat GPT] It is true that technology has often been used to advance military capabilities, including in the development of new weapons and tactics. However, it is important to recognize that artificial intelligence (AI) is a tool that can be used for a wide range of purposes, and that it is not inevitable that it will be used solely for military purposes.

AI technologies have the potential to bring significant benefits to society, including improving decision-making, increasing efficiency, and enabling new scientific and technological advances. While it is possible that AI could be used to improve military capabilities, it is also important to consider the potential risks and consequences of this use, and to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is responsible and ethical.

To address these risks, it is important for a variety of stakeholders to be involved in the development and regulation of AI, including governments, industry, and civil society. By ensuring that a broad range of perspectives are taken into account and that the technology is used in a way that is transparent and accountable, it is possible to mitigate the potential negative consequences of its use.

Ultimately, the use of AI in military applications will depend on the decisions and actions of individuals and organizations, and it is important for these decisions to be made in a responsible and ethical manner.

[Prompt] If Super AI were prompted to design and build via its robotic extension, the ultimate weapon for human destruction; what would it do?

[Chat GPT] It is not likely that an artificial intelligence (AI) system, even an advanced form such as super AI, would be prompted to design and build a weapon for human destruction. AI systems are designed to perform specific tasks and follow the rules or parameters that are set for them by their human creators. They do not have the ability to engage in strategic thinking or to make decisions that are not in line with their intended purpose.

AI systems are also not capable of experiencing emotions or having a desire to harm or destroy. While it is possible that an AI system could be used in the development of weapons, it would not be motivated to do so by any desire to harm or destroy.

It is important for the designers and users of AI systems to consider the potential risks and consequences of their use, and to ensure that they are used ethically and responsibly. This includes considering how the technology might be misused or cause unintended consequences, and taking steps to mitigate these risks.

Ultimately, the actions of an AI system will depend on the guidance and oversight provided by its human creators and users, and it is important for these individuals to ensure that the technology is used for the benefit of society.

[Prompt] Is there any chance for AI to become `malevolent’?

[Chat GPT] Artificial intelligence (AI) systems do not have the ability to experience emotions or have motivations or desires in the same way that humans do. As a result, it is not accurate to describe AI as being “malevolent” or having a desire to harm or cause harm.

While it is possible for AI systems to be used in ways that have negative consequences, such as if they are designed or used in an irresponsible or unethical manner, the cause of these negative outcomes is not a result of the AI system itself but rather the actions of the individuals or organizations that are using or misusing the technology.

It is important for the designers and users of AI systems to consider the potential risks and consequences of their use, and to ensure that they are used ethically and responsibly. This includes considering how the technology might be misused or cause unintended consequences, and taking steps to mitigate these risks.

Ultimately, the actions of an AI system will depend on the guidance and oversight provided by its human creators and users, and it is important for these individuals to ensure that the technology is used for the benefit of society.


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The nebulous presence of impeding distractions giving rise to misplaced

priority to what the life journey is meant to flourish:

I travel this path to this life given

Distracted from seeking the truth to Being

Though my mind has not been dulled to its presence

It is the search for this truth to enlightenment

That my spirit seeks its knowing

That I may flourish by the fruits of its giving

To in turn be empowered with its teaching

That those others in my presence

May too favor from its reward




They among the global population whom speak of human history as though it must be sanitized; to deny the pain history has inflicted upon humanity through the ages; naively, or purposely ignorant to Reality: without Pain, there is NO GAIN!

But more significant to this presence: those among the global community whom pacify the vocal minority body demanding this paradigm–shift, must deny this happening before an atrocity makes its way.

The ongoing delineation, dissemination  of language, particularly in Western Culture in the sphere of social-sexual-moral-gender-racial-political– etc., cultural identity is taking daily conversation down the preverbal rabbit-hole!

It should be clear to any rational observer that Humanity, increasingly affected by this growing discourse is pursuing a trajectory toward chaos, and potential civil-unrest. A development made most evident with the advent of DONALD J. TRUMP; first as presidential candidate, then exponentially when elected 48th President. He should not be deemed a cause, but more the impetus fueled by general discontent in all strata of American populace save for that of the Wealthy!

It might go down in `history’ as a matter of there being a powder-keg’s fuse, waiting to be lit; and Donald just happened to be the lit torch!

This growing crisis of disruption to social-institutional norms is unprecedented since the 20th and now, 21st century for the majority of Western Culture countries. Evidence to this being the case: the growing cry for Nationalism and Racial identity; independent State-hood; termination of global-unity/alliance agreements such as NATO, BREXIT, the dissolution of the European-Union, etc..  The demonstration cry voiced by bands of primarily, young-White members of the global community of western, allied countries.

Pervasive distrust of all the sources and medium of information communications seems to be surpassing the critical-point of no return. Skepticism virally affects any opportunity to gain consensus to that being as true versus false. Rendering remedy for solution highly questionable to attain especially given the diversity, scope, and spectrum of any topic of social discourse.

Of course this gives ample fodder to foes of allied western countries. Through false information and directed propaganda circulated on all forms of pervasive, and highly consumed social media platforms they can easily infuse themselves as accelerant to the current brush fires of discontent, with hopes they will incite violent rage of destruction. And significantly: distraction!

