Archive for the 'FINANCE' Category


TRUMP vs The M.S.M.



First, let me state the following is NOT intended to be deemed support for Donald J. Trump as the next President of the United States, however, that stated, I find it difficult to accept the reportage centered on the premise of his failing to pay his fair share of taxes LINK.

To any rational mind, the suggestion that Trump has avoided or failed to pay taxes stemming from a $916million dollar capital loss via his 1995 tax filing is erroneous.

First, the responsibility for the validity of claims for losses does not rest with the one filing such losses but with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Given that the filing is for the 1995 fiscal year of Trump business activity, one would have to presume the IRS fulfilled its due diligence and accepted the filing as meeting all applicable tax laws of the time.

The News media’s attempts to paint a different picture is both slanderous and misleading to the general public, most of whom are not versed in the manner by which the IRS deals with corporate filings. This only leads one to interpret this as a calculated effort by media outlets to discredit Trump and his campaign bid for the White House and by default, give credence to the Clinton campaign to utilize this `scandal‘ to unfair advantage.

The fear of a Trump presidency is palpable, however, to utilize such tactic will only serve to bolster his blue-collar base to vote not necessarily for Trump himself but, against the Establishment which, as they see it, includes the increasingly obvious bias of mainstream media.

It is a dangerous game being played, one likely to radically change the face of civilized western society for decades to come yet, those in the position to influence, such as the mainstream media (of all format), either fail to recognize this fact, or, willingly sacrifice potential for a harmonious future for the sake of ratings (CBS)




The Blame


This poem was written a while back, however, given the recent expansionist mindset of the current Canadian government to give approval to the installation of a liquid natural gas terminal on the pristine coastal waters of British Columbia recently; it demands a revisit to consider the possible detrimental, future outcome of such an environmentally impacting decision. 

Myopic is the global, political mindset,
It yields the greatest electoral return,
Foregoing the interest of the unborn children,
Yields fossil fuels legislated to pollute, opposition to spurn.

Jobs, jobs, and more jobs
The rationale to explain and excuse
The destruction of earthly resources;
Health and welfare of the many to be abused.

Fracking, pipelines nomenclature of the day,
Hyped as essential for the economy to survive.
Forests and fresh water are resources to be given up for the cause;
Deemed unessential for humanity to flourish and thrive.

The powers that be hold all the relevant cards,
The balance of power rests in their hand.
To reverse the current destructive, global path;
The powerless together, must unite and band.

Populace, street demonstrations are impudent to needed change;
A more powerful, permanent message may be needed, enforced.
A global, collective opposition to those whom self-serving, rule;
A tangible, visible sign of change that all humanity can endorse.

Violence, loss of property and life is not the wanted course
Yet they who hold the power for conditions to be sustained;
Continue to ignore the plight and demands of the many,
Whatever the outcome, responsibility, to them, the blame, remains.


HISTORY: Comprehension of the Present Future


The further one recedes into the history of global economic development and, the politics that have and continue to direct its course, the fuller one is able to comprehend the present and future, potential state of global conflict and, the factors that continue to contribute to it.

The Empire Files, an investigative journalistic News reportage exposes the crucial history of how empires of the early 19th and 20th centuries, feeding off the wealth of resources in the region of Africa now known as the Congo, can be considered responsible for present day conflict in the form of civil, regional and proxy wars.

The early meddling of Belgian monarchy with the sole purpose to exploit the resource riches of the region while publicly expressing the desire to educate and make more civil the indigenous Peoples can be reasonably projected to the rise in terrorism being experienced today.

Too, western empire nations such as the United States, Britain and France by way of clandestine, political subterfuge administered by the CIA and MI-6’s convert activity over the decades, with the sole objective of capturing and securing the wealth of resources offered by the Congolese region of Africa, can be deemed responsible for the militaristic and terroristic turmoil suffered by the Peoples of the region.

Of particular attention is the conversation up to and including the 15-min. mark referring to the democratically elected leader to the Congo; his assassination and permanent disposal of his body. A treatment procedure repeated more recently in history with the goal to stifle any potential for the future veneration of those who fought in opposition to western, economic and political interests.

