Posts Tagged ‘vote


This Longest Night

Inspired by the movement that seems to be taking hold in the guise of Senator Bernie Sanders’ bid for the 45th President of the United States and, the events transpiring in Europe between Greece’s new left-wing government and, the rest of the Eurozone nations.  Through these effort, voice of the Common Peoples has chance to be heard:

Image result for Bernie SandersGreece-button-3

I walk alone, this country mile,
I harbour fear, behind a smile,
The pain I feel, has been for a while;
Each new step, has become a trial.

I look to those, who’ve come before,
For clue to what will help restore
The goodness of love that is our core;
To rid repressive apathy, for ever more.

A future of pride, full of promise
Is within our reach, vibrant and honest;
Revitalizing the weak, to be the strongest;
Railing against greed and the lawless

With this new hope, there comes a true light;
The downtrodden, for once, standing up to fight;
Fuelled by the energy to make matters right;
Exiting the darkness, from this longest night.

As a side-note: The next President-elect will be the 45th Presidency; for those into Numerology, this would reflect the Number – 9. `The last of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all numbers. The 9 has some similarities with the 6. However, whereas the 6 as a symbol of motherly (or fatherly) love, giving its love and care to friends, family and the immediate community, the 9 offers it to the world at large; the 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness. Looking at the shape of the symbol is, as always, quite telling. The 9 is like the 6 upside down, a symbol of her offering sympathy and compassion to everyone; a reservoir of giving with a generous downward spout.(source:



UPDATE TO ORIGINAL POSTING: With the coming November 8th election, every voting American  should watch this series of news reports produced by THE REAL NEWS NETWORK; an independent Internet News Network that tells it like it is and can boast ZERO conflict of corporate interests gaining its financial support solely from its viewers/registered members:

REAL NEWS REPORT: Easy Way To Steal an Election

In recognition of elections in the United States and elsewhere on this troubled Globe, I offer up the following:

Platform in hand claiming new convention
Political pundits’ cry for attention

The electorate looks the other way
Saying `why bother’ in the end, we still pay

Each Party claims: `light at the end of the tunnel
Yet the money gets siphoned as quick as water down a funnel

With words like: Promise, Trust and, Honesty, increasingly typical
The populace has reason to grow more tired and  cynical

This vile condition breeds chronic mistrust and skepticism
And a country void of a future and dwindling optimism.

Change To Timeless Promises

Change, to timeless promises, sinks
Into the depths of mental madness;
Driven there by the energies
Expended upon reflection;
Bringing tangled weaves of
Truth to hypocrisies seen;
Weaned on the milked teat
Of societal dream’s rhetoric;
To escape to this tragedy’s
Path dis-remembered;
Each, revisited, forth year’s
First Monday’s November.

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