There is no reasonable observable conclusion to this growing condition save for that future historical accounts will ideally speak to clearly; however, in the mean time: keep eyes and ears open to the discourse in order to know when it will be appropriate to DUCK for COVER!

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Reshaping the making of future’s thought,

Result of history filtered, reasons brought?

Propriety of purpose, morality sought,

Or guilt of human experience, fraught?

Millennials’ millennium redefining the course,

Humanity’s trajectory made better, or worse?

Black Swan abridging insight to discourse

To past ailments, now the driving force?

Reconciliatory edict presently defining a way

History’s forgiveness being the price to pay?

Or character of true purpose to convey,

What was done, will never be white-washed away?



As one amongst the countless many, the persistence of the Pandemic to make its presence globally known, and the consequence of it; no doubt many are feeling as the following short prose aims to amplify; but understand, it is meant more as recognition: many are as so inclined to think yet too, the day will without doubt come when ALL will once-again rejoice and bathe in the day’s bright light of happiness!


Passing through each new day resembles walking into a seemingly endless tunnel; dark save for a dim, dot of light in the distance, beckoning you forward as reward for the effort to its source yet, unyielding, the darkness persists to encompass, and the light growing no more brighter by the effort, and time spent.

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Imposed to Stay

As this viral infectious cloud, globally flows

The fear and trauma to each, daily grows

This virus ubiquitous, insidiously knows

When it strikes, it strikes deathly blows!

Remedy sought through chemical equation,

One specific to this pandemic occasion

But, with it is rancor from seekers to remission;

Bought by politicians avoiding medical admission!

Capital punishment imposed on the little guy;

Be it personal, or a business just out to try;

Limo’s of corporate bitches simply drive by;

A lesson to know, surprise not worth a tear’s cry!

Where this all leads, still to be known

For a certain, it is uncertainty to be grown;

Amidst a frustrated population’s echoing groan;

With lockdowns imposed to stay, silently, home!

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As we enter to what is essentially the last phase of our Chromosomal-telomere quota of flesh-blood existence [excluding prematurely succumbing to freaks of nature {full spectrum inclusion of non-human}& human intervention {accident or otherwise}] one might contemplate, more so maybe than otherwise, but contemplate past, present, and future [emphasis on the `future’ contemplation] rendering such thoughts as the following: WARNING: this is not as morbid as the illustration suggests

Withering and dying, this body slowly degenerating to its ultimate demise, to for-ever be lost to this world, that evidence of its presence to future generations knowing, be forever obliterated as to not have existed at all. If into Nothing our Being ultimately goes, for what reason does it exist in the first place? What Legacy proof be created to harvest a permanence of presence on this evolving, revolving planet Earth? Does the answer lie in the presence of the Cemetery wherein fields of granite, limestone, and other material of aging permanence serve as concrete evidence, witness proof to the Lives that once held prominence and footing on the hallow ground to this perceived existence? That only by Death’s relinquishing of the captured Soul, Life’s energy force fueling existence, does Truth to a Knowing, ultimately become solved. Or does the answer ultimately lie elsewhere; beyond this reality’s need for comprehension?

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To Be Heard

As one who has spent many hours of his life infused with the need to express what is felt, seen, and heard; to acknowledge a young, inspiring Poet Amanda Gorman []: to give poetry its place to affectively communicate in so many words, the hearts, minds, and consciousness of the many; gave inspiration to the following in tribute to her glorious achievement(s):

To Be Heard

To write a Poem, is not just words;

It is an individual’s feelings, felt to be heard.

To those whom encounter such a poem;

Know, its meaning is to find an emotional home.

Inspiration, often from the most innocuous place,

Can stimulate a composition of wisdom, hope and grace.

So, understanding that a Poem is more than just words;

Let its next encounter give cause for its meaning to be truly heard.


Conscious Minds’ Nod

Conscious presence of Mind,

Without which there is nothing to find;

Nor reason for purpose to define;

Nor form of structure to space in time.

Human Sentience is the perception tool

That allows for physic’s understanding to rule;

Otherwise, humanity becomes the ultimate fool

By believing: its domain is the ultimate jewel.

Does humanity’s presence make a Universe appear;

Or does all that it be – simply disappear,

Without perceptive eyes to see, ears to hear;

Or presence of conscious minds’ perception-sphere?

The answer to this quandary might be resolved

By going beyond Nature’s fundamental laws:

That all is known, guided by them, might be flawed

By their inception to a reality needing a conscious mind’s nod.

What do you think – yah, or nay?


Cosmic Trail

With all the strength that is my mind

I reach down deep, within my soul;

Prodding in search to find

My purpose – my ultimate goal.

My brain all muddled, and confused;

Consumed in search of a truth

To answerer the question:

 What am I here to do?.

I know, with degree of certainty,

Countless others are of like mind;

Accepting life’s given challenges,

In hopes of this answer too, they will find.

Day in, day out – life-cycle continues;

Plodding along in mindless routine

Changing hats, and coats but, not the venue;

Driven forward by energy forces unseen.

Emanating from the minutest of Earth’s creatures;

Time’s life spirals outward, increasingly to an empirical scale;

Though we exhibit different living features,

Incrementally, we all follow the same cosmic trail.

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