Archive for the 'entertainment' Category


State of the Ridiculous

There are times when few words are needed to speak volumes:

Trump World

Trump on Trump

Should anyone be surprised?


Thoughts De jour

tash canIt’s been a while since motivated to put random thoughts to reality’s gain; but, so goes this day:

Nights Spent:

Like roaches that feed in the void of light; hiding their machinations from morality’s sight; to garner the lust of debauchery’s delight; filled with feelings contrite; displacing rancor with blithe; to find refuge in other’s fright, so go the hours spent by night.

Field of Dreams:

Blazoned upon open fields of trails; foot passages that hide deviant tales; trodden by exploits where wanton lust prevails; greed for pleasure hard to curtail; a place, ethical prohibitions are destined to fail.


Through dim-lite corridors, naked men parade; each lost to their own charade; to orgasm of pleasure, they’ve become the slave; for it, their moral soul to trade; open doors, engorged lust wantonly displayed; stale sweat, spent cum pervade; pheromonal triggers waff and cascade; driven to frenzy, driven to engage.

Creative Block:

Cloistered in a humble room of mindless imagination; spawned from germ of discontent; survived by the fruit of constant failure; striving toward ill-conceived ambitions; thwarted by the causation of reason; hopeless to gains of promise; foments realization to threat of survival.


Brandishing tool of eloquence; striving to be creative and communicative of mind, thought toward their realization of meaning; embodied in time, the measured vehicle of distributed reason; unencumbered by resistance of ridicule; saved for perpetual salvation of archival history.

Comments Are Much Appreciate: (consider them a author’s reward)



Six Degrees???

In the interests of social science dealing with the theory experimented by psychologist Stanley Milgram ,1960’s, Yale University, on the concept of degrees of separation: `Six degrees of separation is the theory that any person on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries’ (google search). And, the subject of like experiments conducted by Duncan J. Watts, Professor of sociology, Columbia University, and associates, as detailed in his book: Everything Is ObviousOnce you know the answer, (Chapter 4 Special People – Six Degrees of Separation, page 82); I am interested to conduct my own experiment.

Several years back when Stephen Colbert, currently the late-night host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS Broadcast); was the host and political pundit satirist on the Colbert Show, Comedy Central, I have been attempting to get a communication to his attention.

It began when the Colbert Show ran an art competition involving portraits to be submitted rendering Colbert in all his, self-indulgent, narcissistic glory.

To that end, I responded with the following photo-shop rendering:

colbertIt was meant to reflect his mastery of satirical yet, poetic, right-wing political punditry to rival the rhetorical eloquence of Shakespeare. It certainly seemed relevant for the time.

Though Stephen Colbert’s stature and image being elevated since his taking the host position of the Late Show formerly held by David Letterman, I’d like to think he’d get a kick, or at least a chuckle, of his portrayal in this dated image.

So, to the experiment: how many individuals will it take to get this image to the eyes of

Stephen Colbert, host of the Late Show broadcast from the Ed Sullivan Theater, New York City, New York, US of A? And his comment to its accompanying poem written in his honor:

Stephen Colbert

 This ode of word to the King

Of the comedy hour

His craft of speak

Is yielding much power

Nightly he espouses

A pundit’s cynical political view

To most who watch

It sounds as something new

The double entendre of his nightly spiel

Is taken by some who think it real

He manifests reasons for thought

A most clever and insightful plot

His wisdom portrayed by his crafty craft

Even all the while making his audience laugh

How great is Stephen’s desire to have you know

That his is not just another COMEDY SHOW

 But before the close there’s need for just one more claim:

 To all who are aware, Stephen Colbert – is more then just a name!

So, with each communication to an individual you think would get a link of this page ( to Mr. Colbert, please:


and lets see how many emails, etc., it takes to determine how close I really am to Mr. Stephen Colbert!





Future by Hollywood?



Humanity is fast approaching the second decade of this 21st century at such speed, if measured by the advancements in computer hardware and software technologies manifesting as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics at the heart of it, its beyond the speed of light.

No where is this to be more evident then that which comes from the fantastical mind-creations of  screenplay writers; directors and legions of CGI special-effects artists; editors and, ironically to a lesser degree, flesh and blood Actors.

To witness a sampling of what Hollywood has in store for 2018 and beyond; a fictional projection of a fantastical, and potentially dystopian, future world can be had here (it is a playlist of trailers of 2018 release movies).

The series of upcoming movies from award-winning directors such as Stephen Spielberg and David Cameron, and multi-million production budgets, they do not hold back on their portrayal of what the future has in store for humanity. Unfortunately today, such exposes need the drama of death and destruction, but at the heart of each screenplay, is a potential truth, one day, we may all have to face.


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