The current presidential election cycle in the guise of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are ceremoniously unveiling the corruptness of western, corporate-driven politics and the destructive influence such interests are having not only for the United States but too, the globe in general, by way of corporate driven foreign policies shaped to secure the wealth of undeveloped and developing nations by means of political subterfuge or outright military force.

The world by any standard is in upheaval and disarray: civil, regional and proxy wars throughout the Middle-East; millions of migrants fleeing the regions of strife only to be confronted by nationalistic driven xenophobia; strident financial inequality diminishing the economic influence of the middle and lower classes of all nations; obfuscation of climate change, global warming and their all to present destructive effects; etc., etc..

Not until members of the infamous 99% realize what has transpired in the past, initiated and executed by those who were politically and economically influential in achieving their greed driven enrichment, still all too present directing the course of global affairs by the hands and minds of bought and paid-for elected officials administering world governance today, will change ever see the light of day.

The outcome of the 2016 Presidential election will be a hallmark to the quality of life, for global civil-society, well into this 21st Century!



homage to a world lost 4

(To view, Click on image and once there, scroll down to view each successive page)

Encountering one of my earliest published works online gave pause to what I wrote and subsequently self-published under the title: HOMAGE TO A WORLD LOST . Contained within this book, debut 2010, are poems reflective of the tumultuous first decade of this 21st Century.

The reading of many of the poems clearly  echoes, in a prophetic way, what is being experienced around the globe presently namely; the seeming collapse of effective governance and the politics it embodies; the run-away state of sectarian and religious terrorism throughout the globe; and, the extremes of climate change driven by global warming to name but a few of the subjects addressed.

Here is your chance to freely read some or all of the 133 pages contained therein and, for yourself, to draw your own conclusions about the state of a WORLD LOST!

Link: HOMAGE TO A WORLD LOST   (once there, scroll down to view each successive page)


Thank you.


Promised Values


High-level criminality persists through to this modern day
The power of greed-money maintains its stay
Politicians of every stripe becoming too willing to play
Opposition to such influence, by death, is easily put away

Universal changes for the good are easily contrived
Yet common sense solutions are forcefully denied
Mainstream Media propaganda reinforcing the lies
So what is right versus what is done are destined to collide

Pressure is building and becoming harder to contain
Extremist to the right and the left making louder their claim
That oligarchic power can no longer be tolerated, be sustained
Use of destructive, deadly force no longer a viable refrain.

The warnings for decades have been visible, evidently clear
The 21st century Peoples common voice increasingly sincere:
They covet what has been promised, values held dear
And willing to fight for their Rights, to death, without hesitation or fear.





Need a gun be put to the preverbal head in order that explicit, unflattering words be read rather then the benign gibberish the vast populace is regularly fed, void of reality’s truth to dread, instead?

Daily experience to the confluence of war, death and starvation suffered; instigated by the hands of the pompous, self-aggrandizing wealth seeking whom selfishly hoard their greed-got possessions, vulgar demarcation to their worldly worth in the face of those upon whom they wilfully tread and stomp for gain.

The exposé by word that speaks as harbinger to ills and ailments is frowned upon; given to voidance to the reality to the darkness encompassing this epoch of human presence sublimed by the vast encroachment of material, fiat gained wants superseding true reason for humanity’s earthly existence.


Agent of the Devil

Not one to believe in the existence of the mythical domain of despicable hate and vileness mastered by one referred to as the DEVIL however, if ever there is to be one human on this Earth who could/would easily be considered to qualify as an agent to such an incarnate, it has to be the Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Martin, a well known international purveyor of the instruments of WAR.

In a recent shareholders’ meeting, C.E.O. Marilyn A. Hewson, shown here:


proudly and confidently assured her investor audience that the World is rife with conflict despite the tentative ratifying of the agreement with Iran such that a 30% increase in revenues is confidently anticipated. If not solely for the instability in the Middle East but, gleefully, the brewing tensions in the AsianPacific with not only North Korea but too, growing tensions between China and Japan.

Video: start at 1:52min. to hear her speech  (have a barf-bag ready)

One could almost suggest the lips on the pictured face of this despicable agent of the Devil are flush with the spilled blood of the countless millions of innocent men, women, and children for which she and Lockheed Martin shareholders are directly responsible through the industry she advocates and administers. Though she and her financial supporters did not create the state of conflict that consumes this world, they do little to nothing to stifle its advancement and aggression. The revel in her pronouncement, assuring the insatiable desire for conflict and killing around the world to be a source of growth and profit for her shareholders, can only be described as gut-wrenching to anyone with a gram of empathy and human emotion.  Obviously, Ms. Hewson proves by her own admission in this video; she and those who gain by their efforts to promulgate the killing of innocent lives for profit, are void of any such human qualities.

It is not enough to support our elected officials in defense against terrorist and radical extremist both foreign and domestic, it is time to demand they financially stifle the advances of companies such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics and other provocateurs, from manufacturing and distributing tools of mass destruction.

Hollow are the words of any national leader who purports to be against the brutal killing of innocent lives be it through war or domestic violence when they are unwilling to ONCE AND FOREVER: shut down the source of the tools of war.


Steadfastly Ahead

To view this volatile world by its extremes,
Difficult to define their measure by any other mean,
Essentially, leads to disasters unfathomably obscene
Yet, unfortunately, no other conclusion is viable to glean.

The binary portrayal of all human issues confronted
Demands and delivers an outcome progressively stunted;
Historical records examined validate this presumptive
Yielding a contemporary civilization stagnant and blunted.

Progressive models to humanity’s advance have long been touted
Yet, these envisioned dreams become quickly diminished and politically flouted.
Even though voiced and demonstrated desires are publicly shouted;
Economic and monetary limitations, excuses given, though strongly doubted.

The pessimistic conclusion to all that here can be said
Is beyond the myth of `tea leaves’ to be read;
The future of global, civil unrest and potential for blood to be bled;
Leads to all that is undesirous, with certainty, lies steadfastly ahead.


Invisible Fence of Control:



The actions of the French government and its imposition of a police-state upon peaceful climate-change demonstrators are completely unnecessary. What these actions only serve to prove is the control governments insist on imposing upon its citizenry. Ironically, the same control the likes of ISIS is criticized for doing in the name of a distorted theology. So in the end, we citizens must question: are we truly free whether it be from the pathology of institutional governments or radical extremist? The criminality of the former stems from propagandist rhetoric to mislead its populace to believe they are free yet, when such freedoms, exercised as in the climate-change and similar demonstrations, the only means of publicly voicing discontent, are systematically and brutally shut-down. The concept of freedom in a purportedly democratic state is an illusion. Yes, you may have the freedom of movement but, only if your movement does not cross the line of demarcation defined by the State. And should you wish to demonstrate to voice your concern of such demarcations, you must be ready to suffer the consequence. Now is that freedom or just a prison behind the invisible fence of Control?


25000 Refugees



As the new Liberal government under Prime Minister Trudeau proceeds to process 25000 refugees from the scourge of war in the Middle East, more and more Canadians are voicing their concern that the effort will only serve to import radical terrorist to Canadian shores. The opinions voiced by way of comments to News articles addressing the concern has illustrated the true nature of some Canadians in the form of intolerance and cloaked discrimination.  To illustrate my sentiments in reaction to these comments I offer up the following:

25000 Refugees

21st Century Humanity

The wedge of divisiveness, driven down by the hammer of intolerance, wielded by a growing body of ignorance, radicalized to be indifferent toward suffering and blind to their selfish, self-serving, greedy protectionist posturing directed toward those made less fortunate by the destructive forces unleashed, sanctioned and supported by the wedge of divisiveness, driven down by the hammer of intolerance, wielded by a growing body of ignorance, radicalized to be indifferent toward suffering and blind to their selfish, self-serving, greedy protectionist posturing directed toward those made less fortunate by the destructive forces unleashed, sanctioned and supported by the wedge of divisiveness, driven down by the hammer of intolerance, wielded by a growing body of ignorance, radicalized to be indifferent toward suffering and blind to their selfish, self-serving, greedy protectionist posturing directed toward those made less fortunate by the destructive forces unleashed, sanctioned and supported by the wedge of divisiveness, driven down by the hammer of intolerance, wielded by a growing body of ignorance, radicalized to be indifferent toward suffering and blind to their selfish, self-serving, greedy protectionist posturing directed toward those made less fortunate by the destructive forces unleashed, sanctioned and supported by the….